King's Business - 1952-11

% N E E D E D B Y A D U L T S □ □ in spiration al Storms and Starlight 2.50 by V. Raymond Edman. Devotion­ al messages from the life of Christ. America's Hour of Decision 2.00 The Billy Graham campaigns with a life story of the evangelist. They Called M y Husband a Gangster 1.00 by Alice Vaus. The wife of Jim Vans tells her story. n

God's Methods for Holy Living 2.00 by Donald Grey Barnhouse. Mes­ sages on the subject of experimen­ tal holiness. fiction Mystery of the Marsh 2.00 by Paul Hutchens. This author’s 2.00 by Emmet Russell. A beautiful story of Christian romance. W ine of the Morning 2.50 by Bob Jones, Jr. A gripping novel from the time of Christ. Emerald Necklace 2.00 latest adult novel. Gold of Her Glory

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Meet Yourself in the Bible 2.50 by Roy L. Laurin. Thirty Bible characters who conquered various life situations. Golden Text for Today Yol. I and II each 3.00 by Harry Rimmer. A devotional message for every day of the year.

by Elise Fraser. A mystery re­ volving around a fabulous neck­ lace. ^ N E E D E D B Y B O Y S A N D G I R L S □ Radio Pals Marooned 1.00 by Charles Ludwig. A family of boys have some exciting adven­ Third in the series of Ginger books

for junior girls. □ Golden Boy 1.00 by Bernard Palmer. A fine horse story boys and girls will like. □ Falcon Range 1.50 by May Hall Thompson. Adven­ tures for the early teen-ager. □ Tin y Thoughts About God .75 by Ruth McNaughton. A splendid book for pre-school children.

tures. □ 10,000 Minutes at Sugar Creek

1.00 by Paul Hutchens. Latest and most amusing of the Sugar Creek Gang Series.

□ Ginger and the Turkey Raiders

1.00 by Dorothy Grunbock Johnston.


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