King's Business - 1952-11

to force Him to the throne. They felt that this was the time for His corona­ tion. With one like this as leader they were confident that the Roman power could be overcome and the glorious days of David and Solomon restored. But this was not the hour for that to take place. It evidently was just another attempt on the part of the evil one to get Christ to evade the Cross. To resist this tempta­ tion Jesus bade the disciples go across the Sea and sent the multitudes away. Pour pictures follow which deserve care­ ful study: Christ Alone on the Mountain v. 23 Surely this is a beautiful scene. It was a time of crisis in the life of our Lord. He met it as He did so many other crises in His life by the experience of prayer. After He had sent the dis­ ciples and the multitudes away, He sought the solitude of a nearby moun­ tain some distance from the shores of Galilee, there to have communion with the Father. “He was there alone”—alone as far as men were concerned but His Father was there. It was the custom of Jesus to be often alone like this. He felt the need of such occasions. The Gospels are full of instances in which He gave Himself to prayer. There is a very practical lesson here. Surely if Jesus had need to be alone in prayer ofttimes, much more do we with all our weakness and sin. We would be so much better able to minister in the sea of this world if more time were spent on the mountain (or closet) alone with God. The Disciples in Distress v. 24 As Jesus was alone on the mountain, the disciples encountered a typical Gali­ lean storm as they were crossing the lake and “were tossed with the waves.” They faced “ contrary winds.” Does this seem strange? Had not Jesus bidden them cross the lake? (v. 22). In spite of the fact that they were in the path- f way of duty, they faced difficulty. It is often so. God does not promise easy sailing for His children on the sea of life. Trace the history of God’s saints through the years and it will be evi­ dent that most of them in serving God faced “ contrary” winds. The main thing to be sure of is that the ship of our lives is headed in the right direction and if perchance within His will He allows storms to arise, He will provide the necessary grace. Do you face some contrary wind today? Seek God’s pur­ pose for it, ask for His strength to endure it, and after the experience is past you will be a better Christian (Re­ member 1 Cor. 10:13). Christ Present in Time of Need vv. 25-27 In the darkest hour of the night Jesus appeared unto His disciples. He had not forgotten them. He had seen them toiling in rowing. And so in their N O V E M B E R , 1 9 5 2

hour of greatest need, He, the omnipo­ tent Christ, appeared unto them “walk­ ing on the sea.” He appeared to banish their fears (v. 27). So Christ today lives in believing hearts as the answer to all that would cause His followers to “be afraid.” (See John 14:27.) Peter Walking on the Sea vv. 28-33 The wonder of this part of the story is not that Jesus walked upon the water, but that Peter did. It was natural for Jesus to rise above nature’s law for He is nature’s God. But Peter was a mere man. However, when mere man gets the power of God in his life great things happen. When man responds to the di­ vine invitation to “ Come unto me,” divine power is imparted to his life and lie is able to walk above the natural pull of this world. Peter began to sink only when he got his eyes off the Son of God. Teacher, do all you can to get your scholars to focus their attention upon the Lord Jesus Christ! Memory Verse: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee” (Psalm 56:3). Have you ever been afraid of some thing or some one? Everyone is afraid at some time, but Christians have the joy of knowing that their wonderful Lord says to them, “ Be not afraid.” The Psalmist said, “ What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Mothers and fathers or friends cannot be with us always, but the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son never sleeps; He never leaves those who know Him as their personal Saviour! One day Jesus’ disciples were afraid. The Saviour had sent them alone in a ship across the Sea of Galilee while He sent away the multitudes who had been listening to Him tell about God. Helps for the Children In Time of Danger Matthew 14:22-36


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