King's Business - 1952-11

Jesus went up into a mountain to pray while the disciples were crossing the Sea. When evening came, a storm arose and tossed the ship with the waves. The Saviour walked upon the waters toward His frightened disciples. Never before had they seen anyone walking on the top of the water. They were even more frightened now thinking that a ghost or a spirit was coming toward them. The Lord Jesus said, “ Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” Peter was not sure that it was really his Lord. He said, “ Lord, if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water.” When the Son of God said, “ Come,” Peter left the ship and commenced to walk on the water as Jesus was doing. As long as Peter kept his eyes upon the Saviour’s face he was alright, but when he looked away from Jesus and watched the waves and the wind he became afraid and began to sink. Peter cried out, “ Lord, save me,” and Jesus put out his hand and helped Peter into the boat. When Jesus and Peter were in the ship, the storm ceased at once. Sometimes Chris­ tians become afraid when they see the sickness, the accidents, the problems of those around them. When your heart becomes afraid, keep your eyes upon the Lord Jesus, saying with the Psalm­ ist, “ What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Dec. 21, 1952 EMMANUEL—GOD WITH US Matt. 1:18-25 Pointers on the Lesson In this week’s lesson we turn back in Matthew to the first chapter for our Christmas lesson. As you will recall, this portion of the gospel was passed over at the beginning of the quarter, as well as chapter two, in order ‘that both of them might be studied most appropriately at the Christmas season. This week’s lesson deals with the King’s birth. The birth of a prince is always of great importance. We well remember the interest connected with the birth of little Prince Charles of the present Queen Elizabeth. Since Matthew is the Gospel especially devoted to the presentation of Christ as King, we are not surprised to find His birth carefully set forth. Mark’s Gospel, on the other hand, which presents Christ as the mighty Servant of the Lord, does not deal with His birth. It is not customary to be much concerned about the birth or pedigree of a servant. But with a king it is quite different. Thus Mat­ thew’s Gospel is careful to present both the pedigree (1:1-17) and the birth of King Jesus (18-25). Further matters relating to His infancy will be studied in next week’s lesson. The Manner of His Birth v. 18-21 The phrase, on this wise, indicates

something distinctive about Christ’s birth. Mary, an obscure maiden, o*f the lineage of Judah and David, and living in the village of Nazareth, was chosen of God to be the mother of the Messiah. She was betrothed to Joseph, a carpen­ ter of Nazareth, but before the con­ summation of their marriage she was found to be with child of the Holy Ghost. Not understanding the situation, Joseph considered quietly divorcing her, for under the Jewish law betrothal was as binding as marriage itself. Then it was that an angel of the Lord appeared unto him, revealing to him that which had happened and that he should not hesitate to take Mary unto himself as his wife. He further was told that Mary was to give birth to a son and he was told what that son’s name should be— “JESUS,” that most wonderful of all names (cf. Phil. 2:9-11). “ Jesus” means Saviour, the equivalent of the name “ Joshua” of the Old Testament. The Prediction of His Birth vv. 22, 23 The birth of Jesus was a definite ful­ fillment of prophecy. The promise was made in the Garden of Eden to Eve that the Seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head. The nation of Israel had long been looking for the coming of the Deliverer, who should turn away ungodliness from Jacob. Then in Isaiah 7:14 the prophecy becomes more definite and there it is shown that “ Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Matthew tells us that these were not the words of the prophet sim­ ply. They were the words “ of the Lord” spoken by the prophet. This surely em­ phasizes the fact of the virgin birth of Christ. In these days when so many put a question mark after this doctrine, it is good to remember that the Lord has spoken on this matter. Let us believe what He has to say and forget the unbelieving insinuations of men. Furthermore, this one to be born was to be EMMANUEL. This is a Hebrew name meaning GOD WITH US. This name which was given to Christ clearly indicates His deity. When Christ walked among men, they looked into the face of deity. This is what was meant by the expression in John 14:9, “ He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” See also Hebrews 1:3, “the express image of his person.” Humble Submission to Divine Revelation vv. 24, 25 In the response of Joseph to the great fact which had been revealed to him we have one of the most beautiful instances of submission to God’s will anywhere to be found in the Scriptures. He was willing to abide by the divine plan even though it might cause him much ridi­ cule and mocking.Let us be like him in this respect. When God speaks He ought to be obeyed. Such obedience always proves blessed in the end.

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