King's Business - 1952-11

place. Enough time had elapsed for the holy family to have removed from the stable, where Christ was born, to a “house” (v. 11) where more comfort was provided. The pictures of the wise men so often seen kneeling before the Christ Child in the manger are thus not true to fact. Many think that Christ may have been approaching two years of age at the time of today’s story. This is to be said in favor of such an opinion, namely, that Herod sought the destruction of all infants in Bethlehem “from two yea/rs and under” (v. 16). The wise men of the story had seen the “ star” in the east and, believing that the prophecy of Numbers 24:17 had been fulfilled, they started out in search of the One of whom the prophecy spoke. Naturally, they came to Jerusa­ lem, which was called “ the city of the great king,” expecting to find Him there. Who were these Magi? There has been much speculation as to this. Evidently some Magi were imposters. But others were not. The wise men of our story were of the better sort. They were seeking the light. How many of them there were is not stated. Tradition says three but the Bible does not. But of this we may be sure, they were wise. They were wise in at least three respects: (1) in the object of their seeking, (2) in their act of worship, and (3) in their spirit of giving. Attitude Toward His Birth vv. 3-8 The birth of the King brought fear to the heart of Herod. He thought he might lose his position. Then, too, he was in no state of heart to meet with the in­ fluences of a righteous kingdom. When he had contacted the religious leaders of Jerusalem, they told him the place where the prophets said Christ would be born. But they seemed to manifest no great interest. The attitudes of both Herod and the religious leaders illus­ trate the way Christ is received by many at the present time. Some manifest hatred toward the Son of God. Others rank indifference whieh is just as bad. What is your attitude toward Him? Let it be that of the wise men who in every way expressed a humble submission to the Saviour. Appreciation of His Birth w . 8-11 When the wise men departed from Herod’s presence, they saw again the star of God’s providing. Probably they needed this special manifestation just at this time when surrounded by such hatred and indifference. It assured these men that God was not indifferent to their desire and need. They rejoiced in this manifestation and soon this star led them to the place “ where the young child was” (v. 9). The appreciation of these men is witnessed in their worship and gifts (v. 11). The gifts presented upon this occasion are richly suggestive; the gold, of the kingship of the Lord, and also of His power and glory; the frankincense, of the fragrance and beauty of His humanity; and myrrh, of

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Memory Verse: " . . . Thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Do you have a baby in your home? If you do, you will remember how each member of the family wanted to choose the name for the baby before he was born. Perhaps all of you wanted the same name; maybe each of you wanted a different name. And then, you had to choose two names, one for a boy and one for a girl! Before the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born, God Himself told Joseph what the baby would be named! In fact, more than seven hundred years before God’s Son was born, the Holy Spirit had told Isaiah, the prophet, to write in God’s Word, “ [thou] shalt call his name Im­ manuel,” or God with us. Jesus, another name for God’s Son, means Saviour; in a dream Joseph was told that the baby should be named Jesus for He would save His people from their sins. How wonderful to have God choose the name for the Baby and tell so far in advance what the Baby would do while He was upon the earth! Yes, Jesus was God with us—He was the Son of God taking the form of a human being that He might die for us and make us children of God if we accept Him as our per­ sonal Saviour. Jesus was God’s love- gift to the world at Christmas. Are you giving any love-gifts this year, or are you giving gifts just because you hope to receive some gifts in return? Are you giving gifts just to your family and to your friends, or have you planned a gift for the Lord Jesus on His birth­ day? What a queer birthday party you would have if everyone except you re­ ceived gifts! That is what happens on Jesus’ birthday. So few of us think of Him at the Christmas holiday season. Perhaps you can give a gift of money to Him or serve Him in some special way on His birthday. The best gift that you can give to God’s Son is the gift of your heart and your life! The next best gift is to tell someone else about Him that they may receive Him as their Saviour at this Christmas time.

Dec. 28, 1952 WISE MEN SEEK JESUS Matt. 2: 1-12 Pointers on the Lesson

The story of the visit of the wise men to worship the Lord Jesus is found only in Matthew’s Gospel. It relates definitely to the story of His kingship. It is the story of the worship of the King. Thus this beautiful account fits in admirably with the plan and purpose of the whole book of Matthew. Fulfillment of Prophecy vv. 1, 2 Some time after the birth of Jesus the events of this portion of Scripture took N O V E M B E R , 1 9 5 2

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