King's Business - 1952-11

55 Features • 7 Great Departments Make THE N E W C H A I N - R E F E R E N C E BIBLE Truly a Bible Plus a Biblical Library in One Volume (Edited by Rev. F. C. Thompson, D.D., Ph.D.) R E A D W H A T O T H E R S S A Y :

Justice Glenn Terrell, Former Chief Justice of the Surpreme Court of Florida: “ The inscription over the entrance of the Library of the Florida State College for Women in Tallahassee, Florida, is: ‘The Half of Knowledge Is to Know Where to Find Knowledge.* The New Chain Reference Bible is the ‘Where’ to find the fullest spiritual truths and to gain the most complete knowledge of the Bible in the easiest way. For the past two years I have used the New Chain Reference Bible and I have found it the best of them all.” Dr. Robert G. Lee: “ This is to testify that I have used the Thompson Chain Reference Bible for several years in my study of the Bible. I believe it is the best on the market today. I wish that every reader of the Bible and every student of the Bible had a copy of this unusually helpful Bible.” Dr. J. A. Huffman: “ I have never seen so much splendid help crowded into a single volume of the Bible.” The Late Dr. J. B. Tidwell: “ The New Chain Reference Bible is the best yet. It has more helps than any other Bible.” Evang. Dr. Walter L. Wilson: “ This New Chain Reference Bible is better than I thought. I am using it frequently: in fact, daily, and find that the unusual grouping of the Scriptures is a wonderful timesaver for me. I have spoken of the value of it to many others and shall continue to do so.” Dr. Charles E. Fuller: “ I wish every preacher and teacher of the Word had a copy of this most usable and logical reference work.” The Late Dr. Walter A. Maier: “ I use the New Chain Reference Bible with continued delight and would not be without it. I recommend it highly to pastors, teachers, students, and Bible readers.” Dr. Harry Rimmer: “ I feel that no student should be without this splendid aid1 to Bible study and instruction.”.Dr. H. Framer Sm ith: “ I find that it surpasses them all for real practical helps. To anyone desiring a better knowledge of the Scriptures I would say, examine this work before buying any other Bible.” Rapidly Replacing Other Bibl es Has So Many More New Helpsl . 1. U nique chart show ing O rigin and G row th o f the E nglish B ible. . . . _ . 2. T h e O utline Studies o f B ible Periods, com paring Bib* Beal H istory with C\»iitcin|K>rary Secular h istory. 3 . T h e A nalysis o f the B ible as a \\ bole. 4. T h e A nalysis o f each o f the GO B ooks o f the B ible. 6. T h e A nalysis o f every C hapter o f the New* Testam ent. The Revised Version is given in the wide margin opposite the verses, wherever an im­ portant difference in meaning occurs.

i ou to stu dy th e C onstructive and D estructive F orces o f ife, w ith the B ible verses printed ou t in full under such sub­ jects as Faith— U nbelief, L ove—^Hatred, Courage— Fear, etc. 33. Life Studies, 6uch as Business L ife, H om e Life, D evo­ tion al Life, T h e Surrendered Life, etc. _ 34. B ible Stories for C hildren. A list o f 56 stories to be Tead from the B ible itself. 35. M iracles o f both the O ld and N ew Testam ents listed jn C hronological Order. 36. Parables o f the O ld Testam ent. Parables o f the N ew Testam ent, listing those given in O ne G ospel O nly, those given in T w o, and those given in Three. 37. T itles and N am es o f C h rist; o f the H oly Spirit; o f G od th e Father; and o f Satan. 38. General B ible Prophecies. 39. A List o f the Prophets o f the B ible. •' 40. List o f Judges o f Israel and Judah given in C hronolog­ ica l Order. 41. List o f the N otable W om en o f the B ible. . 42. M ountains and H ills referred to in B ible, listing the Scenes o f G reat E v e n ts.# 43. D ictionary M aterial. 44. T ables o f T im e, M on ey, W eights and M easures. Eleven New Features Added in the Third Improved Edition 45. T h e H istorical B ridge, covering interval betw een the O ld and N ew Testam ents. 46. C hart show ing the H istory of the Apostles. 47. H arm ony o f the G ospels, citing references in different G o'-pcIs where events are given. 48. Calendar o f the Christian E ra. 49. T h e Post-R esurrection Appearances o f Jesus, illus­ trated with w ell-known paintings. 50. C h art o f th e Seven C hurches o f A sia, described by John. 51. An Outline H istory o f the E vangelistic and M issionary W ork o f the E arly C hurch. 52. T h e prophesies Conccrning'Jesus and their Fulfillm ent, arranged C hronologically, w ith principal verses printed out in full. 53. M ap Show ing A pproxim ate D istances from Jerusalem t o Various H istorical Points. 54. C hart Show ing the Interior Arrangem ent o f theT em ple a t Jerusalem . 55. Thirteen Special Illustrated M aps Show ing th e Jour­

6. T h e A nalysis o f the V erses o f th e entire Bible. 7 . T h e N um erical an d Chain R cfcrcn ccS ystcm s.

8 . Special Analysis o f th e Im portant B ible Characters. 9. C ontrast betw een the O ld an d N ew Testam ents. 10. T h e T op ical T reasury N ew T op ics for Prayer M eet­ ings, M en's M eetings, W om en's M eetings, M issionary M eet­ ings, Y oung P eople's M eetings, etc. 11. Special B ible R eadings for private devotions and pub- lie services. N ew and different subjects. 12. B ible H arm onies o f th e Lives o f M oses and Paul. 13. Special Portraits o f Jesus. 14. C hart o f th e M essianic Stars. 15. C hart sh ow in gcau se o f the B abylonian C aptivity 16. C hart o f the T em p le o f T ru th , illustrating the Ser­ m on on the M ount. 17. C hdrl of'Jesus' H ours on theC ross. 18. T h e C hristian W orkers' O utfit. O f special value tosou l winners. 19. A ll Prom inent B ible Characters Classified, listing the Patriarchs, Leaders in E arly H clvew H istory. Courageous R eform ers, etc., w ith m eaning o f their nam es given. 20. G olden C hapters o f the B ible. 21. A C om plete G en eral Index o f over seven thousand topics, nam es and places. 22. Special M em ory Verses selected from each B ook o f the B ible. 23. C hart Show ing Sev en E ditions of D ivine Law . 24. G raph o f the Prodign ISon. 25. B ible M nem onics, or how to m em orize. 26. T h e Principles and B est M ethods o f B ible Study 27. Pictorial Illustration o f the R iver o f Inspiration. 28. B ible M arkings, Explaining best m ethods o f m arking one's B ible. 29. C oncordance. 30. A tlas o f 12 colored m aps w ith index for quickly locat­ in g places. Other Features In Text Cyclopedia 31. T opical Study o f the B ible. C orrelated Scriptures printed ou t in fu ll under 2467 topics an d sub-topics. T hree timesas m any as in an y other B ible. 3 2 . C ontrast Study o f G reat Truths o f the B ible. E nables

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