King's Business - 1952-11

Let us not think, however, that the liquor interests will stop at this. Fur­ ther offensives will be planned, sup­ ported by unlimited liquor funds. According to the latest available figures, the Roman Catholic School en­ rollment in the United States increased from 2,431,289 to 2,607,879 during a ten- year period. During that same period, the non- Catholic (largely evangelical) enroll­ ments increased from 310,365 to 489,742. When reduced to percentages, we find the Roman Catholic enrollment increased 7% (a normal gain) and the non-Catho- lic enrollment increased 60%, which is a rather startling gain. It would seem that many evangelicals in this country have awakened to the fact of the great po­ tentialities for Christ and for the Prot­ estant Church presented in the Christian day school system. Almost No Delinquency S There is almost no juvenile delin­ quency in India, according to Sherwood S. Roberts, inspector of police of Luck­ now. The reason seems to be that if a minor commits some crime, the parents are sent for immediately. They must post a sizable bond and then the young culprit is released into their custody. If the minor commits another crime, the parents forfeit the bond. The result is that they keep the child at home, watch­ ing him all the time. With this parental interest we find the Bible in hearty accord. The Scrip­ tural idea is a closely-knit family unit with parents vitally interested in their children and assuming the primary re­ sponsibility of their training. But this training, while inflexible, is to be ad­ ministered in love, but not without re­ course to the rod when necessary. It is true that the child who learns to obey his parents will also obey the laws of his land and the laws of his God. Now Twenty Per Cent ¿¡t We understand that our government has increased the percentage of deduc­ tions permitted for church and chari­ table contributions to 20% of one’s gross income. This additional allowance will be available on the 1952 income tax re­ turns. But the 20% deduction, of course, is applicable only if contributions were made to that amount. It would seem that the government feels secure in allowing this increase, rather than being worried that such a liberal provision will incur still more deficits in our national treasury. A rather sad commentary on this whole matter is the statistic of 2%% which is the average deduction taken by Ameri­ can citizens, revealing their actual giv­ ing. What a tremendous boost could be given to Christian work and missionary enterprise the world over if the people of America took advantage of the gov­ ernment’s generosity and actually gave 20% of their income to God’s work! Christian School Revival

Modern Civilization ¿t Automobiles equipped with subma­ chine guns and shotguns are now con­ voying armored trucks as they handle shipments of money. The automobiles carry three men trained in the use of all firearms, particularly the submachine gun. This system was recently put into effect by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. What a commentary on our advanced (?) civilization! Surely this is one of the signs of the times. Has not the Scripture predicted that in the last days perilous times shall come. “ For men shall be . . . fierce” (2 Tim. 3:1-3). The best way to stop smoking, ac­ cording to Scottish Dr. Lennox John­ son, is to stop smoking. The craving for tobacco must be understood and the dangers of nicotine appreciated before the will-power can separate a man from his cigarettes. But it can be done. A great hindrance in the way of the reformation of many smokers is the fact that about 80% of doctors are smokers. The cure, however, pays off and will bring about an accession of high spirits, energy, appetite and sexual potency, with a recession of coughing. Church Beer Permit £ The Ohio state liquor department has issued a beer and wine permit to a church organization. The permit will allow the St. John Cantius Catholic Church to sell high-powered beer and wine to bowlers at 12 new alleys in the church recreation building. Monsignor Francis Duda, pastor, stated that only bowlers from factories and other non­ church organizations would be served. Crime Prediction Another tragic foreview of crime has recently been issued by the FBI in its semi-annual report. For the last six months of the present year, the report estimated that over a million major crimes will be committed, an increase of 6.4% over the previous year. The breakdown suggests that one murder, manslaughter, rape or assault to kill occurs every 4.6 minutes, with all these increasing substantially during the latter half of 1952. One of the saddest statistics concerns the fact that more frequent arrests were to be made among the J8-year-olds than any other group. Surelv it is high time for America to fall to her knees in genuine contrition before lawlessness rises up to seriously threaten our entire civilization. Japanese Best Seller & In a recent issue of Shincho, one of Japan’s most popular monthly maga­ zines, a columnist, Soichi Oya who pro­ fesses no particular interest in religion suggests about best sellers that hardly any exceed 100,000 copies while the New Testament month by month continues to mount higher and higher always in ex­ cess of 100,000 copies. How to Stop

By William W . Orr, D.D.

Mr. Oya continues, “ I have no inten­ tion of propagating the interests of the Bible Society, but in 1950 the circula­ tion of the Bible in the world was 21,- 800,227 copies and it is translated into 1,116 languages. Since the end of World War II the circulation is 3,000,000 and more copies in Japan alone; this places the Japanese Bible as second in this class in world circulation. Mr. Oya con­ cludes by suggesting that the Bible should be called “ The greatest best seller.” Mexican Catholic Persecution

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