KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. J. Richard Chase

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

PANELDiscussions Q. Spokane, Wash. " Can you please explain simply the subject of tith­ ing?" the Lord has blessed us. Certainly the tithe is a good standard at which we can begin but we need not stop there.

A. First of all, keep in mind that all things belong to the Lord. This is the meaning of true stewardship. It is the realization that Cod en­ trusts us to handle that which He has given in a manner which will bring honor to Him. This is the basic fact all too few people act upon. There are those who believe that the tithe only began with Is­ rael in the tabernacle and temple worship. While this was a part of it, the principle began long before then. In Genesis 14:20 we find the first mention of the subject. This period was long before the Law was given. As New Testament be­ lievers, we are told that our re­ sponsibility is to give according as

Q. Arroyo Grande, Calif. "Should the amount we tithe from our in­ come be based on what we actually get, or the amount earned before taxes?" A. Again, we are not under law. This is a matter between the in­ dividual and his Lord. It does seem that Cod should not get any less of an interest than the govern­ ment. Giving, after all, should not be what we have to do, but what we want to do for the Saviour. It is a very insidious thing, this bus­ iness of how much we need to pay off our bills. Remember, we have an obligation to God's work, too. As we have pointed out, it is ten Page 23

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