KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

Beverly Meyst is the Accounts Payable Clerk for Blola. Bev's husband, Bob, is a new employee and a student this semester.

shifted the rod from one hand to another he became very tired and weary with the heat of the day. Aaron and Hur came to help, all three fighting the unseen compe­ tence of the devil throughout the long hours of the battle. Another interesting event in Is­ rael's history is recorded in Num­ bers 22 beginning at verse one. This interesting passage tells that Moab was distressed because of the Israelites' strength. Balak was king of the Moabites and was afraid, without any cause, of a po­ tential attack from Cod's people.

They were dwelling in adjacent ter­ ritory. The close proximity, as well as the stories he had heard, gave him this cause for alarm. Balak knew of a greedy back­ slidden prophet who would do anything for money. Balaam's sor­ cery and power of divination, as well as the gift of prophecy, had been sought by people all around. Balak hoped that he could get Balaam to bring confusion to the children of Israel. He wanted them filled with terror and dismay so that they would not have the strength to oppose the Moabites. Page 35

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