KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

der, but prayer prevailed and God brought deliverance. He was the last of the royal line of David, and otherwise would be able to leave no heir. No provision could there­ by be made for the coming of the Messiah. By getting Hezekiah sick the devil was again trying to wipe out the godly line through whom even­ tually would come the Saviour. But God thwarts his purposes and works a miracle in the healing of the king. He was also given the sign of the turning back of the sundial. Hezekiah finally has a child who later comes to the throne and provides the Seed line. In Jeremiah 22:22-30 God pro­ nounces judgment upon Israel as they are given into the hands of the enemy. Nebuchadrezzar had laid hold and desolate the city of Jerusalem. Coniah was the ruling king, but his wickedness, as well as that of his eight sons, ruled them out of the position of continued service to their people. None of them were to be recognized by the Lord. God reckoned Coriiah to be childless. This must have seemed to the devil that he had won the conflict. But God certainly knew what He was doing, for He had His faithful witness which would be the holy line of victory. It is still true that while God's mills grind slowly,you maybe sure that they grind exceedingly fine. You cannot live your life as though God did not exist. You may shake your fist in His face now, but there will come a time when you must give an account before His throne of justice. The Scripture warns, af­ ter death there comes the judg­ ment. No man can escape, except through the promise of the Sav-

give the assured promise of eter­ nal life. It was there on the cross that the Saviour forever frustrated the purposes of Satan. You and I can enjoy victory in the Lord through this power and majesty. One Bible teacher likens the tri­ umph over Satan on the cross as to what happens on a farm when a chicken has its head removed. While for a moment there seems to be life and activity, it is only the nerves and reflexes which con­ tinue to move. So, the devil lost his power at the cross although at this moment he still attempts to subdue any authority of Christ in the lives of men and women. One of these days, in the judgment to come, he will be completely and forever stilled. It will all be over for him. At the cross, so to speak, Satan's head was removed. In II Kings 20:1-11 we have an amazing passage which concerns the illness of King Hezekiah who had prayed to the Lord for strength that he might not die. The petition was heard and God promised heal­ ing as well as another 15 years of service. Hezekiah was from the line of David who told Isaiah, God's prophet, that he wanted to do that which the Almighty had bidden. Five kings had come be­ tween Joash and Hazekiah, who “ did that which was right in the sight of the Lord." Unfortunately, he was so concerned for his life and his possessions that he liter­ ally bribed a Syrian king to leave him alone. To pay this apparent blackmail he robbed the temple of God of its gold and silver orna­ ments. This worry and anxiety no doubt had much to do with mak­ ing him sick unto death. He had been told to set his house in or­

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