KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

This event took place in the midst of the Persian empire which consisted of some 127 provinces. The king, Ahasuerus, was very am­ bitious, possessing a cruel and rash temper. His plan was to conquer and rule the world. The sovereign­ ty was shared with seven princes who made up his official cabinet. Since Vashti was taken from the position of queen, due to her re­ fusal to expose herself during one of the king's drunken orgies, it was ordered that a new queen be se­ lected. The choice ultimately was the beautiful Jewish girl whose name was Esther. Haman had gained the king's ear and had got­ ten him to decree that all of the Jews should be killed. Perhaps a descendant of Agag, as some Bible teachers see it, Haman would have a natural imbred hatred for Israel. It was against the Jewish law for anyone to bow down and worship a human being. For that reason, Mordecai naturally refused to pay such homage to Haman. He was a good Israelite and really believed in the Lord. Others followed in his example which caused greater con­ sternation for Haman. In such a position of contempt he was ripe for use by Satan. The king took Haman's bribe and issued the decree which ordered the death of the Jews. Esther, how­ ever, was given courage to appear before Ahasuerus without having been invited. As the niece of Mor­ decai, she too was in danger of death. She saw her duty and ac­ cepted it, no matter the cost to herself. She sought the face of the Lord three days in prayer before she ever came to see her husband the king. Esther had a strong faith and


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