KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

riage vows themselves. Unfaithful­ ness on the part of either was con­ sidered to be adultery. Gabriel was sent from God. On­ ly two angels are mentioned by name in the Bible. Gabriel is al­ ways the messenger to Israel, while Michael is the defender. Angels are ministering spirits doing the work and will of God. Joseph and Mary were both Bethlehemites who had settled in Nazareth. It was God's plan that Jesus should grow up in the latter city. The coming of the angel was a personal, vis- sible appearance by Gabriel. Mary praised the Lord when she received the prophecy of Messiah's coming. What a great blessing was to be received. No wonder she was as­ tonished. Isaiah prophesied that a child would be born and that a Son would be given. There is a differ­ ence in these two statements. A child came into existence through birth, but the Son was given, for He had already existed; He was God! His name Jesus is the same as the Old Testament Joshua which simply means, Jehovah Saviour. Mary was promised that the child would be great. He would be won­ derful in every respect of His life and ministry to all mankind. Mir­ aculously, the Holy Spirit came up­ on this Jewish virgin and placed within her womb the Saviour of the world. This was the Seed prom­ ised in Genesis 3:15. Mary gladly received the word and believed what the will of God was for her life. She obeyed without a mo­ ment's hesitation. This was entirely an act of faith. Mary then went into the hill country to see her cousin Elizabeth who was also filled with the Holy

at the Christmas season, but to realize how the devil even attacked Mary. The depths of the mystery of God's love can never be fully fathomed. Its heights can never be measured. Through 14 generations from Abraham, God showed His great and tender mercy. This was inspite of man's rejection of Him. Isaiah 7:14 foretold that the Seed would be born of the virgin. The devil knew these prophecies. He was watching for the first sign of the fulfillment. He understood that the chosen vessel must be a de­ scendant of David, unmarried, and a virgin. Mary met all of these re­ quirements as God had selected her. Tidings came to Mary in a unique manner. When Gabriel appeared to her she was told that she had found favor with God. The devil no doubt also heard this announce­ ment. In Luke's account of the gen- eology of Christ, no woman's name is mentioned. If there is no son, as in Mary's family, the name of the daughter's husband and the fath­ e rs son-in-law is always recorded in the record. Thus, Joseph's name is given as the son-in-law of Heli, Mary's father. Mary was a virgin betrothed to Joseph who was a carpenter of Nazareth. There was commonly an interval of ten to twelve months before the marriage contract, or the engagement, was actually con­ summated. This gave time for the preparation of a dowry. The groom would prepare a home. The bands of love could be strengthened and proven. The worthiness of the bride, as well as her purity, were to be attested to before the cere­ mony actually took place. The be­ trothal was as binding as the mar- Page 46

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