KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

of the case. The man I, talked with told me, "We think we had a good case, but we decided to drop it. We figured it would cost too much." Last August I was covering the Christian Booksellers Convention at Minneapolis and I was talking to one of the richest Christian publishers in America, and he said to me, "That was an interesting story you had about the Bible and the school principal. I called the people you mentioned and told them if they needed any money for the case I'd be glad to help." There you have it. The unbeliev­ er let nothing stand in her way until she had touched the lever of power that caused the Bible to be thrown out of the American public schools. But when the opportunity arose to press an answering case that had every opportunity to go forward — including full publicity and an important offer of help — the believers failed to go forward with it, failed to touch the lever of power in the law. It is always the objective of the adversary to energize and propel forward unbelievers, while induc­ ing the maximum amount of inac­ tion among believers. Satan has kept believers on a lower level of faith and action than we ought to be on. Where Christians make them­ selves absent, a spiritual vacuum is created that the devil is quick to fill. I have here a copy of a big, beautifully printed magazine called "Print Project Amerika." This mag­ azine was published by students from Columbia University and from the University of Chicago on $50,- 000 that a few young men spent last summer going around and raising.

If you'll notice the big word here, "Video," and the titles of ar­ ticles — "Television For the Peo­ ple, By the People" and "The Video Guerillas"—you will see that much of the content expresses the desire of these young people to get hold of the media. I quote: "The new generation will not tolerate the miniaturized vaudeville, the radio with a pic­ ture, that is television as presently employed." They want to change it, and another article tells how: They in­ tend to present televised sequences of a couple having sexual inter­ course in a meadow, an interview with Abbie Hoffman but mixed in such a way that a picture of Pres­ ident Nixon will seem to be mouth­ ing Abbie Hoffman's words, and so on. "The media must be liber­ ated," a young man writes. Now hear these words: "WE WILL SEIZE THE MEDIA!" That is what these young people intend to do. It's a big job and they may not make it, but they are going to go after it with everything they've got. "We will seize the media!" We had better not underestimate what a fanatically dedicated and revolutionary minority may be able to do. We had better realize that if Christian believers do not make strong and early moves into the mass media, they may be taken over by what will be far worse ev­ en than what we have now. Consider China. The door to mis­ sions opened there in the last cen­ tury and many went in. There were great missionary movements in that vast nation, some of them with miracles attesting the Word. And a Christian establishment grew in Page 55

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