KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

Israel and Prophecy B y C H A R L E S Long before Abraham was called of God, the Lord made known that through Shem there would come the promise of the Redeemer (Gen- sis 9:25-27). This early prophetic promise is sometimes overlooked. It follows the sin of Ham as Noah pronounces his judgment, "Cursed by Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his ser­ vant." Here we see the moral char­ acter of the nations born of Noah's sons. History has borne out this judgment. The fleshly nature of Ham's descendants has been serv­ itude. Japhethitic nations have been influential in government and the arts. The Shemitic peoples, mean­ while, have been the nations of re­ ligion. This passage teaches us that Shem and his descendants are to be the repository of God's truth. Note that the Lord is referred to as "the God of Shem." This denotes a special covenant relationship between them. A definite choice was made by the Almighty. From this time on we see Shem as the center of Bib­ lical redemption history. Ultimately through Shem will be the channel for the Saviour. The choice was by love and grace. It certainly was not anything Shem did over Japheth or Ham. Shem was also to be the revealer of truth. Spiritually we are all in­ debted to this race of people. Note "I would not have anything Jew­ ish in my house," a wealthy man told a well-known minister. He continued, "I have such a hatred for the Jew I am careful to keep anything that has a Jewish connec­ tion out of my house." The preach­ er said not a word but got up, went over to a table and picked up a Bible. Then he selected several volumes from the bookcase and put them before the fireplace. He went to paintings on the wall. One picture was of Paul preaching at Athens and another was of the Crucifixion. These he proceeded to remove until his host complained, "What are you doing? What right do you have to take such liberties in my home?" His visitor suggested, "You told me you would not have anything Jewish. I was just helping you take out the many things in this single room which are Jewish. Because of how you feel, should I not throw them into the fire?" The wealthy man protested vigorously. Then, mellowing, he conceded, "Little did I realize how greatly indebted I am to the Jews." Too many have failed to do the same, especially considering the eternal values which are in view. With this issue Dr. Feinberg begins a monthly commentary on Prophetic Scriptures. Page 58 L . F E IN B E R G a few important references (Gene­ sis 12:3; 49:10; John 4:22; Romans 3 :1 ,2). The same will be so when Messiah reigns during the millen- ium. Gentile believers are, for the most part, descendants of Japheth. They dwell in the tents of Shem for we look to Christ for salvation. The hope of heaven and eternal life is through the Jew.

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