C ardinus P roperty & I nsurance
R is k R eporting & Scheduling K no w t h e f iner detai l s o f your property w it h INDIGO, our inno v ati v e ris k reportin g and sc h edu l in g so f t w are. S tay comp l iant w it h t h e re q uirements o f t h e B ui l din g S a f ety A ct and Th e F ire S a f ety O rder.
Stand-alone license
Everything you need in one place
Use INDIGO to digitally manage your entire property portfolio. INDIGO provides a secure, easy-to-use, web-based portal for requesting, carrying out and implementing insurance risk surveys.
INDIGO can be licensed as a stand-alone reporting and auditing system. This means it can be used by anyone and customised to your requirements.
Store Golden Thread information
What can you expect from INDIGO?
INDIGO will improve risk by recording the Golden Thread information for your property, which is required by the Building Safety Bill. This means you can easily access your building’s fire and structural safety information when you need it and remain compliant with UK legislation.
INDIGO supports every part of your property risk survey process and will help you to:
R educe the costs of organising and managing survey s
A ccess and track survey information 24/7 Simplify the storage of your risk surveys and assessment s Oversee the full survey ordering proces s Identify risk factors at a glanc e A utomate new survey request s Schedule survey s Send automated emails when action is require d P roduce high quality reports in a consistent format.
020 7469 0262 | property@cardinus.com | cardinus.com/property-services
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