

Devon Jackson: flying high, yo-yo style

Hecamehomefromthatfirstcompetition with the Canadian championship in the single-yo-yo category. He then went to the New York City International Yo-yo Competitionsin2007,2008and2009(itslast year),wherehemadeittoaroundtenthplace eachtime.Hehasbeencompetingfrequently since. The Canadian competitionwas not held in2008,butin2009hewonfifthplace,again inMontreal.In2010theeventwashostedin Calgary.Butin2011,nowlivinginVancouver, hemadethetriptoCalgarywhereheplaced

second. He has also attended the World’s competitionsinFlorida,wherehemadeitto the final rounds. Jackson, 24, works for an IT company in Vancouver and went to school at Russell PublicandMiddleschoolsandNorthDundas DistrictHighSchool.Hesayshepracticedat home, watched videos on the Internet and studiedplayersdoingtheirtricks.Heintends to continue competing. “It’s fun to be on stageandseeinghowyoudoagainstthebest yo-yo players in the world,” he says. Scoring is based on string hits and difficulty and much is up to the judge’s

discretion. Some players choreograph their moves andmusic ahead of time, but Jackson says he wings it. “I just go with nothing planned and pickmymusic at the last minute.” Jackson is sponsored by Spyy Saturn PrecisionYo-yos,oneoftheworld’slargest yo-yo companies. It is based in Calgary, as is Caribou Lodge Yo-yo works. To see Jackson’s artistry on the internet googleDevon Jackson yo-yo. His advice to young yo-yo players is, “Play every day. Have fun. It’s lots of fun and everyone should do it—everyone should play with yo-yos.”


RUSSELL | Devon Jackson never intended to become Canada’s yo-yo champion when he first competed in 2007. But then… When the formerNorthRussell decided to enter the competition in Montreal that year, “it was sort of a, why not, thing,” says Jackson,whosedecisiontoenterwasstrongly influenced by his father.

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