Roz Marketing Specialists - January/February 2022


Kudos to Patrick Noone for acquiring four tax resolution clients in one week—all from referrals! You’re right when you say, “When people know, like, and trust you, referrals are the gift that keeps on giving!” Congrats to DaveTudor for negotiating a deal with the IRS and having $834,000 in additional taxes, penalties, and interest waived for a client whom the IRS claimed owed $1,7000,000. Way to go, Victoria Blasiak , for giving a presentation to realtors and also leaving your cards in a real estate broker’s office and getting retained by two people, one for $12,000 and the other for $6,000! Nice going, Antonio Nava , for giving a presentation titled“Make Tax Sexy” at NAHREP’s (National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals) L’Attitude conference. High-five to R.C. Thornton for appearing on Michael Banovac’s podcast “Millionaire Brand Creation” to discuss taxes for real estate agents. Way to go, Guy Finocchiaro , on successfully abating $22,000 in penalties for an LLC client! High-five to Peter Marchiano for receiving over $63,000 in passive income in 2021 from the Audit Protection Plan System andToolkit, now called the Client Care Package. Peter implemented the Client Care Package four years ago in his

practice, and the total income he has received since implementation is $213,000! High-five to Ken Allen , whomade $115,000 in passive income in 2021 with the Client Care Package! Kudos to LuSundra Everett and Timalyn Bowens for speaking at the Tax & Accounting Summit 2021. Kudos to Yvette Best , whose Client Care Package generated $59,428 in passive income for her this tax season! Congrats to Roxanne Richardson for securing a client with a $10,000 deposit and a $3,000 monthly retainer! Congratulations to MonicaMendez on passing the EA exam! Way to go, CandaceWansley , for sending out her lien letters and receiving praise fromone recipient who said her letter stood out from the 90 letters he received, and all the other letters were“crap” in comparison and whoever designed her letter and brochure should receive five stars! Way to go Eugene Ganeles, Lloyd Conley , and Dionne Cheshier for personalizing our done-for-you Tax Resolution Times Newsletter and mailing them out! High five to Douglas Dick, Samirah Amatullah, Jan Telesky, Eugene Ganeles, Tina Pittman, Ross Hitchen, Corinne Adams,

Congratulations to Platinum Mastermind Member Jesus Abikarram* on the release of his new book, “Free Yourself From IRS.”

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Form 1040 tax return, you can complete an offer in compromise. The best way to learn is by doing, and if you are in our Roz Strategies membership, we offer technical case support to answer all of your questions. If you’ve been on the fence about adding tax resolution to your practice or hiring someone else to take care of the 1040 work while you jump into tax resolution full time, consider this a sign: There is no better time than now. There’s also no better time than now to market for tax resolution work you’re already doing. It’s January, and everyone has taxes on the brain! The IRS is growing, and that growth could be a huge win for your business. All you have to do is take advantage of it. By this time next month, you could be working tax resolution cases, charging higher fees, helpingmore clients, and buildingmore wealth for yourself and your family. So, what are you waiting

for? Put your pedal to the metal andmake 2022 your best year yet! –Michael Rozbruch

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