Under the existing framework, gambling activities may be conducted with permission from the Ministry of Interior. However, such permissions are seldom granted due to the Ministry’s restrictive policies, except in limited and specific cases. In a significant recent development, the government is now moving to amend the Gambling Act. The proposed draft law seeks to redefine “gambling”, increase penalties for gambling- related offenses to curb underground operations, and – most notably – introduce provisions that could legalize online gambling. This potentially seismic shift could fundamentally reshape Thailand’s legalized gambling landscape. According to the proposal, online gambling would be permitted subject to official authorization. However, the regulatory framework outlining the application process and approval criteria
has yet to be developed. Detailed regulations are expected to follow once the amended Gambling Act is enacted.
Conclusion Thailand stands on the cusp of a new era in its entertainment and tourism sectors. The potential legalization of casinos functioning within larger mega-entertainment complexes and riding on the country’s already magnetic appeal as a regional entertainment hub, promises to transform Thailand into a premier destination for global entertainment-driven tourism. As if that is not monumental enough, online gambling may soon be legalized in Thailand as well. As the legislative process unfolds, all eyes will be on Thailand to see how it navigates the challenges ahead and converts them into opportunities that would be an economic game changer.
AKKARAPORN MUANGSOBHA Partner, Rajah & Tann (Thailand) For information contact: +66 2656 1991 KOK KENG LAU Head, Intellectual Property, Sports & Gaming, Rajah & Tann (Singapore)
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