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Welcome to the future
It’s a strange and unfamiliar pleasure to pen this, my first Magazine editorial, but it does give me the opportunity to let you know some of the things that have been going on with IMGL. Firstly, however, it would be remiss of me not to mention Quirino Mancini’s stellar stewardship over the past two years. I am extremely grateful to him for handing on an organization in great shape. Like all our past presidents, he will be a tough act to follow, but I will endeavor to do my best. Before I get into some of the details of our plans for the next period, I would like to encourage you to join me in Vancouver for our spring conference in April. Along with Ron Segev, the conference organizing team and I have worked hard to craft an exceptional event that will deliver top-flight education and networking in a superb location. We have focused on creating an event that is as inclusive as possible, with sessions dedicated to younger lawyers, a focus on indigenous and first nation participation and an occasion that cements our relationships with regulators. I am very much looking forward to meeting every one of you, to sharing time together and to hearing your vision for our future, so please do make every effort to attend. You can discover more details in these pages and, of course, online at our website In my early days as president, I have focused on what more the IMGL can do for members. With that in mind, our committees have been reviewed and, in some cases, revamped with our members in mind to make sure we deliver for you across all our
activities. Our Masterclass Committee is working on an exciting schedule of events where IMGL members will take to the stage to share the benefit of their wisdom and experience with audiences in the US and Canada, in Rome, Cyprus, Czechia, Italy and Lisbon. To support these opportunities, we are putting in place marketing support to highlight members’ involvement together with materials pointing people to our online member directory. Our Membership, New Jurisdictions and Publications & Marketing Committees are developing ways to both attract new members and to give all members greater exposure through our publications and social media platforms. We can expect to see greater use of our website and media partnerships to deliver a range of new opportunities in the coming months. Our Education Committee is looking at reshaping our Student Writing Competition to give greater incentives to potential entrants and valuable experience and exposure to the next generation of gaming lawyers. I believe this is an exciting time to be an IMGL member and I hope you will make the most of the plans and opportunities we are working on. Above all I look forward to working with you at industry events around the world, to listening to your ideas for where we can go together and to securing the position of the IMGL as the pre-eminent association for gaming lawyers, regulators and advisors. Marc Dunbar
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