New Vision Magazine

SSVF Outreach Coordinator S am is passionate about his work. The U.S. Army veteran and current New Vision House of Hope SSVF Outreach Coordinator, takes pride in his ability to meet veterans where they are in life. He intimately understands the struggles that come with being homeless and the challenges that confront those who have recently been released from incarceration, because he has experienced the same. Thankfully, Sam wanted better for himself. The Bronx, New York native entered the New Vision House of Hope program, worked hard, and turned his life around. His efforts, character and gregarious personality did not go unnoticed. For the past three years, he has used his straight talk approach to successfully engage and assist hundreds of veterans in the Baltimore area who are either homeless or in jeopardy of becoming so. Securing housing, however, is not the ultimate goal. Sam and the New Vision House of Hope SSVF staff seek to help clients become stable enough to stand on their own two feet so that they can lead productive and meaningful lives. By sharing his own story, he provides evidence that it is possible. SAM

“He intimately understands the struggles that come with being homeless and the challenges that confront those who have recently been incarcerated...”

“For the past three years, he has used his straight talk approach to successfully engage and assist hundreds of veterans in the Baltimore area who are either homeless or in jeoprady of becoming so.”



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