New Vision Magazine


Earl faced a tough predicament upon release from paying his debt to society. Being homeless (once again) was a very real possibility. His family in Frederick, Maryland did not have room to take him in. Thankfully, someone suggested that he reach out to New Vision House of Hope because of its outstanding reputation and its ability to immediately accept him. Earl did the rest. He made the call, set up the appointment, and took a bus straight to Baltimore City to meet with an intake counselor. He hasn’t looked back since. Today, Earl is thriving. He is a New Vision House of Hope House Manager, and has, for the first time in his life, made a sincere attempt to stay clean and sober. Alcohol, he explains, often served as the root of much of the trouble he has gotten into over the years. Being willing to listen to his case worker and counselors, learn, and give himself a break has been essential to turning his life around. He is grateful for the help he has received, and looks forward to continuing to reconnect with his family and friends back home, steadfast in his belief that pursuing his recovery must always come first.


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