8A — May 16 - 29, 2014 — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
NorthernVABuildings&FacilitiesMaintenance Show
Potomac Asphalt supports Wounded Warrior Project
Full service mechanical contractor CTS Services - mechanical services for over 30 years
TS Services is a full- service mechanical contractor dedicated to providing mechanical ser- vices to owners and manag- ers of Communication, Com- mercial, and Mission Criti- cal Facilities. With over 30 years’ experience, the CTS team has the knowledge and background to provide qual- ity installations, preventive maintenance, and service for all types of mechanical systems. From providing 24-hour emergency response for critical cooling systems to expert service for any C
make of cooling tower, CTS always goes the extra mile. We have an outstanding reputation for Quality, Re- sponsiveness, and a Make- It-Happen attitude. With the most talented and dedicated technicians in the area, CTS is one of the premi er HVAC con- tractors in the Baltimore - Washington- Northern Virginia marketplace. Our services Include: • Design and engineering, installation, maintenance, service and repair of all types o f HVAC and me -
chanical systems • Fu l l c omp r ehens i v e maintenance, 24-hour ser- vice and complete mechani- cal & electrical services for Mission Critical facilities • Complete cooling tower services including main- tenance, service & repair, rebuilds and replacement • Prefabrication of piping systems, riser replacements and emergency piping re- pairs • Maintenance and 24 hour emergency serv i ce for critical and emergency power systems. n
When you sign a contract for any of our services, we will donate $100 to the Wounded Warrior Project. Proceeds will be donated as a one time contribution in December 2014. Follow our Progress on Facebook Thank you to the following companies for helping us reach our goal. • PMP • The Plaza • Ambient HOA
INWOOD, WV - Potomac Asphalt , who brings thirty years of experience to every paving rehabilitation project, is proud to make the following announcement: As a thank you to the men andwomen of theUnitedStates military; Potomac Asphalt will donate $100 for every signed contract received in 2014 to the Wounded Warrior Project. Join us in supporting our troops.
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