Real Estate Journal — May 16 - 29, 2014 — 1A
M id A tlantic
Metro New Jersey Chapter P.O. Box 6045 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Phone: 732-560-0072 Email: appraisal, Metro New Jers y Chapter P.O. Box 6045 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Phone: 732-560-0072 Email: appraisal,in titute@verizon. et
Metro New Jersey Chapter 2014 President, Joseph E. Baldoni, MAI Metro New Jersey Chapter 2014 President, Jo eph E. Baldoni, MAI
As the President of the Metro New Jersey Chapter for 2014, I am privileged to be able to serve in this capacity. The Chapter’s goals and its mission have always been to provide services to its members through the full time staffed Executive Director’s office and to provide a strong educational venue for individuals who have an interest in the Appraisal Profession. In addition, Metro New Jersey sponsors the annual, day long, Princeton Conference, which is the longest continuous educational appraisal conference in the country. This year’s conference, the 78 th year, was held on April 11 th at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Princeton. Our Fall Conference will be held on October 24 th at the Woodbridge Hilton. These conferences provide CE credits for appraisers, tax assessors, and attorneys as well as a forum for networking. A Dinner Meeting is scheduled for October 2 nd , at the Woodbridge Hilton, in Iselin and we welcome you to attend. Our educational calendar provides classes throughout the year to facilitate candidates with the ability to meet their educational requirements for designation and to assist members in their continuing education requirements. The Chapter also supports various charities with fund raiser events during the year. A very successful one has been the Baseball Fund Raiser that is held at Patriots Stadium, in Bridgewater, NJ. This is a fun, family oriented event, with all proceeds going to a charitable organization. This year it will be held on May 18 th and proceeds will go to The Sharing Network that provides for organ and tissue donation and transplantation. The Officers and the Board of Directors, along with various Committee Chairs are continuously working hard to plan our programs, meet the Chapter requirements and stay abreast of developments within our industry. They are all available to assist with any questions a candidate or member may have. They give of their time for which the Chapter and I are grateful. In addition, the Mentoring Program, whereby candidates receive assistance from designated members, has been and will be instrumental in helping candidates achieve their designations. I have been a member of Metro New Jersey Chapter since 1968 and during those years I can say that the Chapter and the Appraisal Institute has always met the needs of its members and candidates and they have both changed and grown in a positive manner that positions the Appraisal Profession for the future. Change is always necessary to meet challenges on a local, national and international level. I believe that despite the challenges to our profession, the need for qualified appraisers, with strong educational backgrounds and specific education as provided by the Appraisal Institute will ensure the future of the Appraisal Profession Please check our website for upcoming educational offerings, events, and government relations updates. The Appraisal Institute is a leader in education, communication and information and the Metro New Jersey Chapter is your source to stay current. Joseph E. Baldoni, MAI, 2014 Metro New Jersey Chapter President The Metro New Jersey Chapter Education: To inquire about Discounts when registering for more than 1 course, e-mail . State Qualifying Education: Register two weeks or more before course start date to avoid late fees Real Estate Finance, Statistics and Valuation Modeling - April 25 & 26 15 Hour USPAP - May 2 & 3 General Appraiser Income Approach Part 2 - May 2, 3, 9 & 10 General Site Valuation and Cost Approach - October 10, 11, 17 & 18 General Report Writing & Case Studies - November 17 - 20 Continuing Education 7 Hour USPAP - June 5 & December 4 – Days Hotel Advanced Education Advanced Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use – September 12, 13, 18, 19 & 20 Advanced Concepts and Case Studies – December 8 - 13 QE Course Location: Raritan Valley Community College, Branchburg, NJ General Report Writing, 7 Hour USPAP and Advanced Education - Days Hotel, 195 Route 18 South, East Brunswick, NJ M tro New Jersey Chapter for 2014, I am privileged to be a le to serve in this c ity. The Chapter’s goals and i s mission have always b en to provide services to it members through the f i e staffed Executive Dir ctor’s office and to provide a st ng educational ve ue for indivi uals who have a t rest in the Appraisal Profession. In addition, Metro New J rsey spon or the annual, day long, Princeton Conf e, which is the longest ontinuous educational appr isal conferen e in the country. This year’s conferenc 78 th year, was held on April 11 th at the Marriott Hotel and C nference C t r in Princeton. Our Fall Confere ill be held on October 24 th at the Woodbridg Hilt n. Th se conferen es provide CE credits for appraisers, t assessors, and attorneys as well as a forum for networking. A D ner Meeting is scheduled for October t the Woodbridge Hilton, in Iselin and we w lcome you to attend. Our e ucational calendar provides clas es t ghout the year to facilita e candid tes with the bility to meet their ducational requir ments for designation a a ist members in their continuing edu ation requirements. The Chapt r also supports various charities with f raiser events during the y ar. A very successful one ha been the Baseball Fund Raiser that is held at Patriot dium, in Bridgewater, NJ. This is a fun, family orie ted event, with all proceeds going t a ch rit ble organizati his year it will be held on May 18 th and proceeds will go to The Sharing Network that provides for rgan and donation and transpla tation. The Officers and th Board of Dir ct rs, along with various Committee Chairs are continuo sly workin to plan our programs, meet the Chapter requirements and stay abreast of developm nts wi hin our industry. T re all available to assist with any que tions a candidate or membe ay have. They give of their t me for whic Chapter and I are gr t ful. In addition, the Mentoring Prog am, whereby candid tes r ceiv assi tanc designated memb rs, has be n and will b instrumental in h lping candidates chieve th ir designatio I have been a member of Metro New Jersey Chapter since 1968 and duri g those years I can say that t hapter and the Appraisal I s itute h s lways met the needs of its members and c id tes and they have bot nged and grown in a positive ma ner that positions the Appraisal Profession for the future. Change is always sary to meet challenges on a local, nati n and in ernational level. I b li ve that despit th challenges to o profession, the need for qualified appraisers, with strong educational backgrounds and specifi educati provided by the A praisal Institute will e ure the fut of the Appraisal Profession Pleas check our websit for upcoming edu at onal offeri gs, vents, a d government relations t s. The Appraisal Institute is leader in educ tion, commu ication and informati n nd the M tro New Jers apter is your source to stay current. Joseph E. Baldoni, MAI, 2014 Metro New Jersey Chapter Pr sident The Metro New J rsey Chapt r Education: To inquire about Discounts when regi tering for more than 1 course, e-mail apprais v .net . State Qualifying Education: Register two weeks or more bef cou se start d e to avoid late f Real Estate Financ , Statistics and V luation Modeling - April 25 & 26 15 Hour USPAP - May 2 & 3 General Appraiser I come Approach Part 2 - May 2, 3, 9 & 10 General Site Valuation and Cost Approach - October 10, 11, 17 & 8 General Report Writing & Case Studies - November 17 - 20 Continuing Educatio 7 Hour USPAP - June 5 & Decemb r 4 – Days Hotel Adva ced Education Advanced Market An lysis and Highe t & Best U e – September 12, 13, 18, 19 & 20 Advanced Concepts d Case Studies – December 8 - 13 As the President of t
Joseph E. Baldoni, MAI 2014 Chapter President
Robert J. Bovasso Jr., MAI 2014 Chapter Vice President
Gregg Manzione, MAI 2014 Chapter Treasurer
2014 Board of Directors
Carol E. Angle, SRA Claire Caffrey, MAI Steven C. Fleming Brandon M. Frank, MAI John S. Gillooly Kristen Helmstetter, SRA
Michael G. Leist, MAI James L. Meehan, MAI Matthew S. Nemeth Thomas Sapontzis, MAI Joseph E. Traks Gary M. Wade, MAI
2014 Board of Directors Carol E. Angle, SRA Claire Caffrey, MAI Steven C. Fleming Brandon M. Frank, MAI John S. Gillooly
Joseph C. Baldoni, MAI 2014 Chapter Secretary
Joseph E. Baldoni, MAI 2014 Chapter President
Immediate Past President – Paul W. Korch, MAI
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