Legacy Ranch Horse Sale Catalog 2024 Online

nee of undersigned to remove horse from sales premises after taking possession, but in any case taking possession of the horse by buyer or his or her representative shall constitute de- livery. Upon delivery, buyer shall cause horse to be removed promptly from sales premises, or there shall be stable charges as determined by undersigned. In addition, should purchaser fail to cause horse to be removed promptly, undersigned may cause horse to be removed from sales premises at the buyer’s risk and expense. 6. TERMS FOR SETTLEMENT: Buyer shall make settle- ment with cashier of the undersigned. Payments to others do not constitute settlement. Buyer shall present himself or herself to make settlement as provided in FIFTH CONDI- TION above for the full purchase price, such settlement to be in form of US currency. The Acknowledgement of Purchase is not transferable without his approval of the Legacy Ranch Horse Sale and the copy of the Acknowledgement of Pur- chase retained by the buyer must be presented by the buyer at the time of settlement. 7. DEFAULTERS: SHOULD BUYER FAIL TO COMPLY IN ANY RESPECT WITH CONDITIONS FIVE AND SIX ABOVE, THE UNDERSIGNED MAY AT ITS ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, PURSUE ANY REMEDY AVAILABLE AGAINST THE DEFAULTING BUYER INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TAKING POSSESSION OF THE HORSE, RESALE OF THE HORSE AT PUBLIC AUCTION OR BY PRIVATE TREATY FOR ACCOUNT OF DEFAULT- ER. In any such case, defaulter shall be maintenance and re- sale, including, but not limited to, service charges, attorney’s fees, cost of litigation and damage available to undersigned by law. 8. WARRANTIES AS TO DESCRIPTION: UNLESS OTHERWISE ANNOUNCED, THERE IS NO REPRESENTA- TION OR WARRANTY AS TO THE BREEDING QUALITIES OF ANY HORSE DESCRIBED AT TIME OF SALE. 9. WARRANTIES AS TO SOUNDNESS: UNLESS EX- PRESSLY ANNOUNCED FROM THE AUCTION STAND, OR BY OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF UNDERSIGNED, OR A HEREINAFTER PROVIDED, THERE IS NOT WARRANTY OF GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND AS TO THE SOUNDNESS OF CONDITION OR OTHER QUALITY OF ANY HORSE SOLD IN THIS SALE. 10. LIMITED WARRANTIES: Horses which are unsound in eyes or mouth, or “cribbers,” “wind suckers,” or “cryptor- chids” must be so announced. Veterinary services are avail- able to bidders in the stables; each bidder is encouraged to conduct such inspection and examination of each animal prior to bidding. Except as otherwise announced by the auc- tioneer at the time of sale, the seller of each animal represents and warrants to the buyer title to the animal free from all ad- verse claims to ownership, use or possession. Except for the forgoing limited warranty, each animal is sold by the seller WITHOUT WARRANTY AND WITH ALL FAULTS. In the event that any animal is not represented in the sale catalog or on the breach of the foregoing limited warranty (as the sale catalog or limited warranty might be modified by announce- ment at the time of sale), the buyer shall file with Legacy Ranch Horse Sale a written notice of rejection of the animal with such supporting certificates as Legacy Ranch Horse Sale might require within twenty-four (24) hours after the close of the sale session in which the animal was purchased. If the buyer rightfully rejects the animal in the manner and within the time provided, the animal will be returned by the buyer to the seller and the seller will refund to the buyer the full pur- chase price of the animal together with all expenses incurred

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