Legacy Ranch Horse Sale Catalog 2024 Online

Dual Winner 13. COLLATERAL AGREEMENTS: The auctioneer shall not be bound by any oral or written agreement or alleged agreement varying from these CONDITIONS OF SALE be- tween the buyer and the seller unless agreed to by the auc- tioneer and any controversy or claim between the buyer and the seller arising under any such agreement shall be a matter for their resolution. NOTICES Dual Peppy 11. CATALOG AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: THE AC- CURACY OF ALL INFORMATION OF THE CATALOG PAGES IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SELLER . Seller shall have the affirmative duty to examine the catalog pages prior to sale and report any inaccuracies to the Legacy Ranch Horse Sale so that they may make an appropriate an- nouncement at time of sale. While certain information may have been procured by undersigned from third parties on be- half of the seller, it is nonetheless solely the responsibility of seller to verify the accuracy of such information and to notify the undersigned of any corrections one (1) hour prior to the beginning of the sale. STAKES ENGAGEMENTS, PRODUCE RECORDS AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION SO LISTED ARE REPRESENTED BY THE SELLER TO WHOM ONLY THE PURCHASER SHALL LOOK FOR REDRESS INCASE OR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE SALE CATALOG. 12. ARBITRATION: 1) Any controversy arising out of a claim arising under WARRANTIES shall be settled by arbi- tration between the buyer and the seller pursuant to the fol- lowing procedure: Upon the auctioneer’s determination that a claim under such CONDITIONS OF SALE has been timely and properly presented by the buyer pursuant to these CON- DITIONS OF SALE, and upon notice from the auctioneer, the buyer and the seller shall each select a licensed veterinarian acceptable to the auctioneer. If such veterinarians fail to agree promptly as to the validity of the claim, they or the buyer and the seller involved in the controversy, shall agree upon a third license veterinarian. If such two veterinarians, or the buyer and the seller, are unable to agree promptly upon the third veterinarian, the auctioneer shall appoint the third veterinar- ian. The third veterinarian’s fee, expenses and costs shall be paid by the party whose property the horse is determined to be. The panel of three veterinarians shall conduct any tests, investigation or examinations, which they deem necessary, and May, in their discretion, conduct a hearing by notifying the auctioneer to arrange for the hearing, and shall, by ma- jority vote, determine the validity of the claim. The auction- eer shall determine the amount of reimbursement due to a buyer whose claim is found to be valid and may, in its sole discretion, conduct a hearing to aid in making such a deter- mination, and such determination shall be incorporated in the award. 2) Arbitration above shall take place in a location designed by the Sale Manager. Judgment upon any award rendered by the arbitrator (s) may be entered by any party and court having jurisdiction thereof. The auctioneer will be entitled to reimbursement from the party whose property the horse is determined to be for attorney’s fees and other costs incurred and any related court proceedings. Plain Win Just Plain Colonel Wininic Peppy San Badger Miss Dual Doc Freckles Loverboy Missy Farmer Peptoboonsmal Sweet Lil Lena { { { { { { Tinsel Town Taz Pepto Taz Loverboys Missy Shine Cougar DR Cougarsblueboonlight Miss Black Shiner Blue Spark Olena Jerrys Miss Cuatro Boonlight Dancer Megans San Jo Lena Como Chex Hobby Too Much Tivio { { { { { { Daddys Cue Chasing Daddy Callie Max Cue Bull Max Callie Cue Figure Me Famous Popular Resortfigure Step By Jody Heza Step By Step Sorrel Star Jody Driftwood Ike Katy Was A Lady Dual Pep Bar J Jackie { { { { { { Tuffy Harlander Tuffy Ike Troggies Harlander Harlander Miss Money Bars by the buyer in connection with the animal from the time of sale until return to the seller. EXAMINE HORSES PRIOR TO PURCHASING: Vet - erinary assistance is available at bidder’s expense on request to the sales company. Please contact the Sale Veterinarian through the Sales Office. EXAMINE HORSES BEFORE BID- DING!

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