Legacy Ranch Horse Sale Catalog 2024 Online

ANNOUNCEMENTS: To avoid making costly errors, please pay attention to all announcements made from the Sales Office and the auction stand, especially concerning horses on which you intend to bid. ANNOUNCEMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER PRINTED MATERIAL. ENGAGEMENTS: Unless announced otherwise, all eligi- bility payments due after date of sale are responsibility of the buyer, who should promptly notify the proper associations of the new ownership in order to receive direct billing. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PURCHASE: After making the final bid on a horse, you will be asked to complete and sign the Purchase Agreement. Be sure to confirm the correct lot number and price before you sign. Please print your name and address clearly since this document is used for the Amer- ican Quarter Horse Association and all other breed associa- tion transfers, invoicing and in publishing sale results. COGGINS TEST: All horses in this sale have been tested for equine infectious anemia (Coggins Test). Test is performed within one year of sale. SEATING: All seating will be on a first come-first serve basis. There will be no reserved seating. THERE IS NO IMPLIED WARRANTY made by the seller as to the merchantability or fitness for particular purpose of any horse offered for sale in this auction. Prospective bidders are cautioned that warranties on horses purchased are only stated in Terms & Conditions. There is no guarantee as to soundness of prospects. PAYMENT: ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID IMMEDI- ATELY FOLLOWING THE SALE. ALL PAYMENTS SHALL BE US CURRENCY AND ON US BANKS ONLY. Method of payment shall be Cash, Cashier’s check, Personal check (with proper line of credit), Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. All registration papers will be withheld until pay- ments clear the bank. All returned checks will be immediately turned over to the Yavapai County District Attorney’s office and charges will be filed! TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: All REGISTRATION PAPERS AND TRANSFERS WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE BUYER AT CHECKOUT. BUYERS OF GRADE HORSES WILL RECEIVE A BILL OF SALE. CARE OF HORSES AFTER SALE: Please be reminded that title passes at the fall of the hammer, at which time the purchaser assumes all risk and responsibility for the horse. BUYERS MUST REGISTER WITH CASHIERS AND OBTAIN A BUYER NUMBER before sale time. YOU MUST HAVE A BUYERS NUMBER TO PURCHASE HORSES. A let- ter of credit from your bank and proper identification must be presented at the Sales Office in order for you to purchase horses. AFTER HORSE LEAVES THE SALE RING, IT WILL BE RETURNED TO ITS ASSIGNED STALL. A STABLE RE- LEASE MUST PRESENTED to consignor or agent for owner for release of horse. TO OBTAIN A STABLE RELEASE, THE BUYER MUST SETTLE UP WITH THE SALE OFFICE AFTER PURCHASING A HORSE. ALL HORSES MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE SALE PREMISES BY NOON OF THE DAY FOLLOWING THE SALE. Horses remaining after that time are left at the buyer’s risk and are the buyer’s responsibility. Any delays in ship- ment of horses must be approved by the Sales Office.

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