Bulletin 03.02.23

Nursery Round - up Nursery News From Mrs Donna Kershaw - Highgrove Nursery Manager Highgrove Nursery have been celebrating National Storytelling week. We have had a range of stories being shared over the past few days as well as some special visits from family members who have come in to share their favourite stories with the children. Puddleducks enjoyed a trip over to the Pre - Prep library to explore some different literature. The children have also thoroughly enjoyed their library role play, which has been popular this week, checking in and out books with their individual library cards. A magical creatures yoga session was also enjoyed by all. The session involved mermaids and pirates positions to pull characters from a couple of popular books. Puddleducks have focused on the story ‘ The Tiger who Came to Tea ’. The children enjoyed dunking the tea bags in water tray, pouring and filling cups to make tea, as well as having a cooking session to make some ginger biscuits like in the story, which we thoroughly enjoyed when they ate them for tea on Thursday! Cottontails have had lots of fun in the role play this week too. The kitchen area with lots of play food and utensils have been thoroughly explored with the addition of the dolls and some potties to explore towards the end of the week. Cottontails also had some teeth brushing practice using the tooth brushes on our large set of teeth with some shaving foam. Lots of messy fun was had as well as some good teeth cleaning!

Nursery School News From Miss Lizzie Hayes - Head of Nursery School This week's National Storytelling week has continued to support and extend the Nursery School children ’ s storytelling skills, as they developed their play themes in the Three Little Pigs role play area. This week they have been acting out the story using props and fur clothing with tuff trays filled with straw, sticks and lego bricks.

The children have begun to create their own individual books to re - tell the Three Little pigs story in their own words and they even made pig shaped biscuits in Kitchen garden club.

The highlight of the week was the opportunity for the children to take part in a Reading Fairy workshop which was led by one of our parents. They enjoyed a wide variety of activities that included using instruments and props to play along to some popular nursery rhymes.

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