Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine




Nahranite svoju ko ž u ovog leta uz ABP Nourish your skin t his summer wit h ABP

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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

August 2024

Avgust 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

UKOLIKO MAŠTATE O DODIRU SOLI NA KOŽI , mirisu bo- rovine, jedinstvenom zvuku talasa i ritmu omiljene letnje pesme, pozivamo vas da istražite novi broj magazina ko- ji je pred vama. Tu ćete sasvim sigurno pronaći inspiraci- ju za nova putovanja, na koja možete krenuti već danas avionima Er Srbije. Ovaj broj posvetili smo magičnom Jadranu, dragulju re- giona i sinonimu za čisto more, tirkiznoplave boje. To- kom letnje sezone letimo do Tivta, Dubrovnika, Splita, Zadra, Rijeke i Pule, a svaki od tih primorskih gradova odiše posebnim šarmom i bogatim kulturnim nasleđem. Er Srbija leti do još 17 gradova na Balkanu, dajući vam priliku da maštovito isplanirate svoje putovanje. Pred- lažemo da letnju avanturu započnete u Bokokotorskom zalivu, predah od mora pronađete u Mostaru i Saraje- vu, a zatim nastavite ka severu duž Jadranske obale sve do Slovenije. Iz Ljubljane do Beograda možete stići za manje od sat vremena leta. Da li će to biti tačka oda- kle nastavljate letove ka Evropi, Aziji, Africi i Severnoj Americi, ili ćete drumom ka centru Srbije, zavisi isklju- čivo od vaših želja. Ukoliko planirate da bolje upoznate Srbiju, nikako ne smete propustiti omiljene muzičke manifestacije koje se održavaju baš u avgustu. Dragačevska truba u Guči, „Love Fest“ u Vrnjačkoj Banji, „Nišvil“ u gradu na Nišavi i Prva harmonika Srbije u Sokobanji mesta su na kojima će vaše srce udarati u dobrom ritmu. Odvojte vreme da posetite te svojevrsne ambasadore Srbije, koji svake godine na svojstven način promovišu kulturu i tradiciju. Nije lako biti ambasador jedne zemlje, jer ta pozicija nosi izuzetnu odgovornost. Čast i privilegiju da budu ambasadori srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije i cele Srbije imaju naše koleginice i kolege iz kabinske i le- tačke posade. Kada ih sretnete na nekom od naših le- tova, pokloniće vam osmeh, a vi im na isti način uzvra- tite. Neka to bude simbol uspešnog početka svakog vašeg putovanja. Ovog leta prelazite granice, bile one fizičke ili lične. Istra- žujte, igrajte se, radujte. Putujte! Svako putovanje bo- jiće vaš život novim bojama. U našoj mreži trenutno je više od 90 gradova i svaki od njih je na svoj način pose- ban i pravi. Kada poželite nova iskustva, ne odlažite. U samo par koraka na našem veb-sajtu pronađite desti- naciju koja vam greje dušu. Spakujte ranac, najdraže sitnice, najbitnije stvari i letite. I ne zaboravite, „živimo u divnom svetu koji je pun lepote, čari i avantura. Nema kraja avanturi ako je tražimo otvorenih očiju“. Uživajte u letu i srećan put!

IF YOU DREAM OF THE TOUCH OF SALT ON YOUR SKIN , the scent of pine trees, the unique sound of waves and the rhythm of your favourite summer song, we invite you to explo- re this latest issue of our inflight magazine. You will certainly find inspiration for new journeys, which you can embark on with Air Serbia today. We have dedicated this issue to the magical Adriatic Sea, the jewel of the region and a synonym for crystal-clear, turquo- ise waters. During the summer season, we fly to the Adriatic coastal cities of Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, Rijeka and Pula, each of which exudes a special charm and boasts rich cul- tural heritage. Air Serbia also flies to 17 other cities in the Bal- kans, providing you with the opportunity to plan your travels creatively. We suggest that you start your summer adven- ture in the Bay of Kotor, before taking a break from the sea in Mostar and Sarajevo, then continuing northwards along the Adriatic coast all the way to Slovenia. You can fly from Ljublja- na to Belgrade in less than an hour. And it’s entirely up to you whether this will be the point from which you continue your flights to Europe, Asia, Africa or North America, or whether you travel by road to the heart of Serbia. If you plan to get to know Serbia better, you mustn’t miss out on the favourite music festivals held in August. The Gu- ča Trumpet Festival, Vrnjačka Banja’s Lovefest, Nišville in the city on the Nišava, and the First Accordion of Serbia in So- kobanja are places where your heart will beat to a positive rhythm. Take the time to attend these events, which serve as ambassadors of Serbia and which promote culture and tradition in their own special way. It isn’t easy to be a country’s ambassador, as it’s a post that carries exceptional responsibility. Our cabin and flight crew colleagues have the honour and privilege of being am- bassadors of the Serbian national airline and Serbia as a who- le. When you meet them during one of our flights, they will greet you with a smile, and you can respond in kind. Let this symbolise a successful start to every journey. Be sure to cross some borders this summer, whether physical or personal. Explore, play, rejoice. Travel! Every jour- ney will paint your life with new colours. Our network currently connects more than 90 cities, each of which is special and genuine in its own way. When you crave new experiences, don’t hesitate. Find the destination that warms your soul in just a few steps on our website. Pack your backpack, your fa- vourite little things, your essentials, and fly. And remember: “We live in a wonderful world that’s full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have, if only we seek them with our eyes open”. Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7





Er Srbija prevezla dva miliona putnika od početka 2024. / Air Serbia has carried two million passengers since the start of 2024 80. Vanja Marčeta i Nitu Rakić:

 Nova avio-linija do Kine: Er Srbija od 30. septembra direktno za Guangdžou / New service to China: Air Serbia is set to launch direct flights to Guangzhou on 30 th September


Pilotkinje koje su ušle u istoriju Er Srbije / Vanja Marčeta and Neetu Rakić: female pilots who entered the history of Air Serbia

Zoran Cvijanović: Doživljavaju me kao smešnog čoveka / Zoran Cvijanović: I’m perceived as a ridiculous man


 Sa nama putuje Slavimir Stojanović Futro, grafički dizajner / Travelling with us is Slavimir Stojanović Futro, graphic designer



Apsolutni bestseleri ovog leta su poetični detalji / Proving absolute bestsellers this summer are poetic details

Spektakl na beogradskom Ušću: Razmišljamo naglas o Edu Širanu / Spectacle on Belgrade’s Ušće: Thinking out loud about Ed Sheeran 60. Muzička magija avgusta: Od trube do džeza / August’s musical magic: from trumpets to jazz 66. Ana Đurić Konstrakta: Popularnost ne utiče na moju muziku / Ana Đurić Konstrakta: popularity doesn’t influence my music

PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 22.  Vodimo vas na Jadran / We’re taking you to the Adriatic sea

10 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

DESTINACIJA DESTINATION 106. Kada vam život da

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 90. Beogradski šik kroz vekove / Belgrade chic throughout the centuries

limun, neka bude sa obale Amalfi / When life gives you lemons, may they come from the Amalfi Coast



Dubrovnik: Glamurozni vikend među zidinama / Dubrovnik: glamorous weekend within the walls

Paraolimpijske igre: Um, telo, duh / Paralympic Games: Mind, Body, Spirit

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 102. Krenite u panonsku

Air Serbia inflight magazine

avanturu: Čarde i salaši, mir i tamburaši / Start your Pannonian adventure: čarda and salaš, serenity and tambura players

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

ALL THE ADRIATIC BEAUTY Sve lepote Jadrana Odmor, more, avantura / Holiday, sea, adventure Foto/ Photo: Hajdi Kostić

Broj / Issue No. 366 Naslovna strana / Cover Hajdi Kostić

Contents » Sadržaj | 11

U fokusu

In focus

NOVA AVIO-LINIJA DO KINE / NEW SERVICE TO CHINA ER SRBIJA OD 30. SEPTEMBRA DIREKTNO ZA GUANGDŽOU / AIR SERBIA SET TO LAUNCH DIRECT FLIGHTS TO GUANGZHOU ON 30 TH SEPTEMBER Nešto manje od dve godine posle uvođenja redovnih letova između Beograda i Tjenđina, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija nastavlja da širi svoje poslovanje u Kini / Less than two years after the establishing of scheduled flights between Belgrade and Tianjin, the Serbian national carrier is continuing to expand its operations in China

ER SRBIJA ĆE IZMEĐU BEOGRA- DA I GUANGDŽOUA leteti dva pu- ta nedeljno, i to ponedeljkom i pet- kom. Karte su već u prodaji. – Kada smo 9. decembra 2022. godine, posle više od dve deceni- je pauze, uspostavili direktnu avio-li- niju između Republike Srbije i NR Ki- ne, ponovo smo otvorili vrata Azije putnicima iz regiona šireg Balkana. Ta linija značajno je doprinela una- pređenju saradnje i bilateralnih od- nosa između Srbije i Kine, pozitivno podstičući ekonomski rast, jačanje trgovinskih odnosa, turističku i kul-

turnu razmenu. Nedavno potpisa- na Izjava o produbljivanju i podizanju sveobuhvatnog strateškog partner- stva i izgradnji zajednice Srbije i Kine sa zajedničkom budućnošću u no- voj eri, kao najviši oblik saradnje iz- među naših dveju zemalja, dala nam je dodatni vetar u leđa za pokretanje direktnih letova do naše druge de- stinacije u NR Kini. Od 30. septem- bra avionima Er Srbije bićete u prilici da letite direktno između Beogra- da i Guangdžoua – rekao je Jirži Ma- rek, generalni direktor Er Srbije. On je dodao da srpska avio-kompani-

ja vodi intenzivne razgovore sa ve- likim kineskim avio-kompanijama o potencijalnoj saradnji kako bi svojim putnicima mogla da ponudi dobru povezanost sa drugim gradovima u NR Kini, do brojnih destinacija na Dalekom istoku i u jugoistočnoj Aziji, kao i Australiji. Tesla i Pupin Letovi između prestonice Srbije i Guangdžoua biće realizovani avioni- ma tipa „erbas“ A330-200 iz dugo- linijske flote Er Srbije. Srpska naci- onalna avio-kompanija već ima dva

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Ovaj grad, poznat i pod nazivom Kanton, tri puta je bio kineska prestonica This city, also known as Canton, has been the Chinese capital three times

aviona tog tipa, dok se dolazak tre- ćeg očekuje u narednom periodu. A330-200 registarske oznake YU- ARB u flotu Er Srbije ušao je u aprilu 2021. i nosi ime Nikole Tesle, dok se drugi, pod imenom Mihajla Pupina, registarske oznake YU-ARC, priklju- čio floti nacionalne avio-kompani- je u novembru 2022. Proširenje širo- kotrupne flote jedan je od osnovnih preduslova za dalji razvoj dugolinij- skog saobraćaja Er Srbije. Aerodrom Međunarodni aerodrom „Gu- angdžou Bajun“ udaljen je 28 kilo- metara od centra grada i smešten je između gradova Renhe u okrugu Bajun i Sinhua u okrugu Huadu. Za- uzima površinu od oko 18 kvadratnih kilometara. Do aerodroma „Guang-

džou Bajun“ leti skoro 80 avio-kom- panija, i to do više od 230 desti- nacija širom sveta. Guangdžou je važno međunarodno vazdušno čvo- rište kineske nacionalne inicijative „Jedan pojas, jedan put“ i „Vazduš- nog puta svile“ i ujedno glavni aero- drom u oblasti Velikog zaliva Guang- dong-Hongkong-Makao. Grad cveća i kapija južne Kine Guangdžou je jedan od najve- ćih gradova i najvažnijih trgovačkih centara u Narodnoj Republici Kini. Zbog pozicije grada često se ka- že da je to „kapija južne Kine“. Gu- angdžou je moderan i dinamičan grad, bogate kulturne baštine. Sta- re gradske četvrti i kantonski vrto- vi čine ga primamljivim za turiste iz

celog sveta. Među brojnim hramo- vima posebno se izdvaja istorijski Hram šest banjanovih stabala, ko- ji posetiocima pruža mir i spokoj bu- dističkog svetilišta starog više od 1.500 godina. Zahvaljujuć i suptropskoj kli- mi, Guangdžou je blagosloven cve- ć em tokom cele godine, toliko da je zaradio nadimak Grad cveć a. Upe- čatljivo cvetanje grada proslavlja se svake godine na Proleć nom saj- mu cveć a, kada su ulice i trgovi pre- plavljeni bojama i mirisima. Guangdžou takođe ima Kan- tonsku kulu. Nekada najviša zgrada na svetu, ima vrtoglavih 600 me- tara. Popnite se na dek za posma- tranje da biste videli grad iz ptič- je perspektive, naročito noću kada blista u svoj svojoj tehnikolor lepoti i osvetljava nebo. Kineska kuhinja ima mnogo re- gionalnih stilova, ali najpoznatiji je kantonski, koji je došao iz Guang- džoua. Na gradsku kuhinju uticala je dostupnost mesa i drugih sastojaka ove trgovačke luke. Posebno su po- pularni prženi goveđi i pileć i štapići, dim sum i jela začinjena đumbirom, čilijem i mešavinom pet začina. S obzirom na status rodnog mesta kantonske kuhinje, nije iznenađenje što Guangdžou ima obilje restora- na. Okruzi Livan i Tianhe su odlična mesta za gurmane.

Letovi između prestonice Srbije i Guangdžoua biće realizovani avionima tipa „erbas“ A330-200 iz dugolinijske flote Er Srbije Air Serbia will deploy its long- haul fleet’s Airbus A330- 200 aircraft on the Belgrade- Guangzhou route

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13


AIR SERBIA WILL FLY BETWEEN BELGRADE AND GUANGZHOU twice a week, on Mondays and Fri- days, with tickets already on sale. “When we established direct fli- ghts between the Republic of Ser- bia and the People’s Republic of China on 9 th December 2022, after a hiatus of over two decades, we once again opened the doors of Asia to passen- gers from the wider Balkan region. This service contributed significantly to bo- osting cooperation and bilateral rela- tions between Serbia and China, po- sitively stimulating economic growth, trade relations, tourism and cultural exchanges. The recently signed ‘Sta- tement on deepening and raising the comprehensive strategic partners- hip and the building of a communi- ty between Serbia and China with a common future in the new era’, as the highest form of cooperation between our two countries, provided additio- nal impetus to launch direct flights to our second destination in the People’s Republic of China. As of 30 th Sep- tember, you will be able to fly directly between Belgrade and Guangzhou with Air Serbia,” said Air Serbia CEO Ji- ri Marek. He added that the Serbian national airline has ongoing negotiati- ons with major Chinese airlines on po- tential cooperation, in order to offer its passengers good connectivity wi- th other cities in the People’s Republic of China and numerous destinations in the Far East and Southeast Asia, as well as Australia. Tesla and Pupin Air Serbia will deploy its long- haul fleet’s Airbus A330-200 aircraft

on the Belgrade-Guangzhou route. The Serbian national carrier already has two aeroplanes of this type, wi- th a third expected to arrive soon. The A330-200 with the code YU-ARB, named after Nikola Tesla, joined the Air Serbia fleet in April 2021, while the ot- her, with the code YU-ARC and na- med Mihajlo Pupin, joined the fleet in November 2022. Expansion of the wi- de-body fleet is one of the main pre- requisites for the further development of Air Serbia’s long-haul traffic. The airport Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is located 28 kilometres from the city centre and is strategically situ- ated between the cities of Renhe, Ba- iyun District, and Xinhua, Huadu Distri- ct. It spans an area of approximately 18 square kilometres. Nearly 80 airlines from over 230 destinations worldwide fly to and from Guangzhou Baiyun Air- port. Guangzhou is an important avia- tion hub for China’s national Belt and Road and the Air Silk Road initiatives, while it is also the main airport in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Gre- ater Bay Area. China’s southern gate Guangzhou is one of the People’s Republic of China’s largest cities and most important centres of trade. Due to its location, this city is often referred to as “China’s southern gate”. Guan- gzhou is a modern and dynamic city, with a rich cultural heritage. It’s old ci-

ty quarters and Canton gardens make it attractive to tourists from all over the world. A particular standout among the city’s numerous temples is the historic Temple of Six Banyan Trees, which provides visitors with the pea- ce and tranquillity of a 1,500-year-old Buddhist shrine. Thanks to a subtropical climate, Guangzhou is blessed with flowers ye- ar-round. So many in fact that it has earned itself the nickname, ‘City of Flowers’. Its striking blooms are cele- brated with the annual Spring Festi- val Flower Fair, when the streets and alleyways are awash with colour and aroma. Guangzhou also has Canton Tower. Once the world’s tallest buil- ding, it stands at a dizzying 600 me- tres tall. Clamber up to its observation deck for a bird’s-eye view of the city, and witness it illuminating the sky at night in all its technicolour glory. Chinese cuisine has many regi- onal styles, but the most renowned is Cantonese, which came out of Guan- gzhou. As a trading port, the city’s cu- isine has been influenced by the avai- lability of meats and ingredients. Beef and chicken stir fries, dim sum and dis- hes seasoned with ginger, chilli and fi- ve-spice powder are particularly po- pular. Given its status as the birthplace of Cantonese cuisine, it’s no surprise that Guangzhou boasts an abundan- ce of restaurants to choose from. The Liwan and Tianhe Districts are great fo- odie areas to visit.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Na letu

On board

Zato što otkrivaju, oslobađaju i zbližavaju Because they reveal, liberate and bring us closer ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

– TO JE POSEBNA PRI- ČA. Kada sam imao tri godine, poslali su me samog avionom u Ameriku kod babe i dede, a onda sam se sam i vratio dve godine kasnije. Naravno, sve vreme sam tako usamljen pla- kao tokom oba leta i avion mi je dugo bio simbol tog sećanja iz detinjstva. Ipak, vremenom je postao moje omiljeno mesto, instrument otkrivanja novog, oslobađanja i zbližavanja. Šta uvek nosite sa sobom na let? – Slušalice, laptop, tu su sve- ska i olovka, a ponekad i knjiga. Najčešće slušam muziku, a kada uđem u takvo meditativno sta- nje, ideje se same roje, pa ih on- da zapisujem. Dešava se često da na laptopu završim komplet- ne projekte vizuelnih identiteta tokom leta.

“THAT’S A SPECIAL STORY. When I was three , my parents sent me by plane to America on my own to stay with my grandparents, and then I also returned on my own, two years later. Of course, I felt so lonely that I cried throughout both flights, and aeroplanes long sym- bolised that childhood memory for me. Planes nonetheless grad- ually became my favourite place, an instrument for discovering new things, liberation and bringing us closer together.” What do you always carry with you on a flight? “Headphones, a laptop, a note- pad and pen, and sometimes also a book. I mostly listen to music, and ideas swarm on their own when I enter that kind of meditative state, so I write them down. It often oc- curs that I complete the full visual identity of a project on my laptop during a flight.”

Slavimir Stojanović Futro, grafički dizajner graphic designer

Ko je Futro Jedan je od najistaknutijih grafičkih dizajnera, vizu- elnih umetnika, pisaca, ilustratora i profesora. Prepoznat je i u Srbiji i u svetu, a njegovo ime po- stalo je sinonim za kvalitet u oblasti dizajna i advertaj- zinga. Pored svakodnevnog rada u svom „Futro Design“ studiju na projektima vizu- elnih identiteta za domaće i strane klijente, trenutno radi na knjizi „Logologic“ o me- todama uspešnih vizuel- nih komunikacija, piše dru- gi roman „Deset“, priprema dečju predstavu „Avantu- re Singi Lumbe“ u pozorištu „Duško Radović“ i završava svoj prvi rep album „Futro – Dobro jutro“.

WHO IS FUTRO One of the country’s preeminent graphic designers, visual artists, writers, illustrators and profes- sors. He is recognised in Serbia, but also around the world, and his name has become synon- ymous with quality in the fields of design and advertising. Apart from daily work at his Futro De- sign studio on visual identity pro- jects for local and foreign clients, he is currently working on the book Logologic, addressing suc- cessful visual communications methods, writing his second novel, Deset (Ten), preparing the children’s play The Adventures of Singi Lumbe at the Duško Ra- dović Theatre and finalising his first rap album, entitled “Futro – Dobro Jutro”.

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Jelena Jovanov

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

opening summer 2025 THE QUEEN OF THE BAY





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for sale



Sva lepota Jadranske obale All the beauty of the Adriatic coast

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Krenite na izvanredno putovanje do prediv- nih plaža Jadranskog mora, istražite neke od najlepših obalnih destinacija, od šarmantnih malih gradova do skrivenih mesta i sport - skih avantura. Uživajte u slikovitim zalasci - ma sunca, osetite pesak između prstiju i pre - pustite se čarima Jadrana. Kupite kartu i Er Srbijom odletite za Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split, Ri - jeku, Pulu, Zadar, Veneciju ili Bari, pravo na odmor iz snova...

Embark on a remarkable journey to the breath- taking beaches of the Adriatic, explore some of the most stunning coastal destinations, from charming little towns to secluded spots and sporting adventures. Revel in picturesque sun- sets, feel the sand between your toes and in- dulge in the magnificent Adriatic. Buy your Air Serbia ticket to Tivat, Dubrobnik, Split, Rijeka, Pula, Zadar, Venice or Bari and fly to your dre - am summer break.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23



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55 min.

Blue Horizons Blue horizons are located at the bottom of Pržno cove, which is considered one of the most be- autiful in this part of the Luštica peninsula and anywhere on the Montenegrin coast. Located on the open sea and covered wi- th fine sand, this beach’s spe - cial value is represented by oli- ve groves and pine forests that provide shade which is enjoyed by bathers. Shallow waters extend far out to sea, making it a suitable bathing spot for chil- dren and non-swimmers. Queen Beach The town of Miločer is located close to Sveti Stefan and has a large number of rare plants, while its stunning beach is among the most beautiful in the Mediterranean. Queen is a small beach, only around 200 metres in length, fringed by cypress and olive trees, located in front of the former summer residence of King Nikola and named after the fact that it was the favourite holiday home of the Karađorđević royals. This is a great place to rest and enjoy serenity and nature. Perast We’re cheating a little in cla - ssing this slither of pebbles as a beach, but once you’re flo - ating in the water, with a Ve- netian fantasy of a town on one side and the sky-blue-do- med church of Our Lady of the Rocks Islet on the other, you’ll understand why we’ve included it. Perast is among Montene- gro’s most picturesque towns,. There’s a tiny sliver of actual beach, right down at the west end of the town, adjacent to the popular Pirate’s Bar. If you can’t find a spot on the pebbles, the - re are ladders leading directly into the water from the terrace.

Plavi horizonti Ova se plaža nalazi u dnu uvale Pržno, koja se sma - tra jednom od najlepših i na ovom delu poluostrva Luštica i na celom Crnogorskom pri - morju. Na otvorenom moru, sa sitnim peskom, a poseb - nu vrednost čine maslinjaci i borova šuma u čijoj hladovini možete da uživate. Plitko dno seže daleko u more i pogod - no je za decu i neplivače. Kraljičina plaža Grad Miločer se nalazi u bli - zini Svetog Stefana, a sa ve - likim brojem retkih biljaka tu je i prelepa plaža, jedna od najlepših na Mediteranu. Kraljičina plaža je mala, du - ga tek oko 200 metara, sa čempresima i maslinama u zaleđu, smeštena ispred let - nje rezidencije kralja Niko - le, a dobila je ime upravo po tome što je bila omiljena ku - ć a za odmor kraljevske poro - dice Karađorđević . Odlično mesto za odmor i uživanje u tišini i prirodi.

Perast Malo varamo u klasifikovanju ovog komada šljunkovite oba - le kao plaže, ali kada jednom budete plutali u vodi, sa vene - cijanskom fantazijom od gra - da na jednoj i nebeskoplavom kupolom Crkve Gospe od Škr - pjela na drugoj strani, razu - meć ete zašto smo uključili Perast, jedan od najlepših gra - dova Crne Gore. Postoji mali komad prave plaže na zapad - nom kraju grada, pored popu - larnog Piratskog bara. Ako ne možete da pronađete mesto na šljunku, tu su merdevine koje vode direktno u vodu sa terase bara.́

24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



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Zlatni rat, ostrvo Brač Bol na Braču spada u ma - le gradove na hrvatskoj oba - li i sigurno ne bi bio toliko poznat i popularan među tu - ristima da tu nije ona – ve - ličanstvena plaža Zlatni rat koja je zasigurno jedna od najpoznatijih i najfotografi - sanijih plaža na Jadranu. Na - stala je taloženjem finog zlat - nog šljunka oko podmorskog grebena koji se pruža kao je - zik i do 500 metara u more. Pod uticajem vetrova, talasa i morskih struja stalno menja svoj oblik, čineć i plažu svaki put iznova drugačijom i zani - mljivom. Ovo područje je omi - ljeno mesto surfera i kajtera iz celog sveta. Rt Kamenjak, Istra Ovo je zaštić eno područje pri - rode na krajnjem jugu istar - skog poluostrva i pravi je raj za ljubitelje avanturističkog odmora koji mogu beskraj - no da istražuju njegove lepo -

te i čarobne stenovite uvale s pogledom na beskrajno pla - vetnilo. Naoružajte se vodom i kremom za sunčanje, jer ov - de neć ete nać i puno prate - ć ih sadržaja, ali ć ete zauzvrat uživati u iskonskom oseć a - ju potpune slobode, savrše - no sjedinjene sa prirodom, čija lepota izaziva strahopo - štovanje. Zala, ostrvo Krk Šljunčana plaža Zala nala - zi se u Staroj Baški na ostrvu Krk. Duga je nešto više od 100 metara i dostupna peške, bi - ciklom, čamcem i automobi - lom, ali za prave avanturiste postoji i pešačka staza preko brda sa koje se pruža veličan - stven pogled. Van sezone ć e - te ovde lako pronać i svoj mir i osvežiti se u odličnom resto - ranu na plaži, ali ako smatra - te da je možda previše ljudi za vaše uživanje, ne očajavaj - te. U neposrednoj blizini nala - zi se veliki broj uvala, a sigurni

smo da ć ete pronać i potpunu izolaciju. Plava laguna, ostrvo Rab U blizini prelepog Lopara na Rabu ljubitelji avanture i opu - štanja nać i ć e niz neverovatno lepih, zaista bajkovitih uvala koje čine plavu lagunu Raba i u koje se može pristupiti samo sa mora. Zadivljujuć e tirkizna voda sa sjajnim belim peskom očarać e vas na prvi pogled, ali dajte sebi vremena i truda da istražite i Čifnatu, Armatu i Planku, jer svaka uvala izgleda lepša od prethodne. Ovde ne - ma organizovanog sadržaja, ali kakve su vam pogodnosti potrebne kada ste usred pra - vog zemaljskog raja? Golden Horn, island of Brač Bol on Brač is among the Cro - atian coast’s most popular small tourist towns, but that certainly wouldn’t be the ca - se if it wasn’t also home to the magnificent Zlatni Rat (Golden Horn) beach, which is surely one of the Adriatic’s most fa - mous and photographed beac- hes. Formed by the depositing of fine golden gravel around an undersea ridge, it extends like a tongue for up to 500m out to sea. Its shape changes constantly under the influen- ce of winds, waves and sea cu- rrents, making it different and interesting each time you visit. This area is a favourite spot for surfers and kitesurfers Cape Kamenjak is a protected nature area in the far south of the Istrian peninsula and a true paradise for lovers of adventu- re holidays, who can endlessly explore its beauty and magical rocky bays with views exten- ding to the infinity of bluene - from all over the world. Cape Kamenjak, Istria

„Sveti Jakov“ je jedna od najboljih dubrovačkih plaža, a nalazi se vrlo blizu čuvenog Starog grada Sveti Jakov is one of Dubrovnik’s best beaches, just a short distance from the renowned Old town

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60 min.

Zala, Island of Krk The pebble beach of Zala is lo- cated in Stara Baška on the island of Krk. Just over 100 metres long and accessible on foot and by bike, boat, and car, for real adventurers it can al- so be reached via a hiking trail extending over a hill and provi- ding magnificent views. During the off-season, you will easily find your peace here, but also refreshments at the great re- staurant on the beach. Howe- ver, if the crowds dampen your spirit of enjoyment during pe- ak season, don’t despair! The - re are a number of coves in the immediate vicinity, where you’re certain to find complete isolation for yourself.

Blue Lagoon, Island of Rab Near the beautiful resort of Lo- par on the island of Rab, lovers of adventure and pure relaxa- tion will find a series of incre - dibly beautiful fairytale coves that form the blue lagoon of Rab and can only be accessed from the sea. Stunning turquo- ise waters reflecting bright white sand will enchant you at first sight, but give yourself ti - me and take the effort to al- so explore Čifnata, Armata and Planka, with each cove see- ming more beautiful than the last. There are no amenities here, but what kind of ameni- ties do you need when you’re in the middle of a real earthly paradise?

ss. Arm yourself with drin- king water and sunscreen, as you won’t find a lot of accom - panying facilities here. Howe- ver, you will enjoy the primal feeling of complete freedom, perfectly united with awe-in- spiringly beautiful and breath- taking nature.

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80 min.

Palmižana, ostrvo Hvar Pakleni otoci, koji su kao smaragdi razbacani na ula - zu u hvarsku luku, jednostav - no vas mame na „island ho - pping“ i, zašto ne, sve ih istražite, ali počnite od pre - lepe Palmižane. Svaka uva - la tamo krije divnu plažu, a na nekima od njih možete se potpuno izolovati i osloboditi nepotrebne odeć e. Na drugi - ma možete plesati celu noći na plaži. U treć oj uvali uživaj - te u fantastičnim morskim i mesnim specijalitetima, ali probajte i najbolja ostrvska vina u hladu aromatičnih bo - rova. Malo, ali moć no – i pot - puno neodoljivo ostrvce!

Valovine Pula Plaža Valovine Pula - oda - kle da počnemo? Zamisli - te mesto gde stenoviti teren glatko prelazi u šljunkovi - ta prostranstva pre nego što kulminira u mekom dodiru peščanih obala. U toj lepo - ti ispijate ohlađene koktele

u plažnom baru... Ova vrhun - ska plaža u Puli nudi komple - tan paket. A kao trešnja na vrhu torte – to je utočište za porodice jer deca mogu bez - bedno da grade zamkove od peska i igraju se na talasima, dok se odrasli opuštaju i upi - jaju sunce.

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90 min.

Palmižana, Island of Hvar The Pakleni Islands, scattered like emeralds at the entrance to the port of Hvar, simply en- tice you to “island hop”, and why not explore them all? But be sure to start with the be- autiful Palmižana. Each cove hides a beautiful beach. One of them allows you to isolate yourself completely and shed all unnecessary clothes; ano - ther enables you to dance la- te into the night at a beach party; a third lets you enjoy fantastic seafood and meat specialities, while on the fo- urth you can taste the finest island wines and find shade under aromatic pines. A small yet powerful – and utterly irresistible – islet!

Valovine Pula Ah, Valovine Beach Pula, whe - re do we begin? Imagine a pla- ce where the rocky terrain smo- othly transitions into pebbly expanses, before culminating in the soft touch of sandy sho- res. From sipping chilled coc- ktails at the beach bar to wa-

keboarding like a pro, this top Pula beach offers the comple- te package. And for the cherry on top, it’s a haven for families, thanks to characteristics that ensure the kids can safely build sandcastles and play in the wa- ves, while the adults kick back and soak up the sun.

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100 min.

Duž obale koja ide od Barija do Brindizija nalaze se kame - nite i peščane plaže, a može - te se diviti i plivati u prelepim prirodnim uvalama. Veoma je uzbudljivo istraživati azur - ne plaže Barija jer nude neka predivna iskustva. Evo samo nekih od njih, a vi pronađite svoju omiljenu plažu sami... Plaža Pane e Pomodoro Ova urbana plaža jedna je od najboljih u Bariju. Posto - ji kružna platforma koja ima klupe za sedenje i opuštanje zajedno sa javnom plažom. Prema severu su peščane, a prema jugu male šljunkovite plaže. Zalazak sunca je naj - bolje vreme da svratite i ose - tite užurbanost. Ne plaća se ulaznica za ovu neverovatnu plažu i svi su dobrodošli. Plaža Mola di Bari Još jedna od onih koje ima - ju dugu obalu jeste plaža Mo - la di Bari. Nudi širok spektar sportskih moguć nosti, ronje - nje i druge sadržaje za ljubite - lje aktivnosti na plaži. Obala je kamenitija, sa plitkim morem i kamenitim morskim dnom. Lido San Frančesko Jedna od najboljih plaža u Bariju, duga i peščana, ogro - mna je, pa će biti mesta za svakoga. Ulaznica se plać a za ležaljke i suncobrane, a plaža nudi čaroban pogled na zalazak sunca i obalu.

gravel and pebble beaches. Sunset is the best time here, as it becomes a hive of acti- vity, and there is no entry tic- ket to this amazing beach; whi - ch everyone and anyone can enjoy. Mola Di Bari Beach Another beach encompassing a long stretch of coastline is Mola Di Bari, which provides a wide range of diving opportu- nities and activities for lovers of beach and water sports. This beach has a more jag- ged and rocky coastline, with shallow water and a rocky sea- bed, but also sand covering so- me parts. Lido San Francesco One of Bari’s best and biggest beaches, its long stretches of sand are adorned with sun lo- ungers and umbrellas that can be rented. This beach al- so offers stunning views of the sunset and coastline.

The coast extending from Ba - ri to Brindisi includes rocky and sandy stretches, with beautiful natural coves that you can ad- mire and swim in. It is so exci- ting to explore the many azu - re beaches of Bari that offer some of the best experiences. Here we offer just a few, and you can find your own favouri - te beach by yourself... Pane e Pomodoro Beach This urban beach is one of the best in Bari. Complete with a circular platform that has ben- ches for sitting and relaxing along with a public beach, towards the northern end are sandy beaches, while towar- ds the southern end are small

Glavni grad regije Pulja je značajna luka na Jadranskom moru The capital of the region of Puglia is also an important port on the Adriatic Sea

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Destination » Destinacija | 31



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Ohladite se na Lidu Venecija nije samo jedan od najromantičnijih gradova na svetu, bogat umetnošć u i kul - turom, već je i grad koji ima privilegovan odnos sa mo - rem. Moguć e je organizovati dan (ili više) na obali, zahva - ljujuć i blizini brojnih plaža na ostrvima Lido i Pelestrina. Lido ima veličanstvenu oba - lu, plaže koje su nagrađe - ne plavom zastavom i ideal - ne su za sve vrste putnika: za one koji vole nezavisnost javne plaže, za one koji vole udobnost opremljene plaže, kao i za ljubitelje sporta ili ronjenja. Lido je takođe ide - alno mesto za porodični od - mor zahvaljujuć i morskom dnu koje nikada nije previše duboko. Postoje tri slobodne zone na Lido di Venecija. Područ - je oko San Nikola, najsever - nijeg dela ostrva, ima divlju plažu sa peščanim dinama. Nalazi se u okviru zaštić e - nog područja prirode, gde se ptice selice zaustavljaju to - kom svog putovanja i pola - žu jaja.

Cool off on Lido di Venezia Venice is not only the most ro- mantic city in the world, rich in art and culture, but it is also a city that has a privileged relati- onship with the sea. It is possi- ble to organise a day (or mo - re) at the seaside, thanks to its proximity to the abundance of beaches on the islands of the Lido and Pellestrina. The Lido has a magnificent co - astline, beaches that have been awarded the blue flag and are ideal for every type of traveller: for those who love the inde- pendence of the public beach, for those who prefer the com- fort of the equipped beach, for sports and diving enthusiasts. It is also ideal for family holi- days thanks to the seabed, whi- ch is never too deep. There are three free zones on the Lido. The area around San Nicolò, the most northerly part of the island, has a wild beach with sand dunes. It is located within a nature protection area, where migratory birds stop du- ring their journey and lay the- ir eggs. For younger people and those not interested in the ser- vices of equipped beaches, the best option is to choose one of the stretches of the Murazzi. But the most distinctive aspe - ct of the Lido waterfront is of- course the traditional huts, ca- bins with verandas and tents that can be used by several fa- milies. Umbrellas and sunbeds can be rented, there are bars and restaurants, beach volleyball and bowling courts and pet-friendly beaches. For those who are looking for absolute silence and want to get away from the crowds of tourists, we recommend goi- ng as far as the island of Pelle- strina. A twelve-kilometre strip of land made up of wilderness and beauty.

Za mlađe ljude i one koji ni - su zainteresovani za usluge opremljenih plaža najbolje je da odaberu jednu od deoni- ca Murazija. Ali najizrazitiji aspekt obale Lida su, narav - no, tradicionalne kolibice sa verandama i šatori koje mo - že da koristi nekoliko porodi - ca. Tu su suncobrani i ležalj - ke, barovi i restorani, tereni za odbojku na pesku i ku - glanje i plaže za kuć ne lju - bimce. Za one koji traže apsolut - nu tišinu na odmoru i žele da pobegnu od turista preporu - čujemo da odu čak do ostrva Pelestrina. To je dvanaest ki - lometara dugačak pojas ze - mlje, divljine i lepote.

32 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Emir Kusturica brings talented musicians together in Serbia Emir Kusturica okuplja muzičke talente u Srbiji Emir Kusturica okuplja muzičke talente u Srbiji Emir Kusturica brings talented musicians together

Muzika nam daje priliku da osetimo pravu slobodu / Music provides an opportunity for us to feel real freedom Muzika nam daje priliku da osetimo pravu slobodu / Music provides an opportunity for us to feel real freedom

S vetski poznati srpski filmski reditelj Emir Kustu- rica dolazak jeseni obeležava festivalom klasične muzike „Kustendorf CLASSIC“. Dobitnik dve na- grade na Kanskom festivalu već 11 godina oku- plja mlade izvođače iz Srbije, Belorusije i Rusije u svom selu Drvengrad, u nacionalnom parku Mokra Gora. Oni ne samo da nastupaju na brojnim scenama na festivalu nego i učestvuju u muzičkom takmičenju za osvajanje zlat- nih, srebrnih i bronzanih „matrjoški“, u Srbiji poznatijih pod nazivom – babuške. Po tradiciji, mladi muzičari imaju priliku da na ovom mestu upoznaju eminentne umetnike. Počasni gosti u „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ bili su direktor Marinskog teatra (Sankt Peterburg), dirigent Valerij Gergijev, pijanisti Denis Macujev i Boris Berezovski, bariton Vasilij Gerelo, violinis- ta Nemanja Radulović, korepetitor Roman Simović, violon- čelista Jurij Bašmet i gitarista Geri Lukas. Na glavnom trgu nastupa etno ansambl, na terasi kod restorana šire se zvuci operske arije dok na tremu goste do- čekuju umilne melodije violine i flaute. Kusturica je osnovao „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ 2013. godi- ne uz podršku ruske kompanije „Gasprom njeft“ i za part- nere, a ovaj festival ne priča samo o umetnosti već i o rus- ko-srpskom prijateljstvu. Kustendorf CLASSIC će se ove godine održati u Drvengradu od 31. avgusta do 3. septembra This year’s Kustendorf CLASSIC will be held in Drvengrad from 31st August to 3rd September S vetski poznati srpski filmski reditelj Emir Kustu¬rica dolazak jeseni obeležava fe- stivalom klasične muzike „Kustendorf CLASSIC“. Dobitnik dve na¬grade na Kanskom festivalu već 11 godina oku- plja mlade izvođače iz Srbije, Belorusije i Rusije u svom selu Drvengrad, u nacionalnom parku Mo- kra Gora. Oni ne samo da nastupaju na brojnim scenama na festivalu nego i učestvuju u muzič- kom takmičenju za osvajanje zlatnih, srebrnih i bronzanih „matrjoški“, u Srbiji poznatijih pod na- zivom – babuške. Po tradiciji, mladi muzičari imaju priliku da na ovom mestu upoznaju eminentne umetnike. Poča- sni gosti u „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ bili su direktor Marinskog teatra (Sankt Peterburg), dirigent Va- lerij Gergijev, pijanisti Denis Macujev i Boris Bere- zovski, bariton Vasilij Gerelo, violinista Nemanja Radulović, korepetitor Roman Simović, violon¬če- lista Jurij Bašmet i gitarista Geri Lukas. Na glavnom trgu nastupa etno ansambl, na terasi kod restorana šire se zvuci operske arije dok na tre- mu goste dočekuju umilne melodije violine i flaute. Kusturica je osnovao „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ 2013. godi¬ne uz podršku ruske kompanije „Ga- sprom njeft“ i za partnere, a ovaj festival ne priča sa- mo o umetnosti već i o rusko-srpskom prijateljstvu.

W orld-renowned Serbian film director Emir Kusturica marks the arrival of au- tumn with the Kustendorf CLASSIC fes- tival of classical music. For the past 11 years, this winner of two Cannes Festival awards has been bringing together young musicians from Serbia, Belarus and Russia in his Drvengrad village in Ser- bia’s Mokra Gora Nature Park. Apart from performing on numerous stages at the festival, participants also compete a music competition to win gold, silver and bronze Matryosh- ka dolls, which are better known as ‘babushkas’ in Serbia. The attending young musicians traditionally have op- portunity to meet eminent artists in Drvengrad. Kusten- dorf CLASSIC guests of honour have included the director of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg), conductor Valery Gergiev, pianists Denis Matsuev and Boris Berezovsky, bar- itone Vasily Gerello, violinists Nemanja Radulović and Ro- man Simović, violist Yuri Bashmet and guitarist Gary Lucas. On the main square, an ethno ensemble performs, on the terrace near the restaurant, sounds of opera arias spread, while on the porch, guests are welcomed by sweet melodies of violins and flutes. Kusturica established Kustendorf CLASSIC back in 2013, with the support of Russian company Gazprom Neft, and the partners do not consider this festival as being only about art, but rather also Russian-Serbian friendship. Kusturica established Kustendorf CLASSIC back in 2013, with the support of Russian company Gazprom Neft, and the partners do not consider this festival as being only about art, but rather also Russian-Serbian friendship. W orld-renowned Serbian film director Emir Kusturica marks the arrival of autumn with the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival of classical music. For the past 11 years, this winner of two Cannes Festival awards has been bringing together young musi- cians from Serbia, Belarus and Russia in his Drvengrad village in Serbia’s Mokra Gora Nature Park. Apart from performing on numerous stages at the festival, partici- pants also compete a music competition to win gold, sil- ver and bronze Matryoshka dolls, which are better known as ‘babushkas’ in Serbia. The attending young musicians traditionally have op­ portunity to meet eminent artists in Drvengrad. Kusten­ dorf CLASSIC guests of honour have included the di- rector of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg), conductor Valery Gergiev, pianists Denis Matsuev and Boris Bere- zovsky, baritone Vasily Gerello, violinists Nemanja Rad- ulović and Roman Simović, violist Yuri Bashmet and gui- tarist Gary Lucas. On the main square, an ethno ensemble performs, on the terrace near the restaurant, sounds of opera ari- as spread, while on the porch, guests are welcomed by sweet melodies of violins and flutes.

Kustendorf CLASSIC će se ove godine održati u Drvengradu od 31. avgusta do 3. septembra This year’s Kustendorf CLASSIC will be held in Drvengrad from 31st August to 3rd September

36 | Oglas » Promo

Muzika nam daje priliku da pobegnemo od ograničenja i osetimo pravu slobodu. Ta sloboda duha već 11 godina zaredom ispunjava Drvengrad. Emir Kusturica, srpski reditelj, osnivač i direktor festivala „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ Music provides us with an opportunity to escape limitations and feel real freedom. That freedom of spirit has filled Drvengrad for 11 consecutive years. Emir Kusturica, Serbian film director, founder and director of the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival and feel real freedom. That freedom of spirit has filled Drvengrad for 11 consecutive years. Emir Kusturica, Serbian film director, founder and director of the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival Emir Kusturica, Serbian film director, founder and director of the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival Muzika nam daje priliku da pobegnemo od ograničenja i osetimo pravu slobodu. Ta sloboda duha već 11 godina zaredom ispunjava Drvengrad. Emir Kusturica, srpski reditelj, osnivač i direktor festivala „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ Music provides us with an opportunity to escape limitations and feel real freedom. That freedom of spirit has filled Drvengrad for 11 consecutive years. Drvengrad. Emir Kusturica, srpski reditelj, osnivač i direktor festivala „Kustendorf CLASSIC Music provides us with an opportunity to escape limitations Muzika nam daje priliku da pobegnemo od ograničenja i osetimo pravu slobodu. Ta sloboda duha već 11 godina zaredom ispunjava

Jedinstveni Drvengrad Drvengrad je arhitektonski projekat Emira Kusturice. Počet - kom 2000-ih reditelj je u blizini brda Mećavnika radio na filmu „Život je čudo“ i izgradio čitavo selo za potrebe snimanje filma. Emir je bio toliko opčinjen okolnim pejzažom da je, kada je film bio završen, scenografiju pretvorio u etno grad-hotel. Drvengrad je za goste otvoren 2004. godine i gotovo odmah je postao jedna od najposećenijih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji. U etno-selu danas ima oko 50 kuća, u centru sela je Trg Nikole Tesle sa Crkvom Sve - tog Save. Sve ulice i kuće nose imena poznatih ličnosti: tu je Mara - donina ulica, bioskop Stenlija Kjubrika, Trg Nikite Mihalkova i Kuća Dostojevskog. Gosti Drvengrada mogu posetiti galeriju ili bioskop, mogu pro - vesti vreme u biblioteci, teretani ili na teniskom terenu, ili uživati u ve - čeri u restoranu sa pogledom na planine. U blizini se nalazi atrak - cija – stanica poznate pruge uskog koloseka „Šarganska osmica“. Unique Drvengrad Drvengrad is an architectural project of Emir Kusturica. Back in the early 2000s, the director found himself in the vicinity of Mećavnik hill, working on the film Life is a Miracle, where he built an entire village for the purpose of the film shoot. Emir was so en - chanted by the surrounding landscape that he decided to turn the set into an ethno-village hotel once shooting had concluded. Drvengrad opened to guests in 2004 and almost instantaneously became one of Serbia’s most popular tourist destinations. The eth- no-village today boasts around 50 houses, with Nikola Tesla Square and the Church of St. Sava at its centre. All streets and houses are named after famous figures: there’s Maradona Street, the Stanley Kubrick Cinema, Nikita Mikhalkov Square and Dostoyevsky House. Drvengrad’s guests can visit a gallery or a cinema, spend time at the library, gym or on the tennis court, or enjoy dinner Promo » Oglas | 37 Drvengrad is an architectural project of Emir Kusturica. Back in the early 2000s, the director found himself in the vicinity of Mećavnik hill, working on the film Life is a Miracle, where he built an entire village for the purpose of the film shoot. Emir was so enchanted by the surrounding landscape that he decided to turn the set into an ethno-village hotel once shooting had concluded. Drvengrad opened to guests in 2004 and almost instantaneously became one of Serbia’s most popular tourist destinations. The ethno-village today boasts around 50 houses, with Nikola Tesla Square and the Church of St. Sava at its centre. All streets and houses are named after famous figures: there’s Maradona Street, the Stanley Kubrick Cinema, Nikita Mikhalkov Square and Dostoyevsky House. Jedinstveni Drvengrad Drvengrad je arhitektonski projekat Emira Kusturice. Počet - kom 2000-ih reditelj je u blizini brda Mećavnika radio na filmu „Život je čudo“ i izgradio čitavo selo za potrebe snimanje filma. Emir je bio toliko opčinjen okolnim pejzažom da je, kada je film bio završen, scenografiju pretvorio u etno grad-hotel. Drvengrad je za goste otvoren 2004. godine i gotovo odmah je postao jedna od najposećenijih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji. U etno-selu danas ima oko 50 kuća, u centru sela je Trg Nikole Tesle sa Crkvom Sve - tog Save. Sve ulice i kuće nose imena poznatih ličnosti: tu je Mara - donina ulica, bioskop Stenlija Kjubrika, Trg Nikite Mihalkova i Kuća Dostojevskog. Gosti Drvengrada mogu posetiti galeriju ili bioskop, mogu pro - vesti vreme u biblioteci, teretani ili na teniskom terenu, ili uživati u ve - čeri u restoranu sa pogledom na planine. U blizini se nalazi atrak - cija – stanica poznate pruge uskog koloseka „Šarganska osmica“. Gosti Drvengrada mogu posetiti galeriju ili bioskop, mogu provesti vreme u bibli- oteci, teretani ili na teniskom terenu, ili uživati u večeri u restoranu sa pogledom na planine. U blizini se nalazi atrakcija – stanica poznate pruge uskog koloseka „Šarganska osmica“. Unique Drvengrad Drvengrad is an architectural project of Emir Kusturica. Back in the early 2000s, the director found himself in the vicinity of Mećavnik hill, working on the film Life is a Miracle, where he built an entire village for the purpose of the film shoot. Emir was so en - chanted by the surrounding landscape that he decided to turn the set into an ethno-village hotel once shooting had concluded. Drvengrad opened to guests in 2004 and almost instantaneously became one of Serbia’s most popular tourist destinations. The eth- no-village today boasts around 50 houses, with Nikola Tesla Square and the Church of St. Sava at its centre. All streets and houses are named after famous figures: there’s Maradona Street, the Stanley Kubrick Cinema, Nikita Mikhalkov Square and Dostoyevsky House. Drvengrad’s guests can visit a gallery or a cinema, spend time at the library, gym or on the tennis court, or enjoy dinner at a restaurant with mountain view. Located nearby is the attrac- tion of the famous ‘Šargan Eight’ narrow-gauge railway. Drvengrad’s guests can visit a gallery or a cinema, spend time at the library, gym or on the tennis court, or enjoy dinner at a restaurant with mountain view. Located nearby is the attraction of the famous ‘Šargan Eight’ narrow-gauge railway. Jedinstveni Drvengrad Drvengrad je arhitektonski projekat Emira Kusturice. Početkom 2000-ih redi- telj je u blizini brda Mećavnika radio na filmu „Život je čudo“ i izgradio čitavo selo za potrebe snimanje filma. Emir je bio toliko opčinjen okolnim pejzažom da je, ka- da je film bio završen, scenografiju pretvorio u etno grad-hotel. Drvengrad je za goste otvoren 2004. godine i gotovo odmah je postao jedna od najposećenijih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji. U etno-selu danas ima oko 50 kuća, u centru se- la je Trg Nikole Tesle sa Crkvom Svetog Save. Sve ulice i kuće nose imena pozna- tih ličnosti: tu je Maradonina ulica, bioskop Stenlija Kjubrika, Trg Nikite Mihalkova i Kuća Dostojevskog. UNIQUE DRVENGRAD

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