Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

prof. dr Itamar Raz

CuraLin is the first natural supplement that’s scientifically validated by doctors, and endorsed by patients, to aid in the treatment of diabetes. THE FIRST-CATEGORY “SYNERGY OF NATURE AND SCIENCE ” inter- national scientific symposium, held in Belgrade, included the presenting of CuraLin, along with the results of the first ever study to be conducted on a natural supplement for the ma- nagement of type 2 diabetes and published in the world’s most repu- table scientific journals. With more than 400 doctors in attendance, the clinical study was presented by one of today’s lea- ding diabetologists, Professor Ita- mar Raz, MD. Although CuraLin is a natural supplement, the clinical study was conducted with the sa- me scientific rigour as studies for pharmaceutical drugs, ensuring the safety and efficacy of CuraLin. The double-blind, controlled, place- bo clinical study demonstrated that CuraLin, which is composed of ni- ne types of plants, achieves remar- kable results in a short period of ti- me through three mechanisms of action: – stimulating pancreatic beta cells to secrete the natural hormo- ne insulin; – enabling insulin to enter muscle and fat cells; – absorbing insulin in the intesti- nes, confirming that CuraLin addre- sses the root cause of the metabolic disorder, and not just the symptoms. These findings were corrobo- rated at the symposium by nume- rous doctors, professors and aca- demics from Serbia and Southeast Europe, who shared their practi- cal experiences and patient outco- mes. Professor Itamar Raz conc- luded that, in 40 years of dealing with diabetes, he had never befo- re encountered such a natural pre- paration, so safe for health and so effective for helping in the tre- atment of diabetes as CuraLin.


„Curalin“ je prvi prirodni preparat za pomoć u lečenju dijabetesa, naučno dokazan od lekara i potvrđen od pacijenata NA MEĐUNARODNOM NAUČ- NOM SIMPOZIJUMU I KATEGO- RIJE, „SINERGIJA PRIRODE I NA- UKE“ , održanom u Beogradu, predstavljen je „Curalin“ i prikaza- na studija koja je prvi put urađe- na na jednom prirodnom prepara- tu za pomoć u lečenju dijabetesa tip 2 i objavljena u najrespektabilnijim svetskim stručnim časopisima. Pred više od 400 prisutnih lekara klinič- ku studiju je predstavio jedan od naj- većih dijabetologa današnjice, pro- fesor dr Itamar Raz. Iako je u pitanju prirodni preparat, sprovedena je kli- nička studija istim naučnim pristu- pom kao što se sprovode ispitivanja na hemijskim lekovima, čime se po- tvrđuje bezbednost i efikasnost pri- mene „Curalin“ preparata. Duplo slepa, kontrolisana, placebo klinička studija potvrdila je da „Curalin“, sači- njen od devet vrsta biljaka, za kratko vreme postiže fantastične rezultate preko tri mehanizma delovanja: – podstiče beta ćeliju pankre- asa na lučenje prirodnog hormo- na insulina – omogućava insulinu da uđe u mišićnu i masnu ćeliju – apsorbuje insulin u crevima, čime se potvrđuje da „Curalin“ ne

deluje na posledicu, već na uzrok metaboličkog poremećaja Sve to je na Simpozijumu potvr- dio veliki broj lekara, profesora i aka- demika iz Srbije i jugoistočne Evrope ličnim iskustvom u praksi i rezultati- ma kod pacijenata. Profesor Itamar Raz zaključio je da se, za 40 godina bavljenja dijabetesom, nikada ranije nije sreo s takvim prirodnim prepa- ratom, toliko bezbednim po zdravlje i tako efikasnim za pomoć u lečenju dijabetesa kao što je „Curalin“.

www.curalife.rs info@curalife.rs (+381) 011 777 3355; 063 368 778; 069 626 972

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