Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia


pogledu na Pozitano i Kapri. „La Gavitella“ inače slu- ži svežu morsku hranu i jela od paste poput raviola kapreze, a Lopez je odabrala specijalitet šefa kuhinje, linguine sa jastogom. Ali južna Italija je, ne zaboravite, rodno mesto pi- ce, što znači da je obavezna. Svratite do „Criscito’s“ u Prajanu, gde je pica bufalina apsolutno savršena. Lokal „Conca del Sogno“ u Neranu je toliko popularan među selebritijima da paparaci kampuju ispred očekujući da se pojavi Sofija Vergara ili Ketrin Zita Džons. Večeraj- te u „La Caravelli“, porodičnom restoranu sa Mišle- novom zvezdom koji je nekada posećivao Endi Vor- hol. Sufle od limuna, opisan kao „sunce na tanjiru“, slatkiš je koji obuhvata citrusne ukuse ovog regiona. Ako je toplo – zapravo, čak i ako nije – izađite na vodu. Najbolji način da vidite Amalfi obalu je da pro- vedete dan na brodu. Najpopularnije mesto za kupa- nje u regionu je Grota delo smeraldo, ali budite spre- mni na mnogo drugih turista. Ako vam nije do toga, produžite ka Marina di Praja (i obavezno ručajte u re- storanu dok ste tamo). I šoping! Regija Amalfi je poznata po svojim šare- nim, ručno oslikanim stolovima i tanjirima. Prodav- nice keramike su na svakoj kamenitoj ulici – i obave- zno provedite vreme lutajući svakom od njih. Za kraj neka vas nadahne ovaj naš Amalfi „mood- board“ da u svoj svakodnevni stil unesete malo me- diteranskog šika kroz lepršave haljine, torbe od pru- ća i poetično dezeniranih komada koji šapuću „dolce far niente“.

Amalfi je omiljeno stecište holivudskog džet seta, pa u lepotama obale, između ostalih, uživa i Dženifer Lopez Amalfi is a favourite haunt of the Hollywood jet set, so the beauty of the coast is enjoyed by Jennifer Lopez, among others

T he roads unwind poetically, above water in an unreal azure hue, while the ‘spaghetti al- le vongole’ is finger-licking good. In short, la dolce vita and August, as peak season on the Amalfi Coast. You will quickly un- derstand why – and even UNESCO agrees (under the protection of which it has been since 1997). Drive its winding coastal roads, passing the lem- on-scented towns dotting the steep cliffs: Ravello, with its terraced gardens and historic villas; Praiano, a less-visited former fishing village; Positano, with its heritage hotels and other colourful buildings, stretch- ing down to clear turquoise waters and tranquil coves. Few other summer holiday spots have such a repu- tation - this coast has remained forever glamorous, thanks - among other things - to films or the descrip- tions of writers like John Steinbeck. Positano’s popularity was influenced significantly by the eulogies of this American Nobel laureate. Spe- cifically, Steinbeck authored a long essay on Positano for American magazine Harper’s Bazaar in May 1953. He wasn’t exaggerating when he wrote that “Positano leaves a deep impression”. He loved to stay at Le Si- renuse, one of the world’s most famous hotels, which has been owned by the Sersale family since they first opened their home up to the world in 1951. This ho- tel is among the Amalfi Coast’s most iconic destina- tions, and it is so photogenic that people rush here even if they can only afford a cocktail on the terrace WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS… May they come from the Amalfi Coast This idyllic region winds its way flirtatiously around the cliffs of southern Italy, where everything carries the scent of fresh lemons and colours burst across the rocky cliffs...

Leg- end has it that the hero Hercules fell in love with a nymph called

Amalfi. When she died, he want- ed to bury her in what he consid- ered the world’s most beautiful place: the Amalfi Coast, sur- rounded by sea and rocks...

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