Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia




DO YOU KNOW WHAT A WET LEASE IS? When you find yourself aboard an Air Serbia flight, but your plane doesn’t have the airline’s markings, that’s because it’s a flight operated by a partner airline engaged under the wet lease model, i.e. leasing an aircraft complete with its crew AIR SERBIA HAS ALWAYS MAINTAINED A COMMI- TMENT TO IMPROVING THE CONNECTIVITY OF ITS HOME AIRPORT IN BELGRADE WITH CITIES WORL- DWIDE . In order to provide passengers with the greatest possible choice of destinations, an attractive flight sche- dule, and appropriate seating availability on certain ro- utes, the Serbian national airline establishes wet lease partnerships and thus additionally strengthens its opera- tions and network. In tangible terms, this means that a flight is operated by one airline (the lessor) on behalf of another airline (the le- ssee). A large number of the biggest European and wor- ld airlines have applied this kind of business model for ye- ars, due to a significant increase in market demand. Within the scope of wet lease cooperation based on the short- term lease of an aircraft together with its crew, the partner airlines assume full responsibility for selecting and prepa- ring all flight and cabin crew members. The standard rules and procedures for flights operated by Air Serbia are also applied on all flights operated by partner airlines, while the service is also at the same level, though the product offer may differ. According to analysis published in June 2023 by re- nowned portal ch-aviation, which specialises in aviation, the world’s largest users of wet lease services, in terms of number of flights, are SAS Scandinavian Airlines, Swiss, Eurowings, European Air Transport Leipzig, Qantas, TUI Ai- rways, Turkish Airlines, Flynas, Jet2, Condor, Smartwings, Virgin Australia and airBaltic.

Kada se nađete na letu Er Srbije, ali vaš avion ne nosi njene oznake, reč je o letu koji obavlja partnerska avio-kompanija angažovana po modelu „wet lease“, odnosno zakupu aviona sa posadom ER SRBIJA JE ODUVEK BILA POSVEĆENA POBOLJ- ŠANJU POVEZANOSTI MATIČNOG AERODRO- MA U BEOGRADU SA GRADOVIMA ŠIROM SVE- TA . Da bi putnicima ponudila što veći izbor destinacija, atraktivan red letenja, kao i odgovarajuću raspoloži- vost sedišta na određenim linijama, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija sklapa partnerstva o zakupu aviona sa posadom („wet lease“) i time dodatno osnažuje svoje operacije i mrežu. To konkretno znači da let obavlja jedna avio-kom- panija (zakupodavac) u ime druge avio-kompani- je (zakupac). Takav poslovni model već godinama primenjuje veliki broj najvećih evropskih i svetskih kompanija jer je došlo do značajnog rasta tražnje na tržištu. U okviru „wet lease“ saradnje po osnovu krat- koročnog zakupa aviona zajedno sa posadom par- tnerske avio-kompanije nose potpunu odgovornost za izbor i pripremu svih članova letačke i kabinske posa- de na avionima. Na svim letovima koje obavljaju par- tnerske avio-kompanije primenjuju se standardna pra- vila i procedure kao i one na letovima koji se obavljaju avionima Er Srbije; usluga je takođe istog nivoa, ali se ponuda proizvoda može razlikovati. Podaci iz analize koju je u junu 2023. godine obja- vio renomirani portal „ch-aviation“, specijalizovan za avijaciju, pokazuju da su najveći korisnici „wet lease“ usluga u svetu po broju letova bili SAS Scandinavian Airlines, Swiss, Eurowings, European Air Transport Le- ipzig, Qantas, TUI Airways, Turkish Airlines, Flynas, Jet2, Condor, Smartwings, Virgin Australia i airBaltic.

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