Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia


Tri pitanja za...

Tijana Kankaraš, First Officer Three questions for...

Tijanu Kankaraš, kopilotkinju

Koja je letnja destinacija iz mreže Er Srbije vaš izbor ovog vrelog avgusta? – Najlepše letnje destinacije su za mene na hrvat-

Which of the Air Serbia network’s summer desti- nation is your choice for this sweltering August? “The most beautiful summer destinations, for me,

skom primorju, najpre zbog pre- divnih pejzaža koje je moguće videti već iz aviona. Ako moram da izaberem jedan od brojnih gradova do kojih letimo, neka to bude Pula, ona je nestvarno le- pa u ovo doba godine. Dve kapetanice su u ju- lu ušle u istoriju Er Srbije i sve se više žena odlučuje za pilotsku profesiju. Šta vi kažete? – Ponosna sam na svoje ko- leginice, jer su pre svega svojim vrednim trudom i radom došle do tih pozicija. Ohrabrujem što više žena da se odluči na ovaj poziv i da nas u skoroj budućno- sti bude sve više. #girlpower Sećate li se kada ste i ka- ko odlučili da „vozite“ avi- one? – Još od malih nogu volela sam da se oblačim u očevu pi- lotsku uniformu i zamišljala da sedim sa njim u kokpitu svaki put kada bi avion preleteo nebom

are on the Croatian coast, primarily because of the beautiful landscapes that you can already see from the plane. If I must choose one of the nu- merous cities to which we fly, let that be Pula. It is unbelievably beautiful at this time of year.” Two female captains entered the Air Serbia history books this July, while ever more women are choosing to become pilots. What would you say about that? “I’m proud of my colleagues, be- cause they first and foremost rea- ched those positions through great effort and hard work. I would enco- urage as many women as possible to choose this calling and for there to be ever more of us in the near future. #girlpower!” Do you recall when and how you decided that you would “ope- rate” aeroplanes? “I loved dressing up in my fat- her’s pilot’s uniform when I was little, and imagining that I was sitting with him in the cockpit every time a plane

iznad mene. Svoj put u avijaciji sam započela kao deo kabinske posade dok sam uporedo završavala pilotsku akademiju. Tako da sam, moglo bi se reći, od malih no- gu znala čime ću se baviti.

flew overhead. I began my journey in aviation as a mem- ber of the cabin crew, while in parallel completing the pi- lot academy. So, you could say that I knew from a tender age what I would do for a living.”

Od malih nogu volela sam da oblačim očevu pilotsku uniformu I loved dressing up in my father’s pilot’s uniform when I was little

122 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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