Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia


AIR SERBIA WILL FLY BETWEEN BELGRADE AND GUANGZHOU twice a week, on Mondays and Fri- days, with tickets already on sale. “When we established direct fli- ghts between the Republic of Ser- bia and the People’s Republic of China on 9 th December 2022, after a hiatus of over two decades, we once again opened the doors of Asia to passen- gers from the wider Balkan region. This service contributed significantly to bo- osting cooperation and bilateral rela- tions between Serbia and China, po- sitively stimulating economic growth, trade relations, tourism and cultural exchanges. The recently signed ‘Sta- tement on deepening and raising the comprehensive strategic partners- hip and the building of a communi- ty between Serbia and China with a common future in the new era’, as the highest form of cooperation between our two countries, provided additio- nal impetus to launch direct flights to our second destination in the People’s Republic of China. As of 30 th Sep- tember, you will be able to fly directly between Belgrade and Guangzhou with Air Serbia,” said Air Serbia CEO Ji- ri Marek. He added that the Serbian national airline has ongoing negotiati- ons with major Chinese airlines on po- tential cooperation, in order to offer its passengers good connectivity wi- th other cities in the People’s Republic of China and numerous destinations in the Far East and Southeast Asia, as well as Australia. Tesla and Pupin Air Serbia will deploy its long- haul fleet’s Airbus A330-200 aircraft

on the Belgrade-Guangzhou route. The Serbian national carrier already has two aeroplanes of this type, wi- th a third expected to arrive soon. The A330-200 with the code YU-ARB, named after Nikola Tesla, joined the Air Serbia fleet in April 2021, while the ot- her, with the code YU-ARC and na- med Mihajlo Pupin, joined the fleet in November 2022. Expansion of the wi- de-body fleet is one of the main pre- requisites for the further development of Air Serbia’s long-haul traffic. The airport Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is located 28 kilometres from the city centre and is strategically situ- ated between the cities of Renhe, Ba- iyun District, and Xinhua, Huadu Distri- ct. It spans an area of approximately 18 square kilometres. Nearly 80 airlines from over 230 destinations worldwide fly to and from Guangzhou Baiyun Air- port. Guangzhou is an important avia- tion hub for China’s national Belt and Road and the Air Silk Road initiatives, while it is also the main airport in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Gre- ater Bay Area. China’s southern gate Guangzhou is one of the People’s Republic of China’s largest cities and most important centres of trade. Due to its location, this city is often referred to as “China’s southern gate”. Guan- gzhou is a modern and dynamic city, with a rich cultural heritage. It’s old ci-

ty quarters and Canton gardens make it attractive to tourists from all over the world. A particular standout among the city’s numerous temples is the historic Temple of Six Banyan Trees, which provides visitors with the pea- ce and tranquillity of a 1,500-year-old Buddhist shrine. Thanks to a subtropical climate, Guangzhou is blessed with flowers ye- ar-round. So many in fact that it has earned itself the nickname, ‘City of Flowers’. Its striking blooms are cele- brated with the annual Spring Festi- val Flower Fair, when the streets and alleyways are awash with colour and aroma. Guangzhou also has Canton Tower. Once the world’s tallest buil- ding, it stands at a dizzying 600 me- tres tall. Clamber up to its observation deck for a bird’s-eye view of the city, and witness it illuminating the sky at night in all its technicolour glory. Chinese cuisine has many regi- onal styles, but the most renowned is Cantonese, which came out of Guan- gzhou. As a trading port, the city’s cu- isine has been influenced by the avai- lability of meats and ingredients. Beef and chicken stir fries, dim sum and dis- hes seasoned with ginger, chilli and fi- ve-spice powder are particularly po- pular. Given its status as the birthplace of Cantonese cuisine, it’s no surprise that Guangzhou boasts an abundan- ce of restaurants to choose from. The Liwan and Tianhe Districts are great fo- odie areas to visit.

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