Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

Na letu

On board

Zato što otkrivaju, oslobađaju i zbližavaju Because they reveal, liberate and bring us closer ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

– TO JE POSEBNA PRI- ČA. Kada sam imao tri godine, poslali su me samog avionom u Ameriku kod babe i dede, a onda sam se sam i vratio dve godine kasnije. Naravno, sve vreme sam tako usamljen pla- kao tokom oba leta i avion mi je dugo bio simbol tog sećanja iz detinjstva. Ipak, vremenom je postao moje omiljeno mesto, instrument otkrivanja novog, oslobađanja i zbližavanja. Šta uvek nosite sa sobom na let? – Slušalice, laptop, tu su sve- ska i olovka, a ponekad i knjiga. Najčešće slušam muziku, a kada uđem u takvo meditativno sta- nje, ideje se same roje, pa ih on- da zapisujem. Dešava se često da na laptopu završim komplet- ne projekte vizuelnih identiteta tokom leta.

“THAT’S A SPECIAL STORY. When I was three , my parents sent me by plane to America on my own to stay with my grandparents, and then I also returned on my own, two years later. Of course, I felt so lonely that I cried throughout both flights, and aeroplanes long sym- bolised that childhood memory for me. Planes nonetheless grad- ually became my favourite place, an instrument for discovering new things, liberation and bringing us closer together.” What do you always carry with you on a flight? “Headphones, a laptop, a note- pad and pen, and sometimes also a book. I mostly listen to music, and ideas swarm on their own when I enter that kind of meditative state, so I write them down. It often oc- curs that I complete the full visual identity of a project on my laptop during a flight.”

Slavimir Stojanović Futro, grafički dizajner graphic designer

Ko je Futro Jedan je od najistaknutijih grafičkih dizajnera, vizu- elnih umetnika, pisaca, ilustratora i profesora. Prepoznat je i u Srbiji i u svetu, a njegovo ime po- stalo je sinonim za kvalitet u oblasti dizajna i advertaj- zinga. Pored svakodnevnog rada u svom „Futro Design“ studiju na projektima vizu- elnih identiteta za domaće i strane klijente, trenutno radi na knjizi „Logologic“ o me- todama uspešnih vizuel- nih komunikacija, piše dru- gi roman „Deset“, priprema dečju predstavu „Avantu- re Singi Lumbe“ u pozorištu „Duško Radović“ i završava svoj prvi rep album „Futro – Dobro jutro“.

WHO IS FUTRO One of the country’s preeminent graphic designers, visual artists, writers, illustrators and profes- sors. He is recognised in Serbia, but also around the world, and his name has become synon- ymous with quality in the fields of design and advertising. Apart from daily work at his Futro De- sign studio on visual identity pro- jects for local and foreign clients, he is currently working on the book Logologic, addressing suc- cessful visual communications methods, writing his second novel, Deset (Ten), preparing the children’s play The Adventures of Singi Lumbe at the Duško Ra- dović Theatre and finalising his first rap album, entitled “Futro – Dobro Jutro”.

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Jelena Jovanov

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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