Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia



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55 min.

Blue Horizons Blue horizons are located at the bottom of Pržno cove, which is considered one of the most be- autiful in this part of the Luštica peninsula and anywhere on the Montenegrin coast. Located on the open sea and covered wi- th fine sand, this beach’s spe - cial value is represented by oli- ve groves and pine forests that provide shade which is enjoyed by bathers. Shallow waters extend far out to sea, making it a suitable bathing spot for chil- dren and non-swimmers. Queen Beach The town of Miločer is located close to Sveti Stefan and has a large number of rare plants, while its stunning beach is among the most beautiful in the Mediterranean. Queen is a small beach, only around 200 metres in length, fringed by cypress and olive trees, located in front of the former summer residence of King Nikola and named after the fact that it was the favourite holiday home of the Karađorđević royals. This is a great place to rest and enjoy serenity and nature. Perast We’re cheating a little in cla - ssing this slither of pebbles as a beach, but once you’re flo - ating in the water, with a Ve- netian fantasy of a town on one side and the sky-blue-do- med church of Our Lady of the Rocks Islet on the other, you’ll understand why we’ve included it. Perast is among Montene- gro’s most picturesque towns,. There’s a tiny sliver of actual beach, right down at the west end of the town, adjacent to the popular Pirate’s Bar. If you can’t find a spot on the pebbles, the - re are ladders leading directly into the water from the terrace.

Plavi horizonti Ova se plaža nalazi u dnu uvale Pržno, koja se sma - tra jednom od najlepših i na ovom delu poluostrva Luštica i na celom Crnogorskom pri - morju. Na otvorenom moru, sa sitnim peskom, a poseb - nu vrednost čine maslinjaci i borova šuma u čijoj hladovini možete da uživate. Plitko dno seže daleko u more i pogod - no je za decu i neplivače. Kraljičina plaža Grad Miločer se nalazi u bli - zini Svetog Stefana, a sa ve - likim brojem retkih biljaka tu je i prelepa plaža, jedna od najlepših na Mediteranu. Kraljičina plaža je mala, du - ga tek oko 200 metara, sa čempresima i maslinama u zaleđu, smeštena ispred let - nje rezidencije kralja Niko - le, a dobila je ime upravo po tome što je bila omiljena ku - ć a za odmor kraljevske poro - dice Karađorđević . Odlično mesto za odmor i uživanje u tišini i prirodi.

Perast Malo varamo u klasifikovanju ovog komada šljunkovite oba - le kao plaže, ali kada jednom budete plutali u vodi, sa vene - cijanskom fantazijom od gra - da na jednoj i nebeskoplavom kupolom Crkve Gospe od Škr - pjela na drugoj strani, razu - meć ete zašto smo uključili Perast, jedan od najlepših gra - dova Crne Gore. Postoji mali komad prave plaže na zapad - nom kraju grada, pored popu - larnog Piratskog bara. Ako ne možete da pronađete mesto na šljunku, tu su merdevine koje vode direktno u vodu sa terase bara.́

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