Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia



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90 min.

Palmižana, Island of Hvar The Pakleni Islands, scattered like emeralds at the entrance to the port of Hvar, simply en- tice you to “island hop”, and why not explore them all? But be sure to start with the be- autiful Palmižana. Each cove hides a beautiful beach. One of them allows you to isolate yourself completely and shed all unnecessary clothes; ano - ther enables you to dance la- te into the night at a beach party; a third lets you enjoy fantastic seafood and meat specialities, while on the fo- urth you can taste the finest island wines and find shade under aromatic pines. A small yet powerful – and utterly irresistible – islet!

Valovine Pula Ah, Valovine Beach Pula, whe - re do we begin? Imagine a pla- ce where the rocky terrain smo- othly transitions into pebbly expanses, before culminating in the soft touch of sandy sho- res. From sipping chilled coc- ktails at the beach bar to wa-

keboarding like a pro, this top Pula beach offers the comple- te package. And for the cherry on top, it’s a haven for families, thanks to characteristics that ensure the kids can safely build sandcastles and play in the wa- ves, while the adults kick back and soak up the sun.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 29

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