Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia



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Ohladite se na Lidu Venecija nije samo jedan od najromantičnijih gradova na svetu, bogat umetnošć u i kul - turom, već je i grad koji ima privilegovan odnos sa mo - rem. Moguć e je organizovati dan (ili više) na obali, zahva - ljujuć i blizini brojnih plaža na ostrvima Lido i Pelestrina. Lido ima veličanstvenu oba - lu, plaže koje su nagrađe - ne plavom zastavom i ideal - ne su za sve vrste putnika: za one koji vole nezavisnost javne plaže, za one koji vole udobnost opremljene plaže, kao i za ljubitelje sporta ili ronjenja. Lido je takođe ide - alno mesto za porodični od - mor zahvaljujuć i morskom dnu koje nikada nije previše duboko. Postoje tri slobodne zone na Lido di Venecija. Područ - je oko San Nikola, najsever - nijeg dela ostrva, ima divlju plažu sa peščanim dinama. Nalazi se u okviru zaštić e - nog područja prirode, gde se ptice selice zaustavljaju to - kom svog putovanja i pola - žu jaja.

Cool off on Lido di Venezia Venice is not only the most ro- mantic city in the world, rich in art and culture, but it is also a city that has a privileged relati- onship with the sea. It is possi- ble to organise a day (or mo - re) at the seaside, thanks to its proximity to the abundance of beaches on the islands of the Lido and Pellestrina. The Lido has a magnificent co - astline, beaches that have been awarded the blue flag and are ideal for every type of traveller: for those who love the inde- pendence of the public beach, for those who prefer the com- fort of the equipped beach, for sports and diving enthusiasts. It is also ideal for family holi- days thanks to the seabed, whi- ch is never too deep. There are three free zones on the Lido. The area around San Nicolò, the most northerly part of the island, has a wild beach with sand dunes. It is located within a nature protection area, where migratory birds stop du- ring their journey and lay the- ir eggs. For younger people and those not interested in the ser- vices of equipped beaches, the best option is to choose one of the stretches of the Murazzi. But the most distinctive aspe - ct of the Lido waterfront is of- course the traditional huts, ca- bins with verandas and tents that can be used by several fa- milies. Umbrellas and sunbeds can be rented, there are bars and restaurants, beach volleyball and bowling courts and pet-friendly beaches. For those who are looking for absolute silence and want to get away from the crowds of tourists, we recommend goi- ng as far as the island of Pelle- strina. A twelve-kilometre strip of land made up of wilderness and beauty.

Za mlađe ljude i one koji ni - su zainteresovani za usluge opremljenih plaža najbolje je da odaberu jednu od deoni- ca Murazija. Ali najizrazitiji aspekt obale Lida su, narav - no, tradicionalne kolibice sa verandama i šatori koje mo - že da koristi nekoliko porodi - ca. Tu su suncobrani i ležalj - ke, barovi i restorani, tereni za odbojku na pesku i ku - glanje i plaže za kuć ne lju - bimce. Za one koji traže apsolut - nu tišinu na odmoru i žele da pobegnu od turista preporu - čujemo da odu čak do ostrva Pelestrina. To je dvanaest ki - lometara dugačak pojas ze - mlje, divljine i lepote.

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