Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

Emir Kusturica brings talented musicians together in Serbia Emir Kusturica okuplja muzičke talente u Srbiji Emir Kusturica okuplja muzičke talente u Srbiji Emir Kusturica brings talented musicians together

Muzika nam daje priliku da osetimo pravu slobodu / Music provides an opportunity for us to feel real freedom Muzika nam daje priliku da osetimo pravu slobodu / Music provides an opportunity for us to feel real freedom

S vetski poznati srpski filmski reditelj Emir Kustu- rica dolazak jeseni obeležava festivalom klasične muzike „Kustendorf CLASSIC“. Dobitnik dve na- grade na Kanskom festivalu već 11 godina oku- plja mlade izvođače iz Srbije, Belorusije i Rusije u svom selu Drvengrad, u nacionalnom parku Mokra Gora. Oni ne samo da nastupaju na brojnim scenama na festivalu nego i učestvuju u muzičkom takmičenju za osvajanje zlat- nih, srebrnih i bronzanih „matrjoški“, u Srbiji poznatijih pod nazivom – babuške. Po tradiciji, mladi muzičari imaju priliku da na ovom mestu upoznaju eminentne umetnike. Počasni gosti u „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ bili su direktor Marinskog teatra (Sankt Peterburg), dirigent Valerij Gergijev, pijanisti Denis Macujev i Boris Berezovski, bariton Vasilij Gerelo, violinis- ta Nemanja Radulović, korepetitor Roman Simović, violon- čelista Jurij Bašmet i gitarista Geri Lukas. Na glavnom trgu nastupa etno ansambl, na terasi kod restorana šire se zvuci operske arije dok na tremu goste do- čekuju umilne melodije violine i flaute. Kusturica je osnovao „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ 2013. godi- ne uz podršku ruske kompanije „Gasprom njeft“ i za part- nere, a ovaj festival ne priča samo o umetnosti već i o rus- ko-srpskom prijateljstvu. Kustendorf CLASSIC će se ove godine održati u Drvengradu od 31. avgusta do 3. septembra This year’s Kustendorf CLASSIC will be held in Drvengrad from 31st August to 3rd September S vetski poznati srpski filmski reditelj Emir Kustu¬rica dolazak jeseni obeležava fe- stivalom klasične muzike „Kustendorf CLASSIC“. Dobitnik dve na¬grade na Kanskom festivalu već 11 godina oku- plja mlade izvođače iz Srbije, Belorusije i Rusije u svom selu Drvengrad, u nacionalnom parku Mo- kra Gora. Oni ne samo da nastupaju na brojnim scenama na festivalu nego i učestvuju u muzič- kom takmičenju za osvajanje zlatnih, srebrnih i bronzanih „matrjoški“, u Srbiji poznatijih pod na- zivom – babuške. Po tradiciji, mladi muzičari imaju priliku da na ovom mestu upoznaju eminentne umetnike. Poča- sni gosti u „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ bili su direktor Marinskog teatra (Sankt Peterburg), dirigent Va- lerij Gergijev, pijanisti Denis Macujev i Boris Bere- zovski, bariton Vasilij Gerelo, violinista Nemanja Radulović, korepetitor Roman Simović, violon¬če- lista Jurij Bašmet i gitarista Geri Lukas. Na glavnom trgu nastupa etno ansambl, na terasi kod restorana šire se zvuci operske arije dok na tre- mu goste dočekuju umilne melodije violine i flaute. Kusturica je osnovao „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ 2013. godi¬ne uz podršku ruske kompanije „Ga- sprom njeft“ i za partnere, a ovaj festival ne priča sa- mo o umetnosti već i o rusko-srpskom prijateljstvu.

W orld-renowned Serbian film director Emir Kusturica marks the arrival of au- tumn with the Kustendorf CLASSIC fes- tival of classical music. For the past 11 years, this winner of two Cannes Festival awards has been bringing together young musicians from Serbia, Belarus and Russia in his Drvengrad village in Ser- bia’s Mokra Gora Nature Park. Apart from performing on numerous stages at the festival, participants also compete a music competition to win gold, silver and bronze Matryosh- ka dolls, which are better known as ‘babushkas’ in Serbia. The attending young musicians traditionally have op- portunity to meet eminent artists in Drvengrad. Kusten- dorf CLASSIC guests of honour have included the director of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg), conductor Valery Gergiev, pianists Denis Matsuev and Boris Berezovsky, bar- itone Vasily Gerello, violinists Nemanja Radulović and Ro- man Simović, violist Yuri Bashmet and guitarist Gary Lucas. On the main square, an ethno ensemble performs, on the terrace near the restaurant, sounds of opera arias spread, while on the porch, guests are welcomed by sweet melodies of violins and flutes. Kusturica established Kustendorf CLASSIC back in 2013, with the support of Russian company Gazprom Neft, and the partners do not consider this festival as being only about art, but rather also Russian-Serbian friendship. Kusturica established Kustendorf CLASSIC back in 2013, with the support of Russian company Gazprom Neft, and the partners do not consider this festival as being only about art, but rather also Russian-Serbian friendship. W orld-renowned Serbian film director Emir Kusturica marks the arrival of autumn with the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival of classical music. For the past 11 years, this winner of two Cannes Festival awards has been bringing together young musi- cians from Serbia, Belarus and Russia in his Drvengrad village in Serbia’s Mokra Gora Nature Park. Apart from performing on numerous stages at the festival, partici- pants also compete a music competition to win gold, sil- ver and bronze Matryoshka dolls, which are better known as ‘babushkas’ in Serbia. The attending young musicians traditionally have op­ portunity to meet eminent artists in Drvengrad. Kusten­ dorf CLASSIC guests of honour have included the di- rector of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg), conductor Valery Gergiev, pianists Denis Matsuev and Boris Bere- zovsky, baritone Vasily Gerello, violinists Nemanja Rad- ulović and Roman Simović, violist Yuri Bashmet and gui- tarist Gary Lucas. On the main square, an ethno ensemble performs, on the terrace near the restaurant, sounds of opera ari- as spread, while on the porch, guests are welcomed by sweet melodies of violins and flutes.

Kustendorf CLASSIC će se ove godine održati u Drvengradu od 31. avgusta do 3. septembra This year’s Kustendorf CLASSIC will be held in Drvengrad from 31st August to 3rd September

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