Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

Muzika nam daje priliku da pobegnemo od ograničenja i osetimo pravu slobodu. Ta sloboda duha već 11 godina zaredom ispunjava Drvengrad. Emir Kusturica, srpski reditelj, osnivač i direktor festivala „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ Music provides us with an opportunity to escape limitations and feel real freedom. That freedom of spirit has filled Drvengrad for 11 consecutive years. Emir Kusturica, Serbian film director, founder and director of the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival and feel real freedom. That freedom of spirit has filled Drvengrad for 11 consecutive years. Emir Kusturica, Serbian film director, founder and director of the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival Emir Kusturica, Serbian film director, founder and director of the Kustendorf CLASSIC festival Muzika nam daje priliku da pobegnemo od ograničenja i osetimo pravu slobodu. Ta sloboda duha već 11 godina zaredom ispunjava Drvengrad. Emir Kusturica, srpski reditelj, osnivač i direktor festivala „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ Music provides us with an opportunity to escape limitations and feel real freedom. That freedom of spirit has filled Drvengrad for 11 consecutive years. Drvengrad. Emir Kusturica, srpski reditelj, osnivač i direktor festivala „Kustendorf CLASSIC Music provides us with an opportunity to escape limitations Muzika nam daje priliku da pobegnemo od ograničenja i osetimo pravu slobodu. Ta sloboda duha već 11 godina zaredom ispunjava

Jedinstveni Drvengrad Drvengrad je arhitektonski projekat Emira Kusturice. Počet - kom 2000-ih reditelj je u blizini brda Mećavnika radio na filmu „Život je čudo“ i izgradio čitavo selo za potrebe snimanje filma. Emir je bio toliko opčinjen okolnim pejzažom da je, kada je film bio završen, scenografiju pretvorio u etno grad-hotel. Drvengrad je za goste otvoren 2004. godine i gotovo odmah je postao jedna od najposećenijih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji. U etno-selu danas ima oko 50 kuća, u centru sela je Trg Nikole Tesle sa Crkvom Sve - tog Save. Sve ulice i kuće nose imena poznatih ličnosti: tu je Mara - donina ulica, bioskop Stenlija Kjubrika, Trg Nikite Mihalkova i Kuća Dostojevskog. Gosti Drvengrada mogu posetiti galeriju ili bioskop, mogu pro - vesti vreme u biblioteci, teretani ili na teniskom terenu, ili uživati u ve - čeri u restoranu sa pogledom na planine. U blizini se nalazi atrak - cija – stanica poznate pruge uskog koloseka „Šarganska osmica“. Unique Drvengrad Drvengrad is an architectural project of Emir Kusturica. Back in the early 2000s, the director found himself in the vicinity of Mećavnik hill, working on the film Life is a Miracle, where he built an entire village for the purpose of the film shoot. Emir was so en - chanted by the surrounding landscape that he decided to turn the set into an ethno-village hotel once shooting had concluded. Drvengrad opened to guests in 2004 and almost instantaneously became one of Serbia’s most popular tourist destinations. The eth- no-village today boasts around 50 houses, with Nikola Tesla Square and the Church of St. Sava at its centre. All streets and houses are named after famous figures: there’s Maradona Street, the Stanley Kubrick Cinema, Nikita Mikhalkov Square and Dostoyevsky House. Drvengrad’s guests can visit a gallery or a cinema, spend time at the library, gym or on the tennis court, or enjoy dinner Promo » Oglas | 37 Drvengrad is an architectural project of Emir Kusturica. Back in the early 2000s, the director found himself in the vicinity of Mećavnik hill, working on the film Life is a Miracle, where he built an entire village for the purpose of the film shoot. Emir was so enchanted by the surrounding landscape that he decided to turn the set into an ethno-village hotel once shooting had concluded. Drvengrad opened to guests in 2004 and almost instantaneously became one of Serbia’s most popular tourist destinations. The ethno-village today boasts around 50 houses, with Nikola Tesla Square and the Church of St. Sava at its centre. All streets and houses are named after famous figures: there’s Maradona Street, the Stanley Kubrick Cinema, Nikita Mikhalkov Square and Dostoyevsky House. Jedinstveni Drvengrad Drvengrad je arhitektonski projekat Emira Kusturice. Počet - kom 2000-ih reditelj je u blizini brda Mećavnika radio na filmu „Život je čudo“ i izgradio čitavo selo za potrebe snimanje filma. Emir je bio toliko opčinjen okolnim pejzažom da je, kada je film bio završen, scenografiju pretvorio u etno grad-hotel. Drvengrad je za goste otvoren 2004. godine i gotovo odmah je postao jedna od najposećenijih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji. U etno-selu danas ima oko 50 kuća, u centru sela je Trg Nikole Tesle sa Crkvom Sve - tog Save. Sve ulice i kuće nose imena poznatih ličnosti: tu je Mara - donina ulica, bioskop Stenlija Kjubrika, Trg Nikite Mihalkova i Kuća Dostojevskog. Gosti Drvengrada mogu posetiti galeriju ili bioskop, mogu pro - vesti vreme u biblioteci, teretani ili na teniskom terenu, ili uživati u ve - čeri u restoranu sa pogledom na planine. U blizini se nalazi atrak - cija – stanica poznate pruge uskog koloseka „Šarganska osmica“. Gosti Drvengrada mogu posetiti galeriju ili bioskop, mogu provesti vreme u bibli- oteci, teretani ili na teniskom terenu, ili uživati u večeri u restoranu sa pogledom na planine. U blizini se nalazi atrakcija – stanica poznate pruge uskog koloseka „Šarganska osmica“. Unique Drvengrad Drvengrad is an architectural project of Emir Kusturica. Back in the early 2000s, the director found himself in the vicinity of Mećavnik hill, working on the film Life is a Miracle, where he built an entire village for the purpose of the film shoot. Emir was so en - chanted by the surrounding landscape that he decided to turn the set into an ethno-village hotel once shooting had concluded. Drvengrad opened to guests in 2004 and almost instantaneously became one of Serbia’s most popular tourist destinations. The eth- no-village today boasts around 50 houses, with Nikola Tesla Square and the Church of St. Sava at its centre. All streets and houses are named after famous figures: there’s Maradona Street, the Stanley Kubrick Cinema, Nikita Mikhalkov Square and Dostoyevsky House. Drvengrad’s guests can visit a gallery or a cinema, spend time at the library, gym or on the tennis court, or enjoy dinner at a restaurant with mountain view. Located nearby is the attrac- tion of the famous ‘Šargan Eight’ narrow-gauge railway. Drvengrad’s guests can visit a gallery or a cinema, spend time at the library, gym or on the tennis court, or enjoy dinner at a restaurant with mountain view. Located nearby is the attraction of the famous ‘Šargan Eight’ narrow-gauge railway. Jedinstveni Drvengrad Drvengrad je arhitektonski projekat Emira Kusturice. Početkom 2000-ih redi- telj je u blizini brda Mećavnika radio na filmu „Život je čudo“ i izgradio čitavo selo za potrebe snimanje filma. Emir je bio toliko opčinjen okolnim pejzažom da je, ka- da je film bio završen, scenografiju pretvorio u etno grad-hotel. Drvengrad je za goste otvoren 2004. godine i gotovo odmah je postao jedna od najposećenijih turističkih destinacija u Srbiji. U etno-selu danas ima oko 50 kuća, u centru se- la je Trg Nikole Tesle sa Crkvom Svetog Save. Sve ulice i kuće nose imena pozna- tih ličnosti: tu je Maradonina ulica, bioskop Stenlija Kjubrika, Trg Nikite Mihalkova i Kuća Dostojevskog. UNIQUE DRVENGRAD

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