Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

’Kustendorf CLASSIC’ je lepa i dobra zajednička priča. Srbija je za nas bratska zemlja i lepo je što se ovakav festival održava baš ovde. Za mene je to veliki praznik. Valerij Gergijev, dirigent, umetnički direktor Marinskog teatra (Sankt Peterburg) “Kustendorf CLASSIC is a beautiful and positive shared event. Serbia is a fraternal country for us, and it is nice that this kind of festival is held right here. For me, this is a great holiday.” Valery Gergiev, conductor and artistic director of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg)

’Kustendorf CLASSIC’ je lepa i dobra zajednička priča. Srbija je za nas bratska zemlja i lepo je što se ovakav festival održava baš ovde. Za mene je to veliki praznik. Valerij Gergijev, dirigent, umetnički direktor Marinskog teatra (Sankt Peterburg) “Kustendorf CLASSIC is a beautiful and positive shared event. Serbia is a fraternal country for us, and it is nice that this kind of festival is held right here. For me, this is a great holiday.” Valery Gergiev, conductor and artistic director of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg) umetnički direktor Marinskog teatra (Sankt Peterburg) “Kustendorf CLASSIC is a beautiful and positive shared event. Serbia is a fraternal country for us, and it is nice that this kind of ’Kustendorf CLASSIC’ je lepa i dobra zajednička priča. Srbija je za nas bratska zemlja i lepo je što se ovakav festival održava baš ovde. Za mene je to veliki praznik. Valerij Gergijev, dirigent, festival is held right here. For me, this is a great holiday.” Valery Gergiev, conductor and artistic director of Mariinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg)

o! ndorf CLASSIC“ uživa usko-srpskog progra - rom njefta“ pod na - AJEDNO!“ Kompanija d najvećih stranih in - Srbiji i već 15 godina ava projekte iz oblas - brazovanja i očuvanja nasleđa. Glavna inici - rama „ZAJEDNO!“ bila grandioznog mozaika nom simbolu Srbije – tog Save u Beogradu. her dorf CLASSIC en- upport of Gazprom ssian-Serbian pro - entitled “ZAJEDNO!” R!”). This company, mong the top foreign n Serbia, has been projects in the fields education and the on of historical herit- country for the past The “ZAJEDNO!” pro - main initiative was n of a grandiose mo - national symbol of is Belgrade’s Church va.

– „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ je pros- tor u kojem na jednom mestu nastupaju svetske zvezde i ve- oma mladi izvođači, gde se svi zajedno druže. Ovde nema VIP zone i ne ističu se titule – samo sloboda stvaralaštva. To rađa neponovljivu atmosferu praz- nika muzike u okruženju čudes- nog Kusturičinog sela. Za mlade muzičare učešće na festivalu je važna epizoda u njihovoj stva- ralačkoj karijeri, i to utiče na njihov pogled na svet – kaže Aleksandr Dibalj, načelnik departmana za komunikacije kompanije „Gasprom njeft“, po- časni konzul Republike Srbije u Rusiji. “Kustendorf CLASSIC is a place where global stars and very young musicians perform in one place, with everyone socialising together. There is no VIP zone here and no titles are emphasised – only the free- dom of creativity. This creates a unique music festival atmos- phere in the wondrous sur- roundings of Kusturica’s village. For young musicians, participa- tion in the festival marks an im- portant event in their creative career, while it also influences their worldview,” says Alexan- der Dybal, Head of the Gazprom Neft Communications Depart- ment and Honorary Consul of Serbia in Russia.

– „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ je pros- tor u kojem na jednom mestu nastupaju svetske zvezde i ve- oma mladi izvođači, gde se svi zajedno druže. Ovde nema VIP zone i ne ističu se titule – samo sloboda stvaralaštva. To rađa neponovljivu atmosferu praz- nika muzike u okruženju čudes- nog Kusturičinog sela. Za mlade muzičare učešće na festivalu je važna epizoda u njihovoj stva- ralačkoj karijeri, i to utiče na njihov pogled na svet – kaže Aleksandr Dibalj, načelnik departmana za komunikacije kompanije „Gasprom njeft“, po- časni konzul Republike Srbije u Rusiji. “Kustendorf CLASSIC is a place where global stars and very young musicians perform Kustendorf CLASSIC enjoys the support of Gazprom Neft’s Rus- sian-Serbian programme enti- tled “ZAJEDNO!” (“TOGETHER!”). This company, which is among the top foreign investors in Ser- in one place, with everyone socialising together. There is no VIP zone here and no titles are emphasised – only the free- dom of creativity. This creates a unique music festival atmos- phere in the wondrous sur- roundings of Kusturica’s village. For young musicians, participa- tion in the festival marks an im- portant event in their creative career, while it also influences their worldview,” says Alexan- der Dybal, Head of the Gazprom Neft Communications Depart- ment and Honorary Consul of Serbia in Russia. bia, has been supporting pro- jects in the fields of culture, ed- ucation and the preservation of historical heritage in the country for the past 15 years. The “ZA- JEDNO!” programme’s main in- itiative was the creation of a grandiose mosaic in the nation- al symbol of Serbia that is Bel- grade’s Church of Saint Sava. – „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ je prostor u kojem na jednom me- stu nastupaju svetske zvez- de i veoma mladi izvođači, gde se svi zajedno druže. Ovde ne- ma VIP zone i ne ističu se titu- le – samo sloboda stvaralaštva. To rađa neponovljivu atmosfe- ru praznika muzike u okruženju čudesnog Kusturičinog sela. Za mlade muzičare učešće na fe- stivalu je važna epizoda u njiho- voj stvaralačkoj karijeri, i to utiče na njihov pogled na svet – kaže Aleksandr Dibalj, načelnik de- partmana za komunikacije kom- panije „Gasprom njeft“, počasni konzul Republike Srbije u Rusiji.

Zajedno! „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ uživa podršku rusko-srpskog progra - ma „Gasprom njefta“ pod na - zivom „ZAJEDNO!“ Kompanija je jedan od najvećih stranih in - vestitora u Srbiji i već 15 godina ovde podržava projekte iz oblas - ti kulture, obrazovanja i očuvanja istorijskog nasleđa. Glavna inici - jativa programa „ZAJEDNO!“ bila je izrada grandioznog mozaika u nacionalnom simbolu Srbije – Hramu Svetog Save u Beogradu. Together Kustendorf CLASSIC en- joys the support of Gazprom Neft’s Russian-Serbian pro - gramme entitled “ZAJEDNO!” (“TOGETHER!”). This company, which is among the top foreign investors in Serbia, has been supporting projects in the fields of culture, education and the preservation of historical herit- age in the country for the past 15 years. The “ZAJEDNO!” pro - gramme’s main initiative was the creation of a grandiose mo - saic in the national symbol of Serbia that is Belgrade’s Church of Saint Sava. Zajedno! „Kustendorf CLASSIC“ uživa podrš- ku rusko-srpskog programa „Ga- sprom njefta“ pod nazivom „ZAJED- NO!“ Kompanija je jedan od najvećih stranih investitora u Srbiji i već 15 go- dina ovde podržava projekte iz oblas­ ti kulture, obrazovanja i očuvanja isto- rijskog nasleđa. Glavna inicijativa programa „ZAJEDNO!“ bila je izrada grandioznog mozaika u nacionalnom simbolu Srbije – Hramu Svetog Save u Beogradu. TOGETHER Kustendorf CLASSIC enjoys the sup- port of Gazprom Neft’s Russian-Ser- bian programme entitled “ZAJEDNO!” (“TOGETHER!”). This company, which is among the top foreign investors in Serbia, has been supporting projects in the fields of culture, education and the preservation of historical heritage in the country for the past 15 years. The “ZAJEDNO!” programme’s main initiative was the creation of a gran- diose mosaic in the national symbol of Serbia that is Belgrade’s Church of Saint Sava.

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