Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia



Koncert „Bajage i Instruktora“, povodom 40 godina rada, a pod imenom „Samo nam je ljubav potrebna“, održaće se 31. avgusta na beogradskom Ušću. „Najveća nam je želja da ovaj koncert bude ne- zaboravno iskustvo i prilika za uživanje za našu vernu publiku, ali i najlepša muzička razglednica poslata iz Beograda“, kaže Bajaga koji dodaje da su svirali svuda, ali da je uvek najteže u Beogradu jer je tu kod kuće, pa ima i najveću tremu. Sviraće više od uobičajenih dva i po sata jer je, kako kaže, u pita- nju slavljenički koncert. „Instruktori“ vežbaju pesme koje ranije ni- su svirali, a koje svima znače, pa nema nikakve dileme da će se Be- ograđani i gosti prestonice provesti sjajno. U 40 godina stalo je tako mnogo pesama da će Bajaga sigurno otpevati svačiju omiljenu. The Bajaga and the Instructors concert commemorating the 40 th anni- versary of the band’s work, under the title “All We Need is Love”, will take place at Belgrade’s Ušće confluence on 31 st August. “Our greatest wish is for this concert to be an unforgettable experience and a chance for our audience to enjoy, but also the prettiest musical postcard sent from Belgrade,” says Bajaga, adding that the band has performed every- where but always finds it most difficult in Belgrade, because that’s on home soil and thus causes the biggest stage fright. They will perform for longer than the standard two and a half hours be- cause, as he says, this is a celebratory concert. The Instructors are practicing songs they’ve never previously played and that hold mean- ing for everyone, so there’s no doubt that Belgraders and guests of the Serbian capital will have a wonderful time. These 40 years have includ- ed so many songs that Bajaga is certain to sing everyone’s favourite.

Bajaga, ljubav i Ušće Bajaga, love and Ušće

KONCERT / CONCERT Senidah na Tašmajdanu Senidah at Tašmajdan Senida Hajdarpašić, poznata kao Senidah, zakazala je svoj prvi solistički koncert u srp- skoj prestonici na Tašmajdanu 30. avgusta. Poznata po upečatljivom stavu, glasu ko- ji probudi svaku emociju, beskompromisnim tekstovima i specifičnom modnom izrazu, ova talentovana umetnica pokorila je region već sa prvim singlom „Slađana“, koji je obja- vila 2019. godine, a njena jedinstvena kom- binacija R&B-a, trepa i savremenog zvuka brzo ju je lansirala u sam vrh muzičkih lestvi- ca u čitavom regionu. Status vodećeg izvo- đača jugoistočne Evrope i neprikosnovenog inovatora koji prevazilazi okvire žanra Seni- dah je potvrdila i nedavno, novim hit-singlom „Greh“ koji je uradila sa Cazzafurom.

Senida Hajdarpašić, known by the stage name Senidah, has confirmed her first solo concert in the Serbian capital, to be held in Tašmajdan on 30 th August. Renowned for her striking atti- tude, a voice that arouses every emo- tion, uncompromising lyrics and spe- cific fashion style, this talented artist conquered the region with her very first single, Slađana, released in 2019. Her

unique combination of R&B, trap and contemporary sounds quickly propelled her to the top of the charts across the entire region. Senidah recently con- firmed her status as a leading perform- er in Southeast Europe and an unsur- passed innovator who breaks genre boundaries with the new hit single Greh [Sin], which she recorded together with Cazzafura.

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