Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia



„Galerija: Zatvoreno zbog popisa“ / Gallery: Closed for Inventory Kako bi izgledao vaš život kada biste odlučili da ga predstavite kroz slikarska platna? „Vulkan izdavaštvo“ je objavilo novu knjigu proslavljenog putopisca Dušana Miklje – „Galerija: Zatvoreno zbog popisa“, koja se naslovom izdva- ja od svih ostalih u Mikljinom bogatom književnom opusu. Ovaj naslov jeste metafora za prostor pripovedačevog sećanja i imaginacije, u kojem se ne- prestano smenjuju reči i slike, i tako se sustižu prošlost i sadašnjost, stvarno i izmišljeno. Portreti značajnih istorijskih ličnosti, umetnika, slike dalekih i egzo- tičnih predela, prizori u kojima se otkrivaju životi malih ljudi i njihova čudesna lepota, mirisi i ukusi, muzika, smeh... Sve to čini ovu izložbu nesvakidašnjom. How would your life look if you decided to present it through a painting can- vas? Publishing house Vulkan has released the latest book by famous travel writ- er Dušan Miklja, the title of which – Gallery: Closed for Inventory – stands out from all others in Miklja’s rich literary opus. The title is a metaphor for the space of the storyteller’s recollections and imaginings, in which words and images alternate constantly, thus bringing together the past and the present, the real and the im- agined. Portraits of significant historical figures and artists, paintings of faraway and exotic landscapes, scenes revealing the lives of little people and their won- drous beauty, aromas and tastes, music, laughter... These elements all combine to make this exhibition extraordinary.


Filmska magija u Smederevu Movie magic in Smederevo

Sedmo izdanje Međunarodnog filmskog festivala Dunav Film Fest biće održa- no od 20. do 25. avgusta u Malom gradu Smederevske tvrđave. Praznik filma koji već sedmu godinu stavlja Smederevo na mapu festivalskih prestonica premijerno će prikazati najznačajnija ostvarenja podunavske kinematografije. Publika će pod vedrim nebom moći da uživa u preko 30 ostvarenja podeljenih u četiri program- ske celine na četiri atraktivne lokacije u Smederevu. I sedmo izdanje obeležiće zapažena ostvarenja velikih festivala, nagrađivani i filmovi priznatih reditelja, kao i filmovi mladih autora i autorki čije karijere su tek na početku. Dunav Film Fest je takmičarskog karaktera, a nagradu Dunavska lađa za najbolji film u takmičarskoj selekciji dodeljuje stručni žiri sastavljen od renomiranih filmskih profesionalaca. The 7 th edition of the Dunav Film Fest will take place from 20 th to 25 th August in Smederevo Fortress’s ‘Small Town’. This festival, which has placed Smederevo on the map of festival capitals for the past seven years, includes the premiere screen- ings of the most significant achievements of the cinematography of the Danube re- gion. Audiences will enjoy more than 30 films divided into four programme sections at four attractive open-air locations in Smederevo. This 7th edition will be marked by notable creations from major festivals, award-winning films by recognised directors, as well as works of up-and-coming young filmmakers. The festival is competitive and includes the awarding of the Danube Ship Award for the best film, selected by an ex- pert jury comprising renowned film industry professionals.

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