Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

ing for Elevate, Dmitry Zaretskiy, executive director of Honeycomb Live Serbia, the company responsible for organising the concert, says that he’s honoured that his company is the first to bring to Serbia an artist of such talent, with a show of such scope. “This will be unforgettable experience for all fans of Ed Sheeran and music lovers in general. With lights, special effects, a unique production and the specially designed round stage, we are ready to create a unique atmosphere that will propel the concert experience to new heights. We’re really excited to be part of this special event and can hardly wait to share the expe- rience with all of you,” says Zaretskiy. Over the course of the last decade, Sheeran’s om - nipresence has become normal with the average lis- tener, because – whether you like him or not – Ted- dy has obviously come to stay. With his retro style towards music and his fame, and with each new al- bum, his simple lyrics and vivacious style, he has suc- ceeded in winning over a diverse audience that loves all kinds of genres... and Ed Sheeran. It was during his childhood that he discovered his passion for songwriting. Having fallen in love with var - ious artists, like Eminem or Joni Mitchell, he became a regular participant in gigs from the age of 14, on - ly to produce his first album by himself, after leaving school and heading to London to seek his fortune. It wasn’t easy, but the young Ed didn’t lose focus on his goal, even developing a five-point plan – with the idea of releasing five mini-albums, “independent, sing - er-songwriter, folk, live and collaborative”, as he lat - er told MTV. Deciding to try his luck in the States was per - haps the best move of his career. He was spotted by actor Jamie Foxx, who was so impressed that he

helped him to record some tracks and organise a small concert. Joining the story then was also ex - perienced songwriter Amy Wadge, which ensured that Ed returned home invigorated and in high spir - its; and, first and foremost, ready to launch the fi - nal stage of his plan. With the release of the album “+”, marking his proper debut, Sheeran’s meteoric rise to stardom was almost inevitable, thanks part- ly to a subversively shy appearance that’s quite un - conventional in the world of stars. Ed Sheeran probably also isn’t the first person that springs to mind when one thinks of famous sing- er-songwriters. It seems somewhat blasphemous to rank him in the same category as the likes of Bob Dylan or Joni Mitchell. And yet, despite differing markedly, it should be noted that these two formidable artists al - so formed part of the young Ed’s musical upbringing. That’s also why he went back to basics in all his sim - plicity, and succeeded in overcoming the often-sour taste of romance and good old whispers of sweet in- significance with his enviable playing technique. For starters, instead of adopting his generation’s preference for heavier rock music, his training framed him with the classic sensibilities of a singer-songwriter within the framework of pop-oriented hip hop. He was also completely indifferent when it came to the Brit-pop wave that swept the country during the ‘90s. His approachable music, kindly face and flame- red hair have become part of today’s pop culture, but alongside chart-topping hits and mainstream appeal, the key to his success is a genuine, imperfect person- ality, with which he manages to reach the hearts of the widest audience precisely because he is authen- tic and raw. We also hope that Ed won’t disappoint us in Belgrade.

Ceo spektakl obogaćen je video-bimom u obliku oreola, postavljenim iznad glavne bine, uz vatromet i druge pirotehničke efekte Enriching the entire spectacle is a video beam in the form of a halo, placed high above the main stage, as well as fireworks and other pyrotechnic effects

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