Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia


8–10. avgusta Festival će ove godine biti održan od 8. do 10. av- gusta na dobro poznatoj lokaciji u Vrnjačkoj Banji. Na čak pet muzičkih bina, među kojima je i jedna pot- puno nova, stižu legende svetske elektronske scene i najpopularnija imena među kojima su Adam Beyer, dvojac Pan-Pot, Laurent Garnier, Chris Stussy, Trau- mer, Honey Dijon, Ron Trent, Len Faki, Shlomo, Alan Fitzpatrick, Hunee, Gigi Testa i više od 100 izvođača. Slogan „In a Heartbeat“ ove godine služi da mo- tiviše sve fanove da instant, brzo i bez odlaganja od- luče da i ovo leto provedu na jednom od najboljih muzičkih festivala u Evropi. „Lovefest“ je jedinstve- na kulturna platforma iz Vrnjačke Banje koja ima za cilj da promoviše muziku, umetnost i urbanu kultu- ru mladih. Počeo je kao žurka „Love Bridge“ 2007. i nakon samo godinu dana postao jedan od najtraže- nijih muzičkih događaja u centralnoj Srbiji. Na pet muzičkih bina nastupilo je do sada hiljade izvođača iz celog sveta, a festival je zapravo dom kvalitetne elektronske muzike. Jedinstvena lokacija na otvo- renom čini „Lovefest“ onim što je danas: mesto gde se muzika, ljudi i okolina neprimetno stapaju u tri dana nezaboravnog provoda. LOVE FEST

8 th to 10 th August This year’s festival will take place from 8 th to 10 th August at a popular Vrnjačka Banja location. Legends of the world electronic music scene and the most pop- ular names, including Adam Beyer, techno duo Pan- Pot, Laurent Garnier, Chris Stussy, Traumer, Honey Dijon, Ron Trent, Len Faki, Shlømo, Alan Fitzpartick, Hunee and Gigi Testa, as well as more than 100 oth- er artists, are arriving to perform on as many as five stages, including a brand new one. This year’s slogan, “In a Heartbeat”, is intended to motivate all fans of the festival to decide, instant- ly, quickly, and without procrastination, to once again spend the summer at one of Europe’s best music fes- tivals. Lovefest is a unique cultural platform launched from Vrnjačka Banja and aiming to promote music, art and urban youth culture. Initiated in 2007 as the Love Bridge party, it became one of the most popular music events in Central Serbia after just a year. Thousands of performers from around the world have so far per- formed on its five stages, and this festival is actually the home of high-quality electronic music. Lovefest is made what it is today by a unique open-air location: a place where music, people and the environment merge imperceptibly over three days of unforgettable fun.

Na čak pet muzičkih bina stižu legende svetske elektronske scene Legends of the world electronic music scene are arriving to perform on as many as five stages

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