Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia



from 15 th to 18 th August The jubilee 30 th Nišville Jazz Festival takes place from 9 th to 18 th August, with the main programme unfolding at Niš Fortress from 15 th to 18 th . More than 1,000 domes- tic and visiting foreign artists will perform a total of 150 concerts and 300 programmes. Jamaica’s Black Uhuru will perform in Serbia for the first time, while YouTube sensation Brushy One String is also arriving. They will be joined at Niš Fortress by Cuban pianist and singer Ja- ny McPherson, a rising star of Latin jazz music. Famous American trumpeter Theo Croker and his band will open the main programme, along with Brooklyn Funk Essen- tials, one of the world’s best funk bands. The penulti- mate evening of the festival will include the performance of Argentinian singer Karen Souza, while ethno-jazz-fu- sion band Vertigong are also arriving in Niš, from fara- way Indonesia. New York’s Scatter The Atoms That Re- main – a band that’s broadly considered as representing the true inheritor of John Coltrane’s legacy – will perform at this year’s Nišville on Sunday, 18th August, while Ser- bia’s Konstrakta will light up the last day of the festival. The highest-attended jazz festival in Southeast Eu- rope, it has defended European values ​of multicultural- ism since its 1995 establishment, patiently nurturing the refined musical taste of the individual. From the outset, this festival’s concept has been based not primarily on more “traditional” forms of jazz, but rather on the gen- re’s fusion with the ethnic traditions of various parts of the world, and the Balkans in particular.

15–18. avgusta Jubilarni 30. „Nišvil“ džez festival održaće se 9–18, a glavni program 15–18. avgusta 2024. godine u niškoj Tvrđavi. Ukupno 150 koncerata i 300 programa izvešće više od 1.000 domaćih i stranih izvođača. Black Uhu- ru sa Jamajke nastupiće prvi put u Srbiji, a stiže i Ju- tjub senzacija „Brushy One String“. Pored njih, na Niš- ku tvrđavu dolazi i Jany McPherson, zvezda u usponu latino džez muzike, kubanska pijanistkinja i pevači- ca. Čuveni američki trubač Theo Croker nastupiće sa svojim sastavom na otvaranju glavnog programa, kao i jedan od najboljih svetskih fank bendova, američki sastav Brooklyn Funk Essentials. Argentinska pevači- ca Karen Souza pojaviće se pretposlednje večeri festi- vala, a u Niš stiže etno jazz-fusion sastav „Vertigong“ iz daleke Indonezije. Njujorška senzacija „Scatter the Atoms That Remain“ koji se, u širem smislu, smatraju pravim nastavljačima zaveštanja Džona Koltrejna, na- stupiće na ovogodišnjem „Nišvilu“ u nedelju 18. avgu- sta, a poslednjeg dana pevaće i Konstrakta. Najposećeniji džez festival jugoistočne Evrope se od samog osnivanja 1995. godine osim na tradicio- nalnijim formama džeza, zasniva na fuziji ovog prav- ca sa etno-tradicijama različitih delova sveta, a naro- čito Balkana.

Šaban u Nju Orleansu Upravo zahvaljujući „Nišvilu“, u najpoznatijem muzeju džeza, onom u Nju Orleansu, otvorena je izložba o liku i delu Šabana Bajramovića, romskog umetnika i muzi- čara iz Srbije. Postavka pod nazivom „Od siromaha do kralja romske muzike“ moći će da se pogleda sve do kra- ja 2024, a posetiocima se predstavlja razvoj muzičke kari- jere poznatog umetnika, izvori inspiracije za više od 700 pesa-

ma, ali i razlozi zbog kojih se odlučio za bavljenje džez muzikom. Izloženi su lični predmeti Šabana Bajramovića, ploče, posteri sa koncerata, dokumen- tarni film o njegovom životu, kao i njegova originalna statua koju „Nišvil“ džez festival tradicionalno dodeljuje izvođačima za najbolju kombinaciju džeza sa drugim pravcima. ŠABAN IN NEW ORLEANS It is thanks precisely to Nišville that an exhibition on the life and legacy of Šaban Bajramović, a Roma artist and musician from Serbia, has opened at the world’s most famous jazz museum, in New Orleans. The exhibition, entitled “From a Slumdog to the King of Romani Music”, will remain on display until the end of 2024, presenting visitors with the development journey of this famous artist’s musical career, the sources of inspiration for his more than 700 songs, but also the reasons he opted for jazz music. Objects on show include personal items of Šaban Bajramović, vinyl records, concert posters, a biographical documentary, as well as the original statuette of him that is traditionally awarded to Nišville Jazz Festival performers for the best combination of jazz and other genres.

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