Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

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Welcome message

August 2024

Avgust 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

UKOLIKO MAŠTATE O DODIRU SOLI NA KOŽI , mirisu bo- rovine, jedinstvenom zvuku talasa i ritmu omiljene letnje pesme, pozivamo vas da istražite novi broj magazina ko- ji je pred vama. Tu ćete sasvim sigurno pronaći inspiraci- ju za nova putovanja, na koja možete krenuti već danas avionima Er Srbije. Ovaj broj posvetili smo magičnom Jadranu, dragulju re- giona i sinonimu za čisto more, tirkiznoplave boje. To- kom letnje sezone letimo do Tivta, Dubrovnika, Splita, Zadra, Rijeke i Pule, a svaki od tih primorskih gradova odiše posebnim šarmom i bogatim kulturnim nasleđem. Er Srbija leti do još 17 gradova na Balkanu, dajući vam priliku da maštovito isplanirate svoje putovanje. Pred- lažemo da letnju avanturu započnete u Bokokotorskom zalivu, predah od mora pronađete u Mostaru i Saraje- vu, a zatim nastavite ka severu duž Jadranske obale sve do Slovenije. Iz Ljubljane do Beograda možete stići za manje od sat vremena leta. Da li će to biti tačka oda- kle nastavljate letove ka Evropi, Aziji, Africi i Severnoj Americi, ili ćete drumom ka centru Srbije, zavisi isklju- čivo od vaših želja. Ukoliko planirate da bolje upoznate Srbiju, nikako ne smete propustiti omiljene muzičke manifestacije koje se održavaju baš u avgustu. Dragačevska truba u Guči, „Love Fest“ u Vrnjačkoj Banji, „Nišvil“ u gradu na Nišavi i Prva harmonika Srbije u Sokobanji mesta su na kojima će vaše srce udarati u dobrom ritmu. Odvojte vreme da posetite te svojevrsne ambasadore Srbije, koji svake godine na svojstven način promovišu kulturu i tradiciju. Nije lako biti ambasador jedne zemlje, jer ta pozicija nosi izuzetnu odgovornost. Čast i privilegiju da budu ambasadori srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije i cele Srbije imaju naše koleginice i kolege iz kabinske i le- tačke posade. Kada ih sretnete na nekom od naših le- tova, pokloniće vam osmeh, a vi im na isti način uzvra- tite. Neka to bude simbol uspešnog početka svakog vašeg putovanja. Ovog leta prelazite granice, bile one fizičke ili lične. Istra- žujte, igrajte se, radujte. Putujte! Svako putovanje bo- jiće vaš život novim bojama. U našoj mreži trenutno je više od 90 gradova i svaki od njih je na svoj način pose- ban i pravi. Kada poželite nova iskustva, ne odlažite. U samo par koraka na našem veb-sajtu pronađite desti- naciju koja vam greje dušu. Spakujte ranac, najdraže sitnice, najbitnije stvari i letite. I ne zaboravite, „živimo u divnom svetu koji je pun lepote, čari i avantura. Nema kraja avanturi ako je tražimo otvorenih očiju“. Uživajte u letu i srećan put!

IF YOU DREAM OF THE TOUCH OF SALT ON YOUR SKIN , the scent of pine trees, the unique sound of waves and the rhythm of your favourite summer song, we invite you to explo- re this latest issue of our inflight magazine. You will certainly find inspiration for new journeys, which you can embark on with Air Serbia today. We have dedicated this issue to the magical Adriatic Sea, the jewel of the region and a synonym for crystal-clear, turquo- ise waters. During the summer season, we fly to the Adriatic coastal cities of Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, Rijeka and Pula, each of which exudes a special charm and boasts rich cul- tural heritage. Air Serbia also flies to 17 other cities in the Bal- kans, providing you with the opportunity to plan your travels creatively. We suggest that you start your summer adven- ture in the Bay of Kotor, before taking a break from the sea in Mostar and Sarajevo, then continuing northwards along the Adriatic coast all the way to Slovenia. You can fly from Ljublja- na to Belgrade in less than an hour. And it’s entirely up to you whether this will be the point from which you continue your flights to Europe, Asia, Africa or North America, or whether you travel by road to the heart of Serbia. If you plan to get to know Serbia better, you mustn’t miss out on the favourite music festivals held in August. The Gu- ča Trumpet Festival, Vrnjačka Banja’s Lovefest, Nišville in the city on the Nišava, and the First Accordion of Serbia in So- kobanja are places where your heart will beat to a positive rhythm. Take the time to attend these events, which serve as ambassadors of Serbia and which promote culture and tradition in their own special way. It isn’t easy to be a country’s ambassador, as it’s a post that carries exceptional responsibility. Our cabin and flight crew colleagues have the honour and privilege of being am- bassadors of the Serbian national airline and Serbia as a who- le. When you meet them during one of our flights, they will greet you with a smile, and you can respond in kind. Let this symbolise a successful start to every journey. Be sure to cross some borders this summer, whether physical or personal. Explore, play, rejoice. Travel! Every jour- ney will paint your life with new colours. Our network currently connects more than 90 cities, each of which is special and genuine in its own way. When you crave new experiences, don’t hesitate. Find the destination that warms your soul in just a few steps on our website. Pack your backpack, your fa- vourite little things, your essentials, and fly. And remember: “We live in a wonderful world that’s full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have, if only we seek them with our eyes open”. Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



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