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serves and exhibits personal items and stories of symbolically emo- tional value. Items and accounts collected locally are combined with exhib- its from the Museum of Broken Relationships’ international col- lection, thus creating an original and unique setting. They all go on to form part of an authentic archi- val puzzle, continuing to tell their stories around the world. The museum’s first permanent location, in Zagreb, was visited by more than 120,000 people last year alone. With a collection that cur- rently includes around 3,500 ob- jects and stories, the Museum of Broken Relationships has become a veritable treasure trove of emo- tional heritage, a refuge preserv- ing the deep human need for love and connection, despite the com- plexities, disagreements and con- flicts that often seem to shape our world. Apart from the permanent exhibition in Zagreb, the Muse- um of Broken Relationships has spent the past 16 years staging world exhibition tours that strong- ly support the overcoming of ge- ographical and cultural borders, leading countless visitors through a uniquely empathetic journey. Fol- lowing Belgrade, the exhibition of the Museum of Broken Relation- ships will move on to Sardinia and Thailand.

UNIQUE EXHIBITION IN BELGRADE Leave your heart at the museum An ever-increasing collection of items and mementos of past relationships is accompanied by the personal yet anonymous stories of contributors, with the Museum of Broken Relationships offering a chance to overcome emotional breakdowns creatively

A PECULIAR AND VERY SPE- CIFIC COLLECTION OF OBJECTS testifying to broken relationships and broken hearts is now also on show in Belgrade. Until the end of Septem- ber, visitors to the exhibition space of City Museum (Vuka Karadžića 2) can view donated items collected in response to a public call and select- ed as part of the Belgrade exhibition, together with objects from all over the world. Despite being shaped by personal experiences and local cul- ture and history, the displayed ex- hibits form universal patterns that every human being can identify with. What’s it actually about? The Museum of Broken Relationships developed in Zagreb in 2006 as an original art project conceived by Olinka Vištica and Dražen Gru- bišić. The museum has since led thousands of people on an em- pathic world journey, with over 60 travelling guest exhibitions in more than 30 countries across Eu- rope and around the world. An au- thentic, internationally acknowl-

edged museum, its main mission is to connect people worldwide through tales of love and loss. An ever-increasing collection of items and mementos of past re- lationships is accompanied by the personal yet anonymous stories of contributors. And rather than of- fering grief and loss recovery in- structions, this museum offers a chance to overcome emotional col- lapses creatively – by contributing to a universal collection that pre-

Exhibition » Izložba | 71

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