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Kultura Culture


U čemu je tajna Tejlor Svift? / What’s Taylor Swift’s secret?

How did one girl go from a childhood on a Christmas tree farm to selling out arenas worldwide? THE INSPIRATION AND VOICE OF GIRLS AND WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD , Taylor Swift is a fem- inist icon, an activist, a powerful entrepreneur and one of the most prolific songwriters of recent years. The phenom- enon of her personality and work has extended beyond the boundaries of music, even leading to suggestions that her call to voters could determine the outcome of America’s presidential election. What represents the secret of her success probably isn’t easy to discover, but we might find help in the biography Taylor Swift: Era by Era, written by Caroline Sullivan and published by Vulkan. With excellent photographs, this book is one of the most complete por- traits of arguably the planet’s most popular musical artist. She has distinguished herself from others with her unique ability to recognise universal themes and express them through her personal prism. By channelling her emotions into songs, Swift became the voice of her generation; simultaneously a symbol of strength and vulnerability. Having sold more than 200 million albums, she has today become one of the most influential artists and the biggest pop star. Spotify declared her 2023’s most streamed artist globally... As the music jour- nalist author of the biography says herself, this entertaining book follows her from era to era and might be able to shed light on at least part of Swift’s incredible success.

Kako je jedna devojčica od odrastanja na farmi jelki dospela do rasprodatih arena širom sveta? INSPIRACIJA I GLAS DEVOJAKA I ŽENA ŠI- ROM SVETA, Tejlor Svift je feministička ikona, akti- vistkinja, moćna preduzetnica i jedna od najplodnijih tekstopisaca poslednjih godina. Fenomen njenog lika i dela je prešao granice muzike, pa se čak priča o tome da bi njen poziv glasačima mogao da odredi američke izbo- re. U čemu je tačno tajna njenog uspeha, verovatno ni- je lako otkriti, ali bi možda delimično mogla da pomo- gne biografija „Tejlor: Iz ere u eru“ u izdanju „Vulkana“, koju je napisala Kerolajn Salivan. Sa sjajnim fotografi- jama koje pokrivaju celu njenu karijeru, knjiga je jedan od najkompletnijih portreta verovatno najpopularnije umetnice na planeti. Izdvojila ju je jedinstvena sposobnost da prepozna univerzalne teme i da ih iskaže kroz ličnu prizmu. Pre- točivši svoje emocije u pesmu, Tejlor Svift je postala glas jedne generacije, simbol snage i ranjivosti u istom tre- nutku. Prodala je više od 200 miliona albuma, posta- la je jedan od najuticajnijih umetnika svoje generacije, najveća pop zvezda na svetu danas. Spotifaj ju je 2023. proglasio za globalno najstrimovaniju umetnicu... Za- bavna biografija koja je prati iz ere u eru, kako kaže au- torka i novinarka, možda će uspeti da baci svetlo na bar jedan deo neverovatnog uspeha Tejlor Svift.

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