Elevate August 2024 | Air Serbia

Više od 439 hiljada putnika na letovima Er Srbije u junu U junu 2024. godine Er Srbija je u redov- nom i čarter saobraćaju prevezla 439.051 putnika, odnosno 16.688 putnika više ne- go u istom mesecu prošle godine. Sa aero- droma u Beogradu, Nišu i Kraljevu, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija je tokom juna realizovala 4.466 letova, odnosno tri odsto više u odnosu na isti mesec 2023. godi- ne. Na taj način Er Srbija je oborila svoj jun- ski rekord u broju prevezenih putnika i re- alizovanih letova, koji je zabeležen 2023. godine. – Ovo je bio naš najuspešniji jun u proteklih skoro 11 godina. U jeku smo letnje sezone, svakodnevno beležimo visoku popunjenost naših putničkih kabina, pa je očekivano da će rezultati u narednim mesecima biti još bolji – izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor za ko- mercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije. Najtraženije destinacije Er Srbije u junu bi- le su Cirih, Pariz, Barselona, Amsterdam i Frankfurt u zapadnoj Evropi, Podgorica i Ti- vat u regionu, dok su u evromediteranskoj zoni najpopularniji letovi bili do Larnake, Istanbula i Atine. Tokom juna zabeležena je i velika potražnja za letovima do Njujorka u Severnoj Americi.


Air Serbia carried 439,051 passen- gers on its scheduled and charter flights in June, which is 16,688 more passengers than in the same month of last year. The Serbian national carri- er operated 4,466 flights from the air- ports in Belgrade, Niš and Kraljevo dur- ing June, which is 3% more compared to the same month of 2023. Air Ser- bia thus broke its existing June record for passengers carried and flights op- erated, which was set in 2023. “The June that’s behind us was our most successful sixth month in al- most the last 11 years, according to the number of passengers and flights. We

to offer our passengers the best service and to be a reliable partner on their travels. The trust our pas- sengers place in us, by choosing the Serbian national airline as the- ir carrier, proves that our dedication has been recognised, which makes us very happy and proud,” says Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. The Serbian national airline was inducted into the Airline Industry Hall of Fame at the recently held 50 th Air Transport World Awards, in recogniti- on of its achievements and excellen- ce in the commercial aviation indu- stry. The Air Transport World Awards are the most coveted honour an airli- ne or individual can receive, celebra- ting excellence in the air transport industry. Apart from Air Serbia, the ATW inducted five other airlines in- to its Hall of Fame this year: Emirates, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Air Canada and Korean Air. Manager, Commercial & Strategy. Air Serbia’s most popular June desti- nations in Western Europe were Zu- rich, Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam and Frankfurt, while in the region the top destinations were Podgorica and Ti- vat, and the most popular flights in the Euro-Mediterranean zone were to Lar- naca, Istanbul and Athens. Air Serbia’s New York flights were also in high de- mand in June. are in the midst of the summer season and are seeing high load factors on a daily basis, so even better results are expected over the coming months,” said Boško Rupić, Air Serbia General

WHEN IT COMES TO THE NUM- BER OF PASSENGERS TRAN- SPORTED , Air Serbia hit the two-million mark 11 days earlier than in 2023, when it achieved this mi- lestone on 19 th July. Since the start of the year, including the first week of last month, Air Serbia has ope- rated a total of 22,155 flights - 1,713 more than in the same period of 2023, when it had operated a total of 20,442 flights by 8 th July.

“Air Serbia is making better pro- gress each year, as evidenced by the company’s results. In 2022, we carried our two-millionth passen- ger on 5 th October, while last ye- ar we managed to do it two and a half months sooner, on 19 th July, and we’ve now raised the bar even furt- her, carrying our two-millionth pa- ssenger of 2024 on 8 th July. Despi- te the challenges facing the aviation industry this summer, we are trying

Er Srbija je na nedavno održanoj dodeli godišnjih nagrada za postignuća u vazdušnom saobraćaju uvrštena u Kuću slavnih / Air Serbia was inducted into the Airline Industry Hall of Fame at the recent ATW Awards, in recognition of its achievements in commercial aviation

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 79

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