NSLHD News September 26

message FROM the Chief executive Deb Willcox

There has been much to celebrate in the district recently from innovations to anniversaries and launches, and the focus, as always, has been the great care and outcomes of our patients and consumers and the achievements of staff. NSLHD has a long and proud history of being leaders in research, and the launch of the Research Strategy 2019 – 2024 provides us with the opportunity to continue to build on our existing research strengths, support our research endeavours and further establish the district as a research- orientated organisation. I would like to thank all the staff and consumer representatives who have contributed their time and expertise to develop the strategy. I am confident it will deliver on our goal of being a high-performing research organisation that provides best practice healthcare and improves the wellbeing of our community, today and into the future. I encourage all of you to take the time to view the NSLHD Research Strategy and the NSLHD Research Strategy video which can be found on the NSLHD website homepage. A fabulous day was had by more than 100 guests, consumers and staff who came to the Macquarie Hospital’s 60th birthday celebrations. The chapel service, led by the consumers, was warm and heartfelt and encapsulated the spirit of all the wonderful people who make up the hospital’s fabric. Macquarie Hospital has a rich history in NSW for treating consumers with mental health issues and it was lovely to see past and present staff and consumers attend to mark the significant anniversary. I had the pleasure of attending the launch

of Ask the Question campaign, designed to deliver culturally appropriate care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Ask the Question animation is a video aimed at encouraging all staff across NSLHD to understand the importance of identification of consumers and clients of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin. It’s all a part of the District’s Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol team’s efforts with assistance from the Aboriginal Health Unit to understand the importance of asking the question as it is medically relevant. I encourage you to have a look at the great animated video on the NSLHD website homepage. Finally, I would like to thank everyone involved in the development of the Health Information Exchange (HIE) which has gone live. This is the first system of its kind enabling the sharing of key patient information between the Electronic Medical Records systems at NSLHD and Northern Beaches Hospital. This is a fantastic achievement and great collaboration between the district, Healthscope, eHealth NSW and Health Infrastructure. Thank you to all involved and a special thanks to the hundreds of clinicians who worked with us on this project to ensure we provide excellent patient care.

Deb Willcox Chief Executive Northern Sydney Local Health District


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