FLEXIBLE EXTENSION New, flexible extension guide with mechanical adjustment of the extensible drawer/shelf rear stop in 3 different positions. It allows 3 different capacities to be obtained: 50, 75, 100 kg. Patented opening system allowing the user to customise extension and load capacity.

Patented opening system allowing the user to customise ex- tension and load capacity.

92% = 100 kg 96% = 75 kg 100% = 50 kg


New telescopic extension guide (100% extensibility) guarante- eing a capacity of 200 kg in the 10 different dimensions avai- lable for the Master cabinet.

The extensible drawers/shelves of the Master series can be independently fitted with both flexible and telescopic extension guides.


The bar is an aluminium profile section that is always fixed and never rotates. The closing movement is obtained via blocks that move vertically - driven by one of the basic forces of physics: gravity. The simpler the movement, the less likely the possible breaks. Bar locking is obtained via a locking bolt system provided on the bar head.

The height adjustable middle shelves, supported by 4 hooks, are available in slotted versions, to contain partitions, with capacity ranging between 100 and 200 kg, and in non-slotted versions with capacity ranging between 70 and 150 kg. The strengthening shelves, fixed with screws to the upright frames, are the "supporting columns" of the shelving system and vary in number (2-3) in relation to height. 250 kg capacity. The lock shelves, which perform the same load-bearing function as the strengthening shelves, are designed to contain the lock with cylinder or the numerical code lock and support the vertebrate bar. 150 kg capacity ADJUSTABLE SHELVES, STRENGTHENING SHELVES/LOCK SHELVES


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